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The Role Of Micro Finance Institutions On Poverty Eradication In Uganda A Case Study Of Finca Uganda

ABSTRACT Is an attempt to give both theoretical and practical analysis of micro finance institute on poverty eradication in Thinker Uganda This project was an attempt to find out a possibility of eradicating poverty among Ugandans. Determine the relationship between Micro finance and the financially institutions/ .. Assess the effects of micro finance institutions in Kumi. The findings are intended to benefit future academies especially KIU business studies, help the organization on how to d...

Effectiveness Of Women Self Help Groups In Poverty Reduction: A Case Of Dodoma Municipality, Tanzania

ABSTRACT In Tanzania, women have limited access to employment o pportunities in the formal sectors. As a result, many have to adopt survival strategies through the informal sector where many operate without the support of extension services or credit. Most of the women don‟t engage in Income Generating Activities (IGA) as they don‟t have sources of capital. Because of lack of source of capital, women have decided to engage in self help groups‟ which offer different kind of services incl...

Factors Contributing To Poverty In Small Scale Mining Areas: A Case Of Msalala District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT The study assessed the factors contributing to poverty in small scale mining areas in Msalala District. Two wards namely Lunguya and Chela with its two mines in village of Nyangalata and Mwazimba were selected as sample sites. A sample of 87 small scale miners and 100 head of households from the two villages were involved in the study. The study consisted of mining officer from Kahama mineral office, one Village Executive Officers (VEO) from each village, one Ward Executive Officer ...

Social Inclusion Through Housing in Post-Independence Zimbabwe. Narratives From Two cities in The Midlands Province.

ABSTRACT  This narrative study on social inclusion through housing in Gweru and Kwekwe cities sought to decipher the exclusivity or inclusivity of housing processes or practices. In theory Zimbabwe post-independence housing policy has given attention to inclusivity of all citizens’ (housing for all) whereas in practice the exclusion of citizens in the provision and delivery of housing is quiet prevalent. The housing processes, practices, models and schemes excludes vulnerable groups such a...

Impact Of Poverty On Academic Performance Of Students Of Simbi Primary School, Ol'lessos Division, Nandi East District, Kenya

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ................................................................................................................ i APPROVAL .................................................................................................................... .ii DEDICATION ............................................................................................................... iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ..................................................................................

Impact Of Poverty On Mangrove Forest Conservation In Coastal Ares Of Zanzibar: Acase Study Of Chwaka Bay

ABSTRACT This study on the impact of poverty on mangrove forest conservation was carried out in Chwaka Bay, Zanzibar. The study involved four villages of Michamvi, Ukongoroni, Chwaka and Charade. The study comprised one hundred respondents. Stratified and simple random samplings were techniques that were used to select one hundred respondents from a total population of 5512 people from the study area. The study used interviews, questionnaire and focus group discussion to collect data from re...

Mid-Point Assessment Of Goal One (Eradicate Extreme Poverty And Hunger) Of Millennium Development Goals In Nigeria: 2000-2007

ABSTRACT This study is being carried to assess the mid-point (2000-2007) achievement of goal one(eradicate extreme poverty and hunger) of Millennium Development Goal in Nigeria. The research is guided by three Hypotheses which are drawn from the Problem statements and objectives of the study. Related literatures are reviewed in the study. The Data are sourced from both the Primary and Secondary sources available. The questionnaire is the only source of primary data collection. The ques...

An Investigation of Poverty Eradication and Women Participation in Community Development of Akalo Sub-County, Apac District Northern Uganda

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION APPROVAL DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT iv ACRONYMS viii CHAPTER ONE 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.0 Introduction 1 1.1 Background of the study 1 1.2 Statement of the Problem 3 1.3 Objectives of the study 4 1.4 Research Questions 4 1.5 Scope of the study 4 1.6 Significance of the study 5 1.7 Theoretical framework 5 1.8 Operational definition of key terms 6 CHAPTER T~~O 8 LITERATURE REVIEW 8 2.0 Introduction 8 2.1 Conceptual framework 8 2.2 Conceptualization of key terms ....

Production And Marketing Of Maize For Poverty Reduction Among Smallholder Farmers In Namtumbo District

ABSTRACT The general objective of this research was to assess the production and marketing of maize for poverty reduction to smallholder farmers in Hanga and Mlilayoyo village in Namtumbo District. The specific objectives included to investigate expenses on major inputs on maize production per acre; to assess the economic relationship between the expenses for agricultural inputs and the output in terms of the value of bags of maize per acre; to identify and analyze maize price setters and de...

The Impact of Poverty and Tourism Development in Kenyan National Parks A Case Study of Masai Mara National Park

TABLE OF CONTENTS Declaration .................................................................................................. .i Approval ...................................................................................................... ii Dedication ................................................................................................. .iii Acknowledgement ....................................................................................... .iv Table of Content ..............

The Effects Of Tourism Investments On Poverty Reduction In Rural Communities In Tanzania: The Case Of Serengeti District

ABSTRACT Tanzania is among the few countries in the world endowed with vast range of tourist attractions. The tourism industry is Tanzania’s greatest success story since the introduction of free market economy in 1990s. Despite its impressive recent economic performance, Tanzania remains a poor country. The purpose of this study was therefore to assess the effects of tourism investments on poverty reduction in rural communities in Serengeti district. The specific objectives were to: identi...


ABSTRACT The main purpose of the study was to examine how governance and poverty reduction have been enhanced through decentralisation, with the view to informing future strategies. The study combined different methodologies including a review of existing and relevant data, and qualitative methods such as focus group discussions, and key informant interviews. Data collected during this study were electronically recorded, transcribed, thematically clustered, and reduced to a useable state. T...

The contribution of community development initiatives tasaf project in poverty reduction: the case of urban west region in zanzibar, tanzania.

ABSTRACT The study on contribution of CDI TASAF in the reduction of poverty was conducted in Zanzibar Urban West Region. Specifically, the study aimed at assessing community awareness on the process of implementation of the TASAF projects; to determine the contribution of TASAF on initiation and implementation of community development initiative (CDI) projects; to determine the contribution of TASAF projects on improving the standard of living of the community and lastly to assess people’s...

The Rela Tionsidp Of Poverty And Secondary Education Attainment. A Case Study Of Pongwe Area- Tanga District Tanga Region Tanzania.

ABSTRACT The study was conducted in Pongwe area. A total of 240 respondents who were drawn from Pongwe residents were selected to participate in the study. The study findings portrayed that the poverty has great impact on education The investigations during the study revealed that the main cause of poverty was lack of employment and other sources of income. This was depicted by 85% of the respondents who said that education was affected by the economic background of the students to large ext...

The Contribution Of The Foundation For International Community Assistance (Finca) Microcredit To Household Poverty Reduction: A Case Of Majengo, Dodoma Urban

ABSTRACT The study investigated the contribution of the Foundation for International Community Assistance (FINCA) microcredit to household poverty reduction; taking Majengo area in Dodoma Municipal as a case study. The researcher used both primary and secondary data collection methods. The study came up with several conclusions. That FINCA offers several services but lending is the highly preferred service. Other services include money transfer, insurance and savings. Moreover, the accessibi...

181 - 195 Of 266 Results