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Assessment Of The Impacts Of Climate Variability And Change On Rainfed Cereal Crop Productivity In Central Tanzania

EXTENDED ABSTRACT  Though production of cereal crops in Tanzania could succumb to the projected climate change, research has mainly focused on maize (Zea mays L), the main staple crop for the country, and just little work has been done to analyse climate change impacts specifically on sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L) Moench]. This study analysed the nature and sources of vulnerability on sorghum production by smallholder farmers due to climate variability and change and evaluated possible farm-l...

Causal relationship between world Oil Prices and Agricultural Productivity

This study analyzed the direction of causality between world oil prices and agricultural productivity in selected staple crops in Nigeria. This study explored analysis based on the output and input quantities of the crop sub-sector, which is the dominant sub-sector of the agricultural sector in Nigeria. Secondary data was utilized which were sourced from secondary sources such as the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) and Central Bank of ...

An Impact Assessment of Poverty Reduction Strategies in Kenya: Case Study of Kenya Agricultural and Sustainable Land Management Program (KAPSLM) In Nyandarua County

Abstract: The Government of Kenya has been on the move to eradicate poverty in the country. This has been seen through various Poverty eradication strategies and other papers put in place by the government. This study assesses the impact of Kenya Agricultural Productivity and Sustainable Land Management (KAPSLM) as poverty eradication strategy. It focuses on whether it has created and strengthened the self-sufficiency of smallholders’ rural farmers. It also focuses on whether the innovativ...


Abstract: The study set out to assess determinants of information seeking behavior of vegetable farmers and to identify the source of information for vegetable farmers in Haramaya Woreda, East Harargh zone of Oromia Regional State. The study employed multi-stage sampling procedures to select four Kebele administrations and 150 sample respondents. Primary data for this study were collected using interview schedule. Simple descriptive statistical analyses and an econometric model (Ordered Logi...

The Impact Of Climate Variability On Smallholder Farmers In Zimbabwe: A Case Of Makoni District, Ward 9 (2000-2012)

ABSTRACT The study explores the impact of climate variability on smallholder farmers in Makoni District and in order to gain full appreciation of the problem, the study zeroed down to Ward 9. The research juxtaposed qualitative and quantitative methodologies because the researcher saw the need to refer to statistic and numeric data in form of quantifiable responses whilst on the other hand the research largely aimed at revealing and unearthing perceptions, attitudes, beliefs and opinions of r...

The Effects Of Climate Change On Women In Guruve District

ABSTRACT The thrust of this study was to examine the effects of climate change on women in Guruve district ward 20. Purposive sampling under qualitative research was used to collect data from the targeted population which was women, Agricultural extension officers, the village head and the general populace. Interviews, focused group discussions and observations were the instruments used to collect the data. The researcher found out that climate change has disproportionately affected people in...


ABSTRACT This thesis explores the relationships between commercial data and those obtained from research surveys in an attempt to broaden the database available for management, and to cover seasonal and inter-annual changes in density estimates of Cape hake (Merluccius capensis). It also attempts to explain hake variability of in terms of environmental indices based on satellite remote sensing, carefully chosen to reflect underlying oceanographic processes. The influence of various factors on...

Foreign Direct Investment and Unemployment Rate in Uganda (1991-2017)

ABSTRACT The main purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of foreign direct investment on unemployment rate in Uganda from 1991 -2017. It was driven by two major objectives, which are to investigate if there is casual relationship between foreign direct investment and unemployment rate in Uganda and to examine the effect of foreign direct investment on unemployment rate in Uganda. The study used time series data in between 1991 to 2017 from the World Bank and Uganda Bureau of stat...

Developing a Sourcing and Distribution Strategy for Tieme Ndo Social Enterprise

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Tieme Ndo is a social enterprise startup that supplies farm inputs such as fertilizer, improved seeds and weedicides to rural farmers at Nandom in the Upper West Region of Ghana. The startup is committed to boosting crop yields among rural farmers and empowering them to lift themselves out of poverty. Tieme Ndo started operation last year in May but was not able to supply the right kind of fertilizers, seeds and weedicides to farmers at the right time. Thus, leading to low c...

Employee Training And Performance Of Programme For Agriculture And Livelihoods In Busia County, Kenya.

Employee performance is about the timely, effective and efficient completion of mutually agreed tasks by the employee, as set out by the employer. It is evident that employees are a crucial resource hence it is important to optimize the contribution of employees to the company aims and goals as a means of sustaining effective performance. Better employee performance is realised because of excellent training programs that results to employee inspiration and the fulfilment of their needs. ...

Assessing The Current Status Of Greenhouse Industry In Selected Regions In Ghana

The greenhouse technology is a booming segment of agriculture in the world, because it offers a favorable climate conditions which increase plants growth as the plants are grown in a controlled environment. This research assessed the present conditions of the Controlled Environment Agriculture (CEA) in Ghana and emphasized on issues that are paramount to Greenhouse vegetable production effectiveness. The general objective was to evaluate the current status for greenhouses in Ghana and p...

Cassava Enterprise/ Agribusiness Study in Ifelodun metropolis, Kwara state, Nigeria

CHAPTER ONEINTRODUCTION1.1 Background of Study Nigeria is blessed with abundant natural and human resources, but despite its significant natural resources, majority of the citizens are living below the poverty line. For instance according to WDI, (2015), an estimated 60% of Nigerians live on less than US$1.25 per day. Nigeria was also ranked 91stout of a total of 104 counties on the 2015 Global Hunger Index and 153rdout of a total of 187countries on the 2012 UNDP Human Development Index. Maln...

Effect Of Improved Sweet Potato Varieties On Household Food Security In Bungoma County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Kenya’s Agricultural Sector Development Strategy (ASDS), envisions a food secure and prosperous nation with the overall goal of the agricultural sector to achieve an average growth rate of 7 percent per year. The strategy has, among others, target to reduce food insecurity by 30 percent to surpass the MDGs by the year 2015. About 60 per cent of households in western Kenya live below poverty line an indication of a high proportion of the population without adequate quantity and qua...

Effect Of Value Addition On Income Among Deepening Enterprise Development Groups In Ntchisi District, Malawi

ABSTRACT Agribusiness in Malawi is still in the early stages of development and is associated with insufficient value addition. Farmers‟ ability to produce outputs in quantities and quality forms that are marketable and commercially viable is limited by a number of factors. Lack of sufficient storage and processing facilities as well as inadequate skills are some of the notable constraints. As a way of enhancing the competitiveness of the rural agribusiness actors and ultimately raising th...

Pedological Characterization, Classification And Evaluation Of The Potential For Maize Production Of Solomon Mahlangu Campus Farm Morogoro, Tanzania

EXTENDED ABSTRACT  In Tanzania, limited attention has been channeled towards the assessment of the fertility status of the soils in areas perceived as suitable for agricultural activities, mainly crop production. In the absence of reliable soil fertility data and information, agricultural land use, and in particular crop production has resulted in very low yields of most of the crops, with subsequent land degradation. The Solomon Mahlangu Campus (SMC) farm – Sokoine University of Agricultu...

826 - 840 Of 985 Results