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Impact Of Non Governmental Organisations On Poverty Alleviation In Soroti District: A Case Study Of Temele Development Organisation, Arapai Sub-County

ABSTRACT  The study was carried out in Arapai sub-county, in Soroti district with a major focus on the impact of TEMEDO as an NGO on poverty alleviation in Soroti district, a case study of Arapai sub-county. The general objective of this research was to find out the impact of TEMEDO as a local NGO on poverty alleviation in Arapai sub-county; with specific objectives include; to investigate the socio-economic impact of TEMEDO on alleviating poverty in Arapai sub-county, to find out the challe...


ABSTRACTThe purpose of the study was to establish the impact of Decentralization inpoverty alleviation in Lotuke Sub County, Abim District. The specific objectiveswere to: examine the poverty levels, establish the challenges facingdecentralization in poverty alleviation programmes in improving the livelihood,examine the impact of decentralization in poverty alleviation programmes inimproving the livelihood; and establish the Effective ways of implementingdecentralization programmes in poverty...

Organizational Constraints On Poverty Alleviation Programmes In Enugu State From 1999 – 2009

ABSTRACT The main theme of this study was to carry out a research on “organizational constraints on poverty alleviation programmes in Enugu State from 1999-2009”. In view of this, the study was carried out to address the following questions, namely: what are the bureaucratic obstacles involved in the organizations of poverty alleviation programmes? What poverty alleviation programmes are carried out with contrasting socio-economic and organizational opportunities and constraints? And wha...

Poverty Alleviation Through Land Reform: The Case Of Central Estate Ressettlement In Chirumhanzu 2004-2014

Abstract This study was aimed at finding out whether land resettlement indeed achieved poverty eradication, using the case of Central Estate Resettlement in Chirumhanzu, to ascertain whether or not resettled farmers in Central Estate in Chirumhanzu have managed to eradicate poverty through accessing land and produce cash crops. A couple of literature on sustainable livelihoods, including relevant model, was reviewed focusing on aspects such as community assets, adaptive strategies and technol...

The Influence Of Poverty Alleviation Programme In Improving The Lwelihood In Rural Uganda: A Case Of Kyenjonjo Town Council, Kyejonjo District

ABSTRACT The study focuses on the influence of poverty alleviation programs on improving the live hoods on the rural population in Kyejonjo district. It was noted that the rural population depend on agricultural sector and research findings noted that Agricultural growth is seen to benefit farm households due to poverty alleviation programs in rural live hoods directly by raising incomes and food security, but also to benefit both urban and rural households by promoting higher wages, lowering...

The Role Of Migowe Towards Rural Poverty Alleviation In Njombe District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Poverty alleviation is the most urgent task facing humanity today. It is a challenge that no country, developed or developing can forego. The characteristics of rural and urban poverty are quite different. In order to reduce rural poverty in Tanzania, improvement in farm incomes of majority of the rural population is necessary. One of the strategies which can be used as an intervention to alleviate poverty is Migowe. This study therefore, was designed to investigate the role played ...

The Role of the Media in Rural Poverty Alleviation

TABLE OF CONTENTSDeclaration ... ............. .................... ...... .................. ....... ................ .iApproval...... ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iiDedication ............ .. ................................................ .......... ........... .iiiAcknowledgment. ........................................................................... viAbstra...

The Contribution Of Village Community Banks To Income Poverty Alleviation In Rufiji Delta

ABSTRACT Village Community Banks (VICOBA) play an important role of enabling the poor save and access credit. Specifically, the current study aimed at identifying factors influencing VICOBA activities in alleviation of income poverty; identifying major challenges facing community participation in VICOBA activities; examining the effectiveness of VICOBA in alleviation of income poverty and determination of the community‟s attitude towards VICOBA. The study used a cross-sectional research de...

Contribution Of Construction Mining Materials To Poverty Alleviation In Dodoma Municipality

ABSTRACT The study on contributions of construction mining materials to poverty alleviation specifically focused on identifying types of construction mining materials present in Dodoma municipality. The study aimed at examining the demand of construction mining materials, contribution of construction mining materials on income earning and lastly, to examined the strategies and policies issues to improve the poverty status of the stakeholders in the study area. The study employed a cross sect...

Microfinance Credit and Poverty Eradication in Uganda A Case Study f Finca (U) Jin.Ia Branch.

Table of ContentsAPPROVAL ................................................................................................................................................. vDEDICATION ............................................................................................................................................. viACKNOLEDGEMENT ............................................................................................................................... viiLIST OF TABLES ...........

The Contribution Of Public Works Programmes To Poverty Alleviation In Ward 14 Of Bikita District, Zimbabwe

ABSRACT In the context of alarming poverty rates in rural Zimbabwe, this research was carried out to assess the contribution of public works programmes on poverty alleviation in ward 14 of Bikita district in Masvingo province. The research has been influenced by personal concerns which i strongly believe have influenced the selection of the research problem. My main concern is the deepening of poverty in the ward despite the prevalence of public works programmes as a policy option for the gov...

Role Of The Evangelical Lutheran Church In Tanzania On Poverty Alleviation: A Case Study Of The Mount Meru Coffee Project In Meru Diocese, Arusha Tanzania

ABSTRACT The study was conducted in Arumeru district, Arusha region Tanzania. The study examined the role played by ELCT-DME in poverty alleviation using Mt. Meru Coffee Project as a case study. Specifically the study aimed at (i) identifying key livelihood projects owned by ELCT –DME, (ii) assessing impacts of Mount Meru Coffee Project in coffee production in the study area,(iii) assessing impact of Mount Meru Coffee Project on poverty alleviation in the study area, and (iv) identifying c...

Contribution Of Tasaf Projects On Poverty Alleviation: A Case Study Of Women Livelihoods In Makunduchi– Zanzibar

ABSTRACT  The contribution of TASAF project to poverty alleviation among rural women in Makunduchi – Zanzibar was assessed. To accomplish the study data was collected from four (4) villages and these were: Kijini, Mzuri, Kajengwa and Nganani. The information on major economic activities of the women, value of capital assets owned by women, challenges that women face during the funds receiving was examined. Tools such as questionnaire, interview guide and group discussion checklist were use...

A Study Of Contribution Of Micro-Finance Institutions In Poverty Alleviation Through Women Income Generating Activities In Kilosa District, Morogoro Tanzania

ABSTRACT  The study was conducted in Kilosa district. The overall objective was to show the contribution of MFIs in poverty alleviation through women IGAs. The study aimed at identifying MFIs operating in the study area; common IGAs performed by women groups, assessing the contribution of MFIs towards poverty alleviation and analyzing factors affecting the performance of women’s IGAs. Cross-sectional research design with structured questionnaire was used to collect primary information from...

Significance Of Women‘s Led Income Generating Activities Towards Poverty Alleviation At Family Level: A Case Of Dodoma Municipality

ABSTRACT When thinking about poverty level of the World in gender manner, women are most identified affected, therefore; this research was designed to explore the significance of women‘s led Income Generating Activities (IGAs) on poverty alleviation in Tanzania. The study was conducted in Dodoma Municipality within areas of Mvumi, Street number 6, Baruti and Nara. The intention of study was to: identify types of Income Generating Activities and source of initial capital. Identify factors i...

1 - 15 Of 266 Results