The Relevance of the Academic library in Actualizing an Accreditation Exercise: A Case Study of Michael and Cecilia Ibru University (MCIU) Agbarha-Otor.

This paper examines the process of accreditation exercise in Michael and Cecilia Ibru
University stating the relevance of academic library in actualizing the accreditation exercise,
in compliance to the National Universities Commission’s definition of accreditation. The
focus was on the library holdings, the strength of the library staff. This study seeks to provide
an insight into the accreditation exercise at Michael and Cecilia Ibru University, with a view
to sharing experiences of the library as the integral part of the institution. The paper thus
concluded that if the institution must attain a world class level, there is the need for the library
to be equipped continuously with the necessary resources and facilities so as to go beyond the
present level. The University accreditation status with the NUC is also an affirmation that the
institution is persistently committed to the Commission’s principles and philosophy of