Table of Content I. Executive Summary 4 II. Introduction 1.Diversity 5 2.Equity 5 3.Inclusion 6 4.COVID-19 Employee Handling 6 III. Analysis i.ITC 7 ii.Airtel 10 iii.SBI 13 IV. Conclusion 16 V. Bibliography Executive Summary When everything is a priority, nothing is a priority. And as executives struggle to make sense of the post-COVID corporate environment, many find themselves driven by this grey area of indecision. Two years ago, relatively few executives saw skills in cris...
INTRODUCTION The issue of materials management and its operational effects in the manufacturing organization is among the last of the specialized business function to centralize and given responsibility and authority of making major contributions to profits. Since the basic goal of any manufacturing company’s activities is the development and manufacturing o products that can be marketed at a profit, this is accomplished by the appropriate blending of what management authorities called the ...
PROPOSAL The importance of consumer satisfaction and retention as a key to business survival can be fully appreciated when one realizes dominant role it plays in the organization (Private and Public sector) and the nation economy at large. Consumer satisfaction is the main stay of an organization in that any firm fails in this area will barely break even. It improves, increases the business activities and promote economic growth. These projects continue five chapters, each chapter concentrat...
TABLE OF CONTENTS Title page Certification i Dedication ii Acknowledgement iii-iv Proposal ...
ABSTRACT The use of computers the world over has changed the way we do many things. The integration of computers in teaching and learning has proved to be a worthwhile experience. This study sought to establish the availability and utilization of computers for teaching and learning Business Studies in public secondary schools in Kajola Local Government, Oyo State. The objectives of this research were: (1) To investigate the availability and accessibility of general purpose of computers to te...
New technologies, global competition, and increased customer demands are forcing organizations to reconsider how they can take advantage of Information Technology (IT) capabilities to better manage their supply chains. To survive and stay ahead in today's competitive world, companies are pushed to their limits in search for organizational skills and technologies. Of those Supply Chain Management and Enterprise Resource Planning are the two most primarily used terms. Supply chain management is...
ABSTRACT This study, the effect of organizational challenges facing owners of medium enterprises in a recessive business environment in Enugu metropolis. The effect of organizational challenges were carefully examine and the aim of the study is to assess the organizational challenges facing owners of the medium scale enterprises in a recessive business environment. The survey research design was adopted and a sample size of 270 (two hundred and seventy) was gotten using Yamene 1964 formula ...
ABSTRACT This study is on performance of indigenous entrepreneur in international business in Coal Camp Enugu. The survey research design was adopted and a sample size of 171 (one hundred and seventy one) was gotten using Taro Yamani formula. Questionnaire were administered to the respondents and 50 was returned, which was used for the analysis. The data for the study was analyzed using simple descriptive statistics of SPSS. Hypotheses were tested using the Chi-square. The study revealed th...
ABSTRACT The topic of this research work is geared towards the impact of small business in Enugu Urban Area of Enugu state. The aim of this study is to examine and identify in detail the problems, prospects, effects and the importance of the development of small business in the area under study. This work has five chapters, with each chapter focusing in a specific objective. Chapter one talks on a brief history of small scale business, chapter two highlights other researcher’s work on smal...
The study was conducted in order to assess effects of computerized accounting systems and financial perfo1mance of commercial banks in Uganda. The study objectively sought to examine the application of computerized accounting systems on the perfom1ance in commercial banks in Uganda, to establish the performance of commercial banks in Uganda and to dete1mine the relationship between computerized accounting systems and pe1formance in commercial banks in Uganda. The literature review was conduct...
ABSTRACT In Congruence, the details of this research paper, note that the most profound and encouraging change in many business is partly due to changes in strategic thinking. Inevitably, strategic analysis and choice remains a concem creating a linkage that had been the SBL and MTN business strategy to enhance optimization and coordination of the company's value chain (products, brands, industry position, and structure) to create trade-off for leveraging the long-te1m strategic posture. In ...
Abstract Information technology is now a basic part of the fabric of every institutional organization. It is almost impossible to find any area of the organization customer service, distribution, finance, marketing or production where strategy, planning and operation do not depend heavily on some aspect of information technology as either a competitive necessity or an opportunity. Designing an Online Patient Record Handling System will improve the general management of Muhimbili National Ho...
This study was carried out with a purpose of establishing the effect of working capital management on growth of business organizations. The study was carried out basing on the following objectives; to establish the effective means of managing working capital, to establish the relationship between working capital and business growth and to examine the different factors that affect business grow. The methodology used both primary and secondary data sources through questionnaires, interview...
ABSTRACT The study was carried to establish the role of customer satisfaction and its effects on sales volume (a case study of Toyota Uganda). it was guided by a number of objectives which were to examine the factors that affect customer satisfaction, to determine ways to improve customer satisfaction, establish factors that determine sales volume, and to establish ways on how to improve sales. The study mainly concentrated on Toyota motor vehicles users. The study focused on Toyota Uganda t...
ABSTRACT In every organization there are certain marketing strategies that should be considered. This is because the performance depends on the strategies chosen. This has always been a problem to some organizations that choose poorly those Strategies. The aim of the objectives is to solve the problems concerning the strategies. Those objectives are as follows. i. To investigate the various marketing strategies offered by Uganda telecom so as to establish a clear picture on the ground. ii. E...