15 PAGES (3908 WORDS) Sociology Study/Lesson Note
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Change is a process. Change denotes any alternation, difference or modification that takes place in a situation or in any object through time. It is the universal law of nature. It refers to the difference that exists between the past and the present situation. Change is an “on- going” process, No society remains completely static. Society is subject to constant

changes. The term social change refers to changes taking place in human society. Basically the changes in human inter-actions and inter relations, indicate social change. Society is the net-work of social relationship. Hence, social change obviously implies a change in the system of social relationship. So any difference or any modification or transformation in the established pattern of human interaction and standards of conduct amounts to change.

Abolition of child marriage, inter-caste marriage, and high status to Indian women is some of the important instances of social change.

The meaning of the term “Social Change” can be better understood if we will discuss few definitions formulated by the eminent sociologists.

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