SUMMARY Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a serious chronic, non-communicable disease that has reached epidemic proportions and is projected to become one of the world’s main disablers and killers within the next twenty five years. Commercial drivers are especially vulnerable due to unhealthy dietary lifestyle and poor health seeking behaviour aided by their job routine. This study assessed the knowledge, attitude, prevalence and practices related to diabetes mellitus among commercial drivers ...
ABSTRACT Prostate cancer (PC) is the most commonly diag Inosed cancer among Nigerian men; yet screening for early detection of the disease is not a common practice. Few studies have documented prostate cancer screening practices and its antecedents among Nigerian men. This study therefore investigated the knowledge and perception of PC and utilisation of prostate cancer screening services among secondary school male teachers in Ibeju-Lekki Local Government Area (ILGA), Lagos State. A descrip...
ABSTRACT Routine Immunization has been a cost-effective public health intervention that significantly reduced morbidities and mortalities associated with VPDs in children. Despite the remarkable improvement in its global coverage, Nigeria is far below the WHO recommendation of 90% which might have contributed significantly to the recent Measles, Pertussis and polio epidemics within the country especially in the North eastern region where insurgency have resulted in the internal displacement ...
ABSTRACT Background: Comprehensive sexuality education is an education approach based intervention that helps provide adolescents in schools with the knowledge and skills on their sexuality. Sexuality education and teenage pregnancies are concepts deeply linked with each other. The importance of ensuring that young people are well informed about their sexuality cannot be over emphasized. This is necessary given the rate at which adolescents are dropping out of school due to teenage ...
Background Tuberculosis is the highest cause of death in persons infected with HIV hence the need for prevention. The gold standard of self- administered isoniazid for 6 to 12 months is effective but adherence is poor and causes more adverse events. Rifapentine plus isoniazid for 3months administered under DOTS have limited treatment duration and may result in higher adherence and reduced adverse events. Objectives To determine the effectiveness of Rifapentine plus Isoniazid compared with i...
The concept of tobacco smoking has various aspects but this research focused on the cigarette kind. The findings showed that a large number of the students had poor or low knowledge of the health risk associated with smoking with students of TSU having means score of 10.16 and those of OOU having a mean score of 5.3 out of 16 point rating scale. The attitude varied based on the particular knowledge they exhibited but due to the poor knowledge the attitude gave room for more practice.
Abstract School Health Program (SHP) is a coordinated activity which contributes to the understanding, maintenance and improvement of the health of school population. Structures for effective school health program has collapsed, teachers and schools are not motivated to implement school health program. This study evaluates the perceived impact of school health program in various secondary schools in the Samaru community, through physical, mental and social wellbeing assessment of the stu...
ABSTRACT The proper handling of medical wastes is very imperative. There are defined set rules for handling medical wastes, unfortunately, laxity and lack of adequate training and awareness in the execution of these rules leads to injuries and diseseses spread by improper handling of these wastes. The study conducted was on management of healthcare wastes in health care facilities in Nakuru east sub-county, Nakuru county. Objectives of the study were to identify major types of wastes generate...
ABSTRACT Vernonia amygdalina leaves, commonly called bitter leaf is widely consumed in Africa especially in Nigeria. The leaf extract has been reported to have prebiotic potentials but limited information is available on the immune-modulatory effects. This study evaluated the immuno-modulatory properties of the leaf extract and identified the prebiotic components. The aqueous extract was separated into fractions by Liquid-liquid fractionation and the prebiotic compounds were identified th...
ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Diabetes Mellitus has proved to become a global public health issue, given the growing burden of the disease (prevalence) and associated metabolic diseases. Empirical evidence from clinical studies demonstrates the influence of insulin biochemistry (parameters) – insulin resistance, insulin secretion and insulin sensitivity – in the development of Diabetes Mellitus; however, the factors underlying the biochemical behaviour these insulin parameters and their associated...
ABSTRACTCyanide toxicity is of public health concern. Cyanide is among the most potent and deadly poisons and sources of potential human exposure to it are numerous, arising through its release into the environment from both natural and anthropogenic sources. Gnetum Africanum (GA) and Ocimum Gratissimum (OG) which contain essential amino acids required to abate cyanide toxicity effects, are widely used local plants for both nutritional and therapeutic purposes in Nigeria. There is dearth of i...