Biochemistry Research Papers/Topics

Molecular Detection Of Banana Viruses In Germplasm From Selected Areas In Kenya

ABSTRACT Banana is a popular and important crop among many communities in East Africa. It is used both as a subsistence and cash crop. Bananas provide a major source of carbohydrates for over 400 million people in tropical countries, about 25% of these being in Africa. In Uganda, Burundi, and Rwanda, banana consumption ranges from 250 to 400 kg per person per year. In Kenya, production stands at around 210,000 metric tonnes annually. However, banana production is threatened by a number of vir...

Prevalence Of Malaria And Selectedarboviral Infectionsin Patients Presenting With Undiagnosed Febrile Illness In Rusinga Island, Kenya

ABSTRACT Onsetof uncomplicated malaria is characterized by fever, headache, joint pains, myalgia and lack of appetite. These non-specific signs and symptoms also presentin patients with arthropod borne viral (arboviral) infections complicate differential diagnoses. The lack of diagnosticsthat can detectarboviral infections in Kenyan public hospitals coupled with malaria diagnostic tools incapable of detecting low Plasmodiumparasitemia,has led to diagnosis based on clinical symptoms only,favou...

Anti-microbial Activity, Toxicity And Chemical Characterization Of Extracts Of Indigofera Lupatana Baker F. Plant

Indigofera lupatana Baker F. (locally known as Mugiti) has been used by Mbeere community of Kenya to treat cough, diarrhea, pleurisy and gonorrhea. These and other infectious diseases are a cause of morbidity and mortality in humans and animals. Their effects are further aggravated by drug resistance. There is also increased emergence and re-emergence of infections from previously harmless micro-organisms, as part of nosocomial and opportunistic infections. This calls for search of new d...

Evaluation Of The Performance Of Bacillus Cereus And Bacillus Subtilis As Test Organisms For Assay Of Tetracyclines And Beta-lactams In Chicken Meat

The uncontrolled and unrestricted use of antimicrobials may lead to the accumulation of undesirable drug residues in the treated animals and their products. To avoid adverse effects from antibiotic residue consumption such as drug resistance, regulations such as maximum residue limits (MRLs), acceptable daily intakes (ADIs) for humans and withholding times for pharmacologically active substances have been set. However, in the Kenyan poultry industry there lacks affordable, easy to perfor...

Transmisibility And Virulence Study Of Drug Sensitive And Resistant Trypanosoma Congolense In Mice

ABSTRACT To enhance our understanding of epidemiology of Trypanosoma congolense infection and to mitigate the development of drug resistance in the field, this study sought to assess whether there is any correlation between sensitivity and/or resistance to drug and virulence, and also to establish the relative efficiency of transmission of drug sensitive and resistant T. congolense by Glossina pallidipes in mice. The other aim was to assess possible molecular changes in T. congolense (savanna...

Transmissibility And Virulence Of Drug Sensitive And Resistant Trypanosoma Brucei Rhodesiense Isolates From Kenya

Trypanosome parasite isolates are routinely collected within Human African Trypanosomiasis foci in the region and cryopreserved in a parasite cryobank at theTrypanosomiasis Research Center of the Kenya Agriculture Research Institute (KARI-TRC).  Investigations were conducted to compare pathogenicity and transmissibility of drug sensitive (KETRI 2427) and resistant (EATRO 237) Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense isolates obtained from the KARI-TRC bank. Glossina pallidipes (tsetse fly vector) ...

Assesment Of Responses To Virus Infections, Beta-Carotene, Zinc And Iron In Orange Fleshed Sweet Potato (Ipomoea Batatas, Lam).

ABSTRACT Sweet potato an ideal tuber crop due to its hardy nature and consistent performance even in stressful growing conditions. Viral diseases such as sweet potato virus disease (SPVD) complex caused by synergistic interaction of Sweet Potato Feathery Mottle Virus and Sweet Potato Chlorotic Stunt Virus are a major cause of yield losses due to lack of resistant varieties. Breeding, promotion and adoption of orange fleshed sweet potato (OFSPs) varieties can be enhanced by identification of v...

Molecular Characterization Of Bacilllus Thuringiensis Strains With Differential Toxicity To Chilo Partellus

Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) is one of more than 20 species of soil growing Bacilli, it is an ubiquitous gram positive, aerobic, spore- forming organism that forms parasporal crystals during the stationary phase of its growth cycle. Bt was initially characterized as an insect pathogen, and its insecticidal activity was attributed largely or completely depending on the insect and the parasporal crystals. This study addressed the need to characterize three Bt isolates with varying levels of...

LARVICIDAL ACTIVITY OF EXTRACTS FROM Lippia kituiensis, Lippia javanica, Phytolacca dodecandra, Pittosphorum viridiflorum AND Synadenium compactum AGAINST Rhipicephalus appendiculatus

Rhipicephalus appendiculatus is a tick that transmit East Coast Fever to livestock. Use of synthetic acaricides for tick control, is limited by high costs, resistance, presence of chemical residues in animal products and environmental pollution. The use of plant-based products as a control strategy is regarded safe, and is widespread among pastoralists in Kenya and other parts of Africa. This study aimed at screening extracts of selected plants against Rhipicephalus appendiculatus larvae...

Studies On The Effects Of Hippopotamus Amphibious Vectored Subsidies On The Ecology Of Aquatic Ecosystem

ABSTRACT A study was conducted along the Great Ruaha River (GRR) at Ruaha National Park (RNP) for a period of two months (November to December 2013) with the main aim of assessing the effects of Hippopotamus amphibious vectored subsidies on the chemistry of river ecosystems and the ecology of aquatic resident within these systems. The study was done by measuring river water nutrients, physical water chemistry parameters, and stable isotope analysis of aquatic consumers. Study sites were iden...

Impact Of Chloroquine Drug Withdrawal On Resistance Of Local Plasmodium Falciparum Malaria Parasites To The Drug In Tiwi And Mbita Towns Of Kenya

ABSTRACT Chloroquine (CQ) drug was replaced in 1998 by Sulfadoxine - Pyrimethamine (SP) and later Artemisinin Based Combination therapy (ACT) as a first-line treatment of uncomplicated malaria in Kenya. This was due to development of resistance to CQ in Plasmodium falciparum Welch, 1897 malaria parasite. This study set out to determine the prevalence of the CQ resistance in malaria endemic Tiwi and Mbita towns of Kenya. Blood sample were collected from out-patient candidates with uncomplicat...

Biochemical Variations In Some Striga Resistant And Susceptible Maize Germplasm

ABSTRACT Rapid human population growth, increased demand for food supplies and intensified land use has led to reduced crop rotation and hence reduction of soil fertility. The decline in soil fertility has in turn intensified the extent of Striga infestation, causing the parasite to become a threat to food production. The Striga species decimates tropical crops such as maize, sorghum, millet, rice and cowpeas. Maize is specifically attacked by Striga hermonthica. In this study, biochemical m...

Molecular Characterization And Pathogenicity Of Melarsoprol Resistant And Sensitive Trypanosoma Brucei Rhodesiense Isolates From Uganda

ABSTRACT Molecular characterization and pathogenicity of two isolates of Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense, one resistant to melarsoprol and the other sensitive to melarsoprol were investigated in Swiss white mice. The two trypanosome populations had been isolated from sleeping sickness patients in Uganda. The study aimed at investigating whether there are any molecular and pathogenesis differences between the two isolates. Each form of parasite was inoculated into eighteen mice at 104 trypanos...

Potential Association Between Tsetse Fly And Its Endosymbionts In B-Vitamins Biosynthesis

ABSTRACT Tsetse flies are the cyclical vectors of African trypanosomes, flagellated protozoa parasites that cause sleeping sickness in man and nagana in cattle, diseases collectively known as African trypanosomiasis. Vector reduction and chemotherapy are the main strategies for controlling trypanosomiasis but their limitations necessitate improvement of current and/or development of novel methods. Tsetse has three maternally transmitted bacterial endosymbionts namely Wigglesworthia, Sodalis ...

Structure Prediction Of Matrix Metalloproteinases In Anopheles Gambiae Using Bioinformatic Tools

ABSTRACT Human malaria is the most important disease in tropical countries in terms of morbidity and mortality. Malaria transmission involves complex interactions between Plasmodium falciparum and Anopheles gambiae. For successful establishment of invasion/infection of the Anopheles gambiae midgut the parasite must overcome the immune responses of the vector. Matrix metalloproteinase (MMPs) are a family of zinc metalloendopeptidases known to disrupt subendothelial membranes, destroy tight ju...

181 - 195 Of 561 Results