78 PAGES (24168 WORDS) Economics Study/Lesson Note

Meaning/definition and scope of labour economics

- Labour economics in perspective

- Labour Market and the economy

Nature of labour problems in developing economies

- The problem of child labour

- Causes of child Labour

- Ways of tackling the problem of child Labour

Labour force - Definition and factors influencing the size and composition of labour force.

- Worker Mobility and turn over

- Sectorial distribution of labour force

- Population growth and its implication on labour force

Concept of unemployment

- Types of Unemployment

- Causes of Unemployment

- The nature of Unemployment in Nigeria

- Consequences of unemployment

- Using monetary policy as a tool in solving the problem of unemployment

Labour demand and labour supply

- Simple model of labour demand

- Elasticities of demand for Labour

- Supply of Labour

- Determinants of the supply of labour

- Determinants of equilibrium of wage rate

Informal and Formal (modern) sectors

Labour market theories

- The role of the theory

- Types of labour market theories

- Classical model of labour market theory

Labour distribution

- Types and factors affecting labour distribution in an economy

- Industrial and occupational distribution of labour

Economics of wage determination

Features of Nigeria labour market

Performance of the Nigeria labour market

Manpower development