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Empowerment Of Rural Women Farmers And Food Production In Esan West Local Government Area Of Edo State, Nigeria

Abstract  Agriculture, when properly harnessed, can generate food security. The avenue through which the potentials of agriculture are unleashed to become beneficial to the wellbeing of the people is through food production (Bhargava, 2008; Ojo & Adebayo, 2012). Food production involves the entire circle of agriculture from land preparation, planting and weeding to processing, and serving of food. It is a task that culminates in food security for a nation. Food security refers to a condition...

Environmental Factors Influencing Women Small Scale Farmers’ Adoption Of Conservation Agriculture In Nakuru County, Kenya

This research examines four environmental factors influencing women farmers’ adoption of conservation agriculture (CA) in Nakuru County, Kenya. About 30% of environmental problems in the world, and particularly in the study area emanate from poor agricultural practices. CA is currently being promoted as a better practice than the conventional farming methods because CA has been found to result in optimum agricultural production. In addition to resulting in better agricultural yields, CA pro...


This is an industrial attachment report done at Kenya Marine Fisheries and Research Institute (KMFRI).

Computer Applications in Agricultural Research

Introduction Agriculture Research have benefited from incorporation of technological advances primarily developed for other industries. The industrial age brought mechanization and synthesized fertilizers to agriculture. The technology age offered genetic engineering and automation. The information age brings the potential for integrating the technological and industrial advances into sustainable agriculture production system. The application of the computer in agricu...

Effects of Agricultural Green Revolution on Farmers of Ngoma District, Rwanda

ABSTRACT  In general, green revolution of agriculture began in 1943 in the crop land of Mexico to aid in the nationals’ industrial development and economic growth. In 1984 agriculture green revolution have been advanced in African countries and the progress has been slow. Through the application of agriculture green revolution, in 2009, Rwanda, for the first time, saw the production of crops exceed the consumption needs. Although there is a high production of crops in Rwanda today, particu...

Effects Of Agricultural Green Revolution on Farmers of Ngoma District, Rwanda

ABSTRACT In general, green revolution of agriculture began in 1943 in the crop land of Mexico to aid in the nationals’ industrial development and economic growth. In 1984 agriculture green revolution have been advanced in African countries and the progress has been slow. Through the application of agriculture green revolution, in 2009, Rwanda, for the first time, saw the production of crops exceed the consumption needs. Although there is a high production of crops in Rwanda today, particula...

Revaluation of The Impact of Monetary Policy on Agricultural Output in Nigeria

ABSTRACT This research work is an empirical effort attempted to re-evaluate the impact of monetary policy on agricultural output with annual secondary data from 1980 to 2015 sourced from Central Bank of Nigeria Statistical Bulletin. The ordinary least square techniques was employed for its estimation. The result shows that the independent variables interest rate, cash reserve ratio and deposit money bank credit to agriculture have  significant impact on the Agricultural sector in Nigeria whi...


ABSTRACT The research work on the topic “Improving Agricultural Production Through Cooperative using Enugu North Local Government Area Cooperative as a case of study was carried out survey the programmes and policies constituted by government to mobilize peasant farmers into agricultural cooperative and functional ones more productive as a way of facilitating the attainment of self – sufficiency in agricultural productivity in the country. The general constraints that affect the achieveme...

Mobility And Hiv Risk Among Fishers In Elmina Fishing Community In The Central Region Of Ghana

ABSTRACT Human population mobility has long been strongly linked to high HIV transmission among fishers, and yet little empirical research has been undertaken to establish any inter-connections. This study investigates the relationship between mobility and HIV risks amongst fishers, focusing on fishers in Elmina. The theories used are the Push and Pull Model, Social Control Theory, Health Belief Model, and Theory of Gender and Power. Using a cross-sectional approach which employed mix-methods...

Party Politics and Service Delivery in the Public Sector: A Case of the Ministry of Agriculture, Mechanisation and Irrigation Development

Abstract Most governments in African societies are characterised by failure to address their electoral promises hence the degree of public service delivery is not all inclusive in the sense that it is mainly anchored on political affiliation while marginalising descending voices. It is against this background that this study seeks to assess the effects of party politics on public service delivery in the Ministry of Agriculture, Mechanisation and Irrigation Development. The agricultural sector...

Evaluation of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) on Private Businesses from 1986 – 2017: A Trend Analysis

Gombe 2018 Abstract Most countries strive to attract foreign direct investment (FDI) because of its acknowledged advantages as a tool of economic development. Africa – and Nigeria in particular – joined the rest of the world in seeking FDI as evidenced by the formation of the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD), which has the attraction of foreign investment to Africa as a major component.The main objective of this study is to establish quantitative relationships among the ...

Conflicts Between Forestry and Agricultural Land Uses in Ogun State

ABSTRACT Clash of interests between custodians of government Forest Reserves (FRs) in Ogun State and farmers operating within them, often results in conflicts causing disruption of socio-economic activities and sometimes loss of lives. Information on the causes and effects of these clashes would better inform policy makers and forestry professionals on workable and sustainable land-use practice. Therefore, factors responsible for such conflicts and their effects were investigated. Seven hund...

Urbanization And Agricultural Production: Implications On Household Food Security Among Rural Communities In Enugu State, Nigeria

CHAPTER ONE  1.0          INTRODUCTION  1.1Background of the study  Urbanization is the increasing number of people that live in urban areas, it predominantly results in physical growth of urban areas be it horizontal or vertical.  Urbanization a closely linked to modernization: industrialization and the sociological process of rationalization (Urban Life, 2012).  Urbanization can be describe as a specific condition at a set time i.e. the proportion of total population or area in ci...

Effects Of Agricultural Production On Wetlands: A Case Study Of Koniala Wetland, Kisumu County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of this research is to evaluate the extent to which wetland agricultural production allows the wetland ecosystems of the developing countries to be tempered with due to the increased human activities i.e. agro-production. Similarly, it allows us to establish quantitative relationships between anthropogenic activities and ecological responses. Effect of farming practices on wetlands in Kisumu District was determined through assessment of farmers’ environmental awareness....

The perception of Landmark University students on taking farming as a means of future livelihood

                                                                        ABSTRACT The study was carried out to determine the perception of Landmark University Agricultural Students about farming as a means of future livelihood. A total of 120 students were randomly selected from Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Landmark University, Omu Aran. Structured questionnaire was used to elicit information from them. Data analysis was done using Frequency, pie chart...

331 - 345 Of 986 Results