Contemporary Aspects of Monte Carlo Methods and Sirnulatioil in Physics

J A. OLOWOFELA 11 PAGES (4460 WORDS) Physics Thesis


Thls artlcle introduces Monte Carlomethds which are duerent from conrentio~nl ~mieticanl lethods andshow bow

some of the methods can be applled in Physlcs,ro simrclate or solve physical proble~its. thtwr~hco rrilvrrer ~vrgrrrr>rr'

(wrltten In FORTRAN In thls ca.r@, by ruing a few cxnml~lrrt oltchinff ,n doi.11 arid c/ns.~l[:olI 'lr~!!:ricrsh r~t~.rrr~s ~g

r~lrfihess. A functional approach to probab//ity and statisticscl is describeJJor the p,1rynre o/tbn work r*.st~nd of

comp/eto treatment. The fmpqflancp oJg&'saqrrencu of random n~rntbersw lth Inge pariod~is demor~xrrnredn i~d

the methods, In same fnstaniss are compared ~vitha conventional type and dflnrenccs poinred