Abstract: The World Health Organization, different governments, health providers and other stakeholders are the main public health information disseminators, and they use different sources to share the information to the public. One of the most popular sources is social media as it reaches a wide following. However, not all information on social media platforms is always accurate. The creation and spread of unverified information during a pandemic is referred to as infodemics and it tends to...
ABSTRACTThe study was carried out with the aim of examining the impact of use of social media onstudents’ academic performance in institution of higher learning. This research adopteddescriptive and explanatory research design. It also employed the use of cross sectional surveymethod using survey questionnaires with a Likert Scale. The of sample 102 students fromselected secondary schools selected using convenient sampling method. The data collected wasanalyzed using description means and r...
Abstract The study was carried out with the aim of examining the impact of use of social media on students’ academic performance in institution of higher learning. This research adopted descriptive and explanatory research design. It also employed the use of cross sectional survey method using survey questionnaires with a Likert Scale. The of sample 102 students from selected secondary schools selected using convenient sampling method. The data collected was analyzed using description means...
ABSTRACT The primary objective of this research work is to investigate the positive effects of social media on business performance and its influence in the Pensions Fund sector. Using both the quantitative and qualitative means, this study strives to investigate how social media can benefit PFAs in optimizing their overall performance through the appropriate usage of this internet. This research investigates how social media has been beneficial to the case study organization Pensions Allian...
Public administrators are increasingly using social media in their day-to-day activities and duties. Despite the increased use of social media by public officers, there have not been studies that have investigated how this is affecting their day-to-day work. The aim of the study, from this perspective, was to identify the use of social media within public administration domains and in the community in a bid to document the lessons learnt and to inform improved integration of social media...
ABSTRACT The study explored the effect of social media on students’ academic performance in Senior High Schools in the Efutu Municipality. The study specifically, looked at the frequently utilised social media platforms and how social media exposure, addiction, and usage influences the students’ academic performance. Additionally, the study investigated gender and age difference that exist of social media usage. A descriptive cross-sectional survey was used. The study covered four Senio...
ABSTRACT Social media has become ubiquitous in today’s globalized world as a result of its valuable role in communication and information sharing. It appeals to people from all walks of life, particularly students, for a variety of purposes irrespective of some negative effects that their use may have on their academic performance. This study investigated the effects of social media use on the academic performance of students of public tertiary institutions in Ghana, with University of Educ...
ABSTRACT Social media is a fusion of sociology and technology, transferring monologue into dialogue. The internet and its social platforms have been the most influential tools in staying connected with families and friends since their inception. People, especially the youth, are purposely and covertly connected with one another by sharing information among themselves about the latest trends, events and happenings via the social websites. This study explores the effects of social media ...
ABSTRACT This study aims at assessing the effects of social media language (net language) on the formal writing of Mount Mary College of Education students. A total of 150 students made up of 60 males and 90 females who study English language and French were used for this research. The purposive sampling technique was used to select the respondents. The Initialism Theory which was modified by David Crystal was used as a framework for this study. Respondents‟ whatsapp screen shots, mark...
In the context of today’s electronic media, social networking sites have come to mean individuals, using the internet and web application to communicate in previously impossible ways. This study sought to explore the effects of social media on collaboration and engagement among students in the University of Botswana particularly the use of Facebook. The study adopted the descriptive survey research design which was employed to derive responses from sample size of 100 undergraduate in the Ba...
Abstract: The debate on the effect of social media usage on national security has been receiving scholarly attention owing to the indispensable and critical role that social networking sites play in today's modem society. However, the debate has been inconclusive given that the current academic scholarship seems to produce varied results. To this end, this paper attempted to bridge conceptual and empirical gap by delving into the links of social media on national security in Kenya. To achiev...
TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION iAPPROVAL iiDEDICATION iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENT ivTABLE OF CONTENTS vCHAPTER ONE 11.0 Introduction 11.2 Statement of the problem 41.3 The purpose of the study 41.4 Specific objectives of the study 41.6 Scope of the study 41.6.1 Subject 41,6.2 Geographical scope 56.1. 3 Time Scope 51.7 Significance of the study 5CHAPTER TWO 7LITERATURE REIEW 72.0 Introduction 72.1 Social media 72.2 Television 82.3 Radio 82.1 contributions of social media on moral degeneration 102.2 Effec...
TABLE OF CONTENTSDEDICATIONACKNOWLEDGEMENTSDECLARATIONAPPROVAL.ivTABLE OF CONTENTS vLIST OF TABLES viiiABSTRACT ixCHAPTER ONE 11.0 Introduction 11.1 Background to the Study 11.2 Statement of Problem 41.3 Purpose of the Study 51.4 Objectives of the study 51.5 Questions of the study 51.6 Research Hypotheses 61.7 Significance of the Study 61.8 Scope of the Study 71.8.1 Time scope 71.8.2 Geographical scope 71.8.3 Time scope 71.9 The limitations of this study 71.10 Operational Definition of Terms ...
The importance of social media in enhancing positive relationships between customers and business cannot be ignore since they offer new and innovative ways to communicate and network via the internet. Currently, there are various platforms provided by the social media networks such as Facebook, Google plus, LinkedIn, YouTube, Skype, WhatsApp and Twitter which are used as tools for marketing. Social media has opened a new perspective in the way business is conducted. Technology acceptance mod...
Student learning behaviour can be adversely influenced by extraneous factors such as the use of social media. These adverse effects can sometimes extend to the students perceptions of learning to the extent that they shift their attention either positively or negatively towards learning. The purpose of the study was to examine the influence of social media on learning behaviour among secondary school students in Moshi Municipality in Tanzania. The study specifically sought to address the...