Culture and Working Climate of the Organization and Values Important to Google and The Ethical Standards Maintained by Them

10 PAGES (3525 WORDS) Business Management Paper

Table of Contents

1. Industry Analysis    3

1.1 About Google    3

1.2 Industry Player    3

1.3 Organizational Structure    3

2. Market Analysis    4

2.1 Market Position    4

2.2 Problems Faced by Google    4

3. Culture and Working Climate of the Organization    5

3.1 Work Environment    5

3.2 Hiring    5

3.3 Retention    6

3.4 Leadership    6

3.5 Road Ahead    7

4. Google’s Important Values and Ethical Standards    7

4.1 Ethical Standards at Google    7

4.2 Values of the Firm    8

5. Recommendations    8

6. Conclusion    9

References    10