Search Results

Implication of Livestock Rearing on Advancing Household Food Security and Nutrition: A Study of Push-Pull Technology and Livestock Production

Abstract: Livestock rearing link to food security and nutrition is an important aspect to farmers and research institutions. Push-pull technology,an innovation at nternational Centre for Insect Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE), has been distinguished as an advocate to livestock growth and production. This Push-pull novelty follows a chain to income boost and household food purchase power. This study sought to establish the perfect link of Push-pull livestock production to an enhanced household...


This study was done to establish the appropriateness of government and NGOs strategies to improve food security through the production of drought resistant crops in Swaziland. To determine this, analysis was done on the current rural Swazi livelihoods, strategies used by subsistence farmers to cope with hunger, priorities of both subsistence farmers and change agents and the approach used by change agents to fight hunger. Sithobela community was picked as a case study and a total number of 72...


In many low-income developing regions, socioeconomic, climate and demographic, food hygienic factors have been linked to around half of the disease-related deaths that occur each year in the slum area. The purpose of the study is to be aware of hygienic food for mother and their children and find out the government awareness program in the Purba Bania Khamar slums area of the Khulna city of Bangladesh. A community-based survey was carried out in this study. Factors associated with malnutritio...

Consequences of illicit brews on health and family food security in Bungoma county, Kenya’s Bumula and Kanduyi sub-counties.

Abstract Illicit brew accounts for 60% of alcohol drunk in Kenya, with detrimental effects on health and food security. This study aimed to determine health consequences of illicit local brews on household food security was conducted in Bumula and Kanduyi Sub-Counties, Kenya. Correlational survey research design was used. The 726 respondents were sampled by stratified random sampling where household heads and key informants were purposefully sampled. Interviews, structured questionnaires, an...

Smallholder Farmers’ Adoption Decision-making Regarding Soil Erosion Control on Food Security in South Africa

ABSTRACT Background: The objective of this paper was to evaluate how smallholder farmers’ adoption decision-making regarding the control of soil erosion influence food security in South Africa, using the case of farming at Upper and Lower Areas of Didimana, South Africa. Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted on 60 randomly selected farmers. Farmers’ total income was used as a proxy for food security. Data were analysed using the multiple linear regression analysis, because the...

Linking Fermented Foods to Microbial Composition and Valorisation: Blueprint for Kenya

Abstract Sub-Saharan Africa has one of the world’s richest selections of indigenous fermented foods which constitute valuable cultural heritage with significant socio-economic impact. The review provides an in-depth examination of the diversity of indigenous fermented foods of Kenya in the cultural practices context, interlinked microbiome, associated nutritional and food security aspects while positing valorisation perspective. The traditional fermented foods are profiled into five cluste...

Reducing Food Loss and Waste:The Surest Path to Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security.

The article discusses the challenges in the food supply chain systems. It distinguishes between food loss and waste, identify the causes of food loss and waste and suggests the solutions to minimize them. Finally, the article points to the SDG goals which sub-Saharan African Countries will stand to gain if they can effectively appraise these challenges.

Land fragmentation and food security in Ugunja Sub-County, Siaya County, Kenya

Abstract/Overview Globally, land tenure comes in different methods such as inheritance, renting, purchasing and land being offered as gift. Such practices have so far encouraged land fragmentation leading to small holdings which are uneconomical in terms of land use practices resulting into low yields. Such low food productions from small holdings in Ugunja coupled with poor food access from other sub-counties cannot sustain households up to the next harvest hence the problem of severe pe...

Migration, Urbanization And Its Implication On Food Security Among Low Income Households In Manzini City Swaziland

This paper seeks to contribute to recent food security debate. On the basis of field study conducted in three low income areas of Manzini, this study investigated how insufficient food has become a chronic development problem in Africa’s urban area due to rapid urbanization which is eating up the resourceful land and pushing food production further away. Therefore this study was designed to capture the role of migration, urbanization and its implications on food security among the selected ...

Insecurity and Challenges of Human Capital for Sustainable Development in Nigeria: A Graphic Analysis

The security situation in Nigeria appears to be speaking unintelligible language only terrorists and insurgencies can understand that is elusive to conventional security. Without security, a country is at the mercy of innumerable threats, and thus vulnerable, and, most crucially, the human capital for sustainable development becomes a quagmire. This paper however identified human capital as driver of sustainable development and veritable tool for national investment. The expression is that th...

Food without sun: Price and life-saving potential

The sun could be blocked by an asteroid impact, supervolcanic eruption, or nuclear winter caused by burning of cities during nuclear war. The primary problem in these scenarios is loss of food production. Previous work has shown that alternate foods not dependent on sunlight, such as bacteria grown on natural gas, calories extracted from killed leaves, and cellulose turned into sugar enzymatically, could feed everyone in these catastrophes and preparation for these foods would save lives high...

Plant Parasitic Nematodes and Food Security In Sub-Saharan Africa

Abstract: Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) is a region beset with challenges, not least its ability to feed itself. Low agricultural productivity, exploding populations, and escalating urbanization have led to declining per capita food availability. In order to reverse this trend, crop production systems must intensify, which brings with it an elevated threat from pests and diseases, including plant-parasitic nematodes. A holistic systems approach to pest management recognizes disciplinary integrati...

System Dynamics Modeling for Assessing the Impact of COVID-19 on Food Supply Chains: A Case Study of Kenya and Rwanda

Abstract: Disruptions in the food supply chains caused by the COVID-19 pandemic have destabilized the balance between production, supply, transport, distribution, and consumption. Consequently, these disruptions have affected food and nutritional security all over the world. This study proposes a framework for investigating the impact of COVID-19 on food supply chains, considering Eastern Africa as a focus region with Kenya and Rwanda as case studies. A systems thinking approach with three s...

Sorghum production for food security: A socioeconomic analysis of sorghum production in Nakuru County, Kenya

Abstract Kenya’s Vision 2030 identifies agriculture as one of the key sectors to deliver sustainable economic growth and improved livelihoods for the poor in the rural areas. However, the sector continues to face several endemic and emerging constraints that require special attention. During the first two decades after independence, Kenya’s economy grew at an average rate of 6 percent per year and this was substantially driven by a robust agriculture sector. However, until about five yea...

The potential contribution and challenges of edible grasshopper (Ruspolia differens) to food and nutrition security in Uganda- a literature review

Abstract: Insects are being considered a sustainable protein food source for the future to forestall the impending world protein shortage, exacerbated by population growth and climate change. The edible grasshopper Ruspolia differens, a high protein insect traditionally consumed in East Africa- particularly in Central Uganda presents an opportunity for local solutions to food and nutritional security. This literature review consolidates research information, mainly derived from peer reviewed...

16 - 30 Of 98 Results