The purpose of this study was to investigate the prevalence and consequences of violence directed at teachers in Senior High Schools in the Wa Municipality. The study adopted an applied research using a cross-sectional survey design. Primary data were collected from a cross-section of teachers in the Wa Municipality. Seventy-seven (77) teachers across different schools were contacted and their ideas used for this survey. The total population of teachers in the selected municipal schools where this research was conducted is one hundred and fifty-two (152) and seventy-seven (77) sample size of respondents. The selection of those schools was purposive; based principally on numerous complaints of violence against teachers. The study utilized a questionnaire to collect data and to elicit information on the characteristics of respondents. Also, instrument-triangulation was applied resulting in the use of both survey questionnaires and unstructured interviews. The data were analyzed using tabulation and charts. Information on demographic characteristics of respondents was analyzed by means of tabulation and charts. Microsoft Excel was used to analyze some of the information. The findings highlighted that teachers experienced violence in a number of different forms ranging from verbal abuse, attacks on internet base platforms, physical abuse, intimidation, threats among others. A number of different perpetrators were found to abuse teachers including students, parents, colleagues, strangers, and others. In accordance with the findings the present research recommends that the Ministry of Education and other relevant agencies should consider as a matter of urgency to establish functional and competent guidance and counseling departments in all secondary schools. Also, teachers should be educated on the need to relate well with their students.