Abstract: The advent of Bank Verification Number (BVN) in to our banking sector has brought a prevention of financial ill practices with their mixed feeling to all stake holders. BVNis a new phenomenon in the Nigerian banking sector that prevent fraudulent activities and enhances quality services for profit making.The main objective of this study is to determine the effectiveness of BVN on fraud prevention in the selected banks. Data was collected using a well structure questionnaire which ...
The rationale of the work is viewed from the angle where Total reward and employee engagement has been a weakness to many organizations. Fixed minimum wages, increase in the work loads, downsizing have call for effective use of the employee in attaining the organizational goal, hence employee engagement. To attain the organizational goals the management requires the effort of the talent and the expert in the organization which is impossible without effective total reward practices...
ABSTRACT The study critically analyzed the impact of risk management on the performance of Ashaka Cement Plc. Ashaka cement plc. have made investments in personnel, processes and technology to help control both operational, financial and strategic risk. Historically, this manufacturing industry has focused primarily on manufacturing cement product. Random sampling was used to select 200respondents out of 602 of the total population. The research instruments majorly used included a set of ques...
Abstract Customer contentment and service management is a well-established concept and has long been a topic of high interest in both academia and practice in several areas like marketing, banking, consumer research, economic psychology, welfare-economics, and economics. This paper attempts an examination of service management and customer contentment in a service firms using Keystone Bank Plc, Gombe state as a case study. SERVQUAL model of dimension of service quality is adopted as framewor...
Abstract In today's context, human resources management activities are becoming more crucial due to the employees knowledge about organization activities and the need to increase job performance is important for organisations success, hence employees need to be motivated to actualize this. Motivation is one of the main subjects and concepts in human capital management and many work and writings about it have been introduced by different scientist. However employees motivation is describ...
The paper examined the relationship between lean management and corporate vitality in organizations. The paper noted that lean management is considerably gaining attention among organizational scholars and as a tool for organizational sustainability of which healthy firms can adopt in terms of been proactive to the constraints that arises from the competitive business environments. The problem stated was clearly focused on lean readiness i.e. the unwilling intent of organizational mem...
People at all levels behave and act in different ways intentionally and sometimes unintentionally. The way an individual addresses a situation single-handedly or says in a group or organization is influenced by various factors. This article examines the various ways individuals respond to situations at different times.
This paper tends to look at the impact of the business ecosystem on the performance of small scale businesses in Nigeria which Kwara state ( Offa Lg and Erinle ) were used as a case study.