ABSTRACT This study on the Challenges Facing the Girl Child Education was canied out in marigat zone. Specifically the study aimed at finding out the economic factors affecting the girl child education, identifying the socio-cultural factors that affect girl child education and to find to establish whether there are existing strategies for uplifting girls' education. In order to comprehend the problem of the study, a documentary review of Literature on the economic and socio-cultural factors...
Abstract: Crimean–Congo haemorrhagic fever virus (CCHFV) is the causative agent of CCHF, a fatal viral haemorrhagic fever disease in humans. The maintenance of CCHFV in the ecosystem remains poorly understood. Certain tick species are considered as vectors and reservoirs of the virus. Diverse animals are suspected as amplifiers, with only scarce knowledge regarding rodents in virus epidemiology. In this study, serum samples from febrile patients, asymptomatic livestock (cattle, donkeys, sh...
ABSTRACTThe purpose of this study was to investigate the causers of poveily and school drop out of studentsselected in schools in Aber Sub-county, Oyarn District, Uganda. The specific objectives of thestudy were to find out the cause of school dropout, to find out the impact of poverty on schooldropout and establish solutions to the school dropout problem in Aber Sub-county, Oyarn District,Uganda. The methods used for data collection was interviews for the parents and questionnairesfor teache...
ABSTRACT The main purpose of this study was to identify the effect of educational managers in promoting girl-child education in light of female genital mutilation in Kuria East Sub-county, Migori County. Despite the efforts by NGOs, Education managers, churches and other stake holders in eradicating this practice, Kuria community still persists with FGM thus causing increased deaths, health complications and poor performance in schools in the sub-county affecting the girl-child. The study end...
ABSTRACT· This research evaluates the degree of cultural change in the structure of the family institution among the Yoruba of south west Nigeria. It aims at identifying the trends, patterns and changes in the institution. The value long associated with Africa system of marriage has now been overshadowed by European culture. There have been counter-currents to the Yoruba ideology of kinship and marriage, whi.ch operate to the disadvantage of women, as women now compete with their male count...
ABSTRACT The present study was designed to determine the influence of achievement motivation and demographic characteristics on academic performance of nomadic Fulani primary school girls’ in Adamawa State. The survey and expost-facto designs were employed for the study which used a sample of 300 primary six nomadic Fulani girls from 38 schools. Random sampling technique was used to select the sample. The instruments for data collection were Achievement Motivation Rating Scale (AMRS) and N...
ABSTRACT Background: Outbreaks of Cerebrospinal meningitis, which occur seasonally and periodically continue to be a burden in the African meningitis belt in spite of improved control and preventive mechanisms. Although, immunoprophylaxis remains the most effective strategy to manage meningococcal meningitis, early detection of the causative pathogen could improve the prognosis. However, Hospital (Case) Based Surveillance System (HBSS) is limited at providing information (lags-in-time) on th...
The frequency and severity of cyber- attacks have surged, causing detrimental impacts on businesses and their operations. To counter the ever-evolving cyber threats, there's a growing need for robust risk assessment systems capable of ef ectively pinpointing and mitigating potential vulnerabilities. This paper introduces an innovative risk assessment technique rooted in both Machine Learning and graph theory, which of ers a method to evaluate and foresee companies' susceptibility to ...
ABSTRACT The major purpose of this study was to examine language and gender stereotype in Kiswahili print media in Tanzania as portrayed in gutter newspapers and posters. Specifically, the study examines the linguistic features used to portray gender stereotypes in gutter press and posters, causes of language that portray stereotypes and the impacts of the language that portray stereotypes to the readership. The data were collected through documentary review whereby 56 newspapers with 174 hea...
Title page ........ .DeclarationApproval. ..Dedication .........................Acknowledgment. ..List of tables...List of acronyms/abbreviations ......Abstract. .......... .CHAPTER ONEINTRODUCTION1 0 Background to the study1 1 Statement of the problem .1.2 Objectives of the study1 2.1 The general objective ....1 2 2 The specific objectives ..1.3 Research questions ...1 4 Scope of the study ..1.4.1 The theoretical scope ..... .1 4.2 The geographical scope ..1 5 Significance of the study.CHAPT...
TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION ............................................................................................................... iDEDICATION .................................................................................................................. iiAPPROVAL .................................................................................................................... iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENT .....................................................................................
The study describes how mothers and daughters communicate about sex and sex related matters by focusing on four underlying dimensions – content, style, timing, and frequency of communication. A sequential mixed method research design was utilized to gather data from participants. Data analyses of questionnaires were based on a random sample of 32 mothers and 204 teenage daughters from four secondary schools. Results from analysis of questionnaires revealed that sexual communication among ma...
Abstract The researcher presents an ethnographic study of the hogwana ceremony and tjigubhu dance and songs that are performed by the Bakalanga people of Sigangatsha village in Matabeleland South in Zimbabwe. There is limited literature based on the study hence the researcher developed the concept from a broader view by looking at African traditional ceremonies and music. She then narrowed down to the specific ceremony under discussion. Research questions were formulated in Chapter One and th...
Logotherapy views human beings as unique creations - what is meaningful for one person may not be meaningful to another person. But, our individual differences are just fragments of our common identity, which is our humanness. Logotherapy emphasizes that our humanness is preserved and unifies us as human beings regardless of our individual differences.
ABSTRACT Although there is high enrolment in schools due to F.P.E and F.S.E however, E.F.A remains an uphill task due to school dropout and the challenges of transition from primary to secondary school dropout is as a result of reproductive health related, poverty related, family related, school related and societal courses. Using data from 20 respondents selected from Moya le boys and Moya le girls' secondary schools; five teachers and five students from each school. This repo11 explores the...