This research set out to examine challenges facing implementation of childrcn·s
right to food in Uganda. with Mbale as the case study. The research analyzed the
legal basis for children·s right to ltmd both at Municipal and international level.
gender roles. control over linancial and physical resources and levels or decision
making in the household and the c!Tcct on fullillmcn1 or child rights.
' '
Data was collected from 116 respondents using both qualitati,'C and quantitative
methods. This was complimented by data from secondary sources. / multi-stage
sampling technique was used in sample selection. The lindings of the study
revealed that culture and poverty greatly inlluence fullillment or the child·s
rights to food.
ltwcstigations into the !'ceding methods or children and child survival rights
re1eal that \omen spent most or their time on prmlucti1c roles and dnmcstic
chores with hardly any ample time lell to prepare gnod quality meals on time for
their children. Infants whose mothers arc caught up with multiple gender roles
,ire introduced to supplements before the age or six months. Findings also reveal
that a child·s right to proper !'ceding and nutrition is inllucnccd by who controls
resources in the household. Men as controllers oC the means 01· production and
incomes make trade-orls between acquiring enough rood or adequate quality
and meeting non-food costs. Sick children arc hardly gi1cn a special nutritious
meal unless they h,l'C railed to cat what is prcn idcd as rrnnily dishes.
The study also 1-c,caled that the high prevalence 01· l llV//lDS in Bugisu Sub
region has Cundamcntally undermined the implemcntatilln or childrcn·s right tu
ltlod. / number or orphaned children arc stunted as a result oC poor reeding
resulting from their precarious status.
Considering the complex nature of poverty in the sub region under study as
indicated in the findings. the researcher recommends a holistic approach that
would require the involvement or all stakeholders including children as social
actors. Specifically. the government and other stakeholders should: Increase
public sensitization. provision of information and training for both adults and
children on child rights to liiod: puhlici/.c and encourage debate on the l IN
committec·s concluding obsenations ,m the report on implementation or the
CRC: Ensure systematic monitoring. evaluation and documentation of examples
of effective programmes addressing gender issues and child rights: and conduct
a child focused budget analysis in order to identify the proportion or national
budgets devoted to rullilling child food rights.
Other recommendations made include. improvement of access to quality
healthcare scn·iccs li1r rnral areas: Invest in labour sm ing technologies to enable
wolllcn have alllple time tu care ltir their children: prm·ide education support
that include better access to vocational skills. leisure and play facilities for
children while at school and subsidize ·other· (non f"ce) school costs li11· the poor
l~1milies.: design gemkr sensitive policies that ,,ill allll\ pregnant girls to
remain in school and complete their education as well as address the greater
burden or care that falls on them. olcn resulting in girls dropping out or school.
and the denial or their rights.
Others arc. rcinfot-ce the capacity or fumilies and comnrnnities to provide
protection and c;1re and de, clop systems that ,,ill strengthen lllonitoring oi"the
status 01· the most , ulncrablc childn:n and in order to prevent exploitation and
abuse: Fully invoh-c children in decisions and actions that affect their lives:
Empower children economically. through ltm11ation or incolllc generating
projects. availing employment oppmtunitics to them to earn income especially those that arc above.
MORAA, M (2021). Implementation Of Children's Right To Food In Uganda: A Case Stljdy Of Mbale District. Afribary. Retrieved from https://afribary.com/works/implementation-of-children-s-right-to-food-in-uganda-a-case-stljdy-of-mbale-district
MORAA, MAKORI "Implementation Of Children's Right To Food In Uganda: A Case Stljdy Of Mbale District" Afribary. Afribary, 11 Jun. 2021, https://afribary.com/works/implementation-of-children-s-right-to-food-in-uganda-a-case-stljdy-of-mbale-district. Accessed 14 Mar. 2025.
MORAA, MAKORI . "Implementation Of Children's Right To Food In Uganda: A Case Stljdy Of Mbale District". Afribary, Afribary, 11 Jun. 2021. Web. 14 Mar. 2025. < https://afribary.com/works/implementation-of-children-s-right-to-food-in-uganda-a-case-stljdy-of-mbale-district >.
MORAA, MAKORI . "Implementation Of Children's Right To Food In Uganda: A Case Stljdy Of Mbale District" Afribary (2021). Accessed March 14, 2025. https://afribary.com/works/implementation-of-children-s-right-to-food-in-uganda-a-case-stljdy-of-mbale-district