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Study Of The Effect Of Successive Cropping's Of Organic Phosphorus Content Of A Selected Ghanaian Soil Using Four Different Crops

Abstract Phosphorus does occur both in organic and inorganic forms, and a*, relatively large amount is present in organic foraf* Relatively little work has been done on organic phosphorus in Ghanaian soils. Some research workers notably Schollemberger (1920), Dean (1938) and a number of others have found that soils high in organic matte* are also high: in organic phosphorus. Bye and Bertheux (1957) working on Ghanaian soils observed considerably more organic phosphorus in forest soils than in...

Environmental Performance Of Smallholder Organic And Conventional Cotton Production Systems In Meatu, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) is among the most important export crops in Tanzania, contributing directly to peoples‘ livelihood and economic development. Cotton is grown under both conventional and organic farming systems and both farming systems are characterised by low cotton yield. Low fertilizer input use and low fertility contributes to such low yields. A quick solution to address the low cotton yield seems to be enhanced use of fertilizer and pesticide, which is also challe...

Evaluation Ofselected Management Practices Contributing To Primary Soil Greenhouse Gas Fluxes In Smallholder Sugarcane Farming In Lower Nyando, Westernkenya

ABSTRACT Human activities (including agriculture) contribute to enhance release of primary greenhouse gases (GHGs) (CH4, CO2, N2O) into the atmosphere leading to global warming. Sugarcane is an important economic crop in Kenya being third highest contributor to gross domestic product (GDP) after tea and coffee. About 90% of Kenya‘s production is contributed by smallholders. To improve/maximize sugarcane yields, farmers convert natural vegetation to sugarcane farms; apply nitrogen fertilizer...

Determination Of Biodiversity And Symbiotic Efficiency Of Native Rhizobia Isolated From Different Regions In Kenya

ABSTRACT Crop production has continued to decline in sub-Saharan Africa due to soil infertility and increased cost of farm inputs. To enhance food security, farmers have adopted the use of both inorganic and organic fertilizers on their farms. The production and use of inorganic chemical fertilizers are not only expensive for family farming systems but also contribute significantly to environmental pollution. Biological nitrogen fixation using rhizobia has proven to be a cost-effective and en...

Comparative Analysis Of Productivity And Efficiency In Low And High External Inputs Technology Agriculture In Imo State

ABSTRACT The study was designed to compare productivity and efficiency of Low External Input Technology and High External Input Technology Farms in Imo State. Specifically, it aimed at comparing the socio- economic characteristics of the two groups of farmers as well as their productivities, ascertain the factors influencing aggregate and individual resource productivities, determine production efficiency and returns to scale in the two farm types.  The study was conducted in Imo State, Nige...

Impacts Of Traditional Farming Methods On Soil: A Case Study Of Kasameni Division Kwale County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Traditional farming embraces the use of local tools like hoes, jembes, sticks and indigenous farming technology for a wide range of farm operations from land preparation to planting, harvesting, storage and selling the surplus harvests while the impacts of traditional farming include soil degradation, soil erosion and others. This study was therefore to assess the degree of traditional farming and its impacts on soil degradation in Kasemeni division in Kwale County, Kenya. The study ...

Quantification And Simulation Of Organic Carbon Stocks And Fractions Under Different Tillage Systems And Sugarcane Plantation In Soils Of Western Kenya

ABSTRACT Sugarcane farming systems can adversely affect soil properties especially total soil organic carbon stocks (TSOCst) and fractions. This study was carried out in Western Kenya sugar zones to assess impacts of tillage systems (Tractor and Oxen ploughing), and plantation ages (continuous mono-cropping system, more than 20 years, 11 ̶ 20 years, 0 ̶ 10 years) on TSOCst and fractions (particulate soil organic carbon, POC, and the mineral associated soil organic carbon, MOC) in three diff...


Wastewater is made up largely of organic carbon, either in solution or as particulate matter. About 60% is in particulate form, consisting of proteins, amino acids, peptides, carbohydrate, fats and fatty acids. Wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) prevent potential waterborne disease outbreak. This is achieved by the active use of mechanical process and biological process of the treatment plant to treat and convert wastewater into clear effluent that meets specific standard. The effluent water...

Social Networks, Governance And Transaction Costs Effects On Organic Tomato And Sweet Pepper Tourist Hotels Market In Arusha And Unguja

EXTENDED ABSTRACT The objectives of this study were to (i) determine the social networks of the main actors in the organic food value chain in the tourism sector (ii) determine governance in the value chain of organic tomatoes and sweet peppers for the tourism sector in Arusha and Unguja and (iii) to evaluate production and transaction costs of actors in the organic tomatoes and sweet peppers value chain in Arusha and Unguja. The study was conducted in Arusha and Unguja. A preliminary survey...

Phosphate Mobilization by Addition of Organic Acids in Two Soils of The Southern Guinea Savannah of Nigeria

ABSTRACT One mechanism by which plants can mobilize organic and inorganic forms of phosphorus (P) in soils is by exudation of low molecular weight organic acids. Laboratory and field trial were carried out during 2011 and 2012 cropping seasons to study the effects of additions of organic acids ( citric, oxalic and tartaric acids) on the mobilization of phosphate of soils from Minna and Mokwa, both in Southern Guinea Savanna of Nigeria. For initial laboratory studies and prior to field cultiv...

Phosphate Mobilization by Addition of Organic Acids in Two Soils of the Southern Guinea Savanna of Nigeria

ABSTRACT One mechanism by which plants can mobilize organic and inorganic forms of phosphorus (P) in soils is by exudation of low molecular weight organic acids. Laboratory and field trial were carried out during 2011 and 2012 cropping seasons to study the effects of additions of organic acids ( citric, oxalic and tartaric acids) on the mobilization of phosphate of soils from Minna and Mokwa, both in Southern Guinea Savanna of Nigeria. For initial laboratory studies and prior to field cultiva...

Effects of Bending and Stretching on Hybrid Organic- Inorganic Trihalide Perovskite Solar Cells

Abstract In the recent decade, hybrid organic- inorganic trihalide perovskite solar cells have attracted significant interest from the scientific community due to their unique optoelectrical properties, ease and low cost of fabrication. Extensive research has been carried out to understand the electrical and optical properties of this novel material with a view to boosting the efficiency of the system. However, not much has been done to understand the mechanical properties of the system. The...

Characterization of soils in the Gamodubu landfill area in the Kweneng District, Botswana

Abstract: Understanding soil attributes guides arable farming initiatives in many countries, especially developing countries. In this study, soils of the Gamodubu area, in the Kweneng District, Botswana, were analysed to determine their suitability for arable farming. Soil organic matter (SOM) was estimated by determining soil organic carbon (SOC) times a factor. Five samples of soil were collected in the Gamodubu area for evaluation in the laboratory. There was positive correlation between ...

Effect of Different Organic and Inorganic Nitrogen Sources on the Kinetics of the Breakdown of Crude Oil Using Pseudomonas

ABSTRACTThe option of using microbes in the remediation of polluted sited have received wide acceptance due to its sustainability and environmental friendliness. This study is aimed at using the kinetic parameters (Vmax and Km) to assess the effect of organic and inorganic nitrogen sources on the performance of Pseudomonas sp., during the remediation of crude oil polluted sites. The rate of crude oil breakdown was assessed by determining the total petroleum hydrocarbon in the soil (after cont...

Assessment of The Chemical Composition and Pesticide Properties of Cassia Didymobotrya Ash on Myzus Persicae Affecting Tomato Crops in Ishaka

ABSTRACT Background: Myzus pe.rsicae (green peach aphids) are crop pests; they are among the most destructive insect pests on cultivated plants in temperate regions. Many of them are green in color, but others may be white wooly or black (McGravin,1993).Their damage to plants has made farming a complicated venture across the whole world. From the zo9logical standpoint, they are a highly successful group of organisms (Piper, 2007). The study was conducted to evaluate .the chemical composition ...

31 - 45 Of 930 Results