Basic Education Research Papers/Topics

Classroom Games in Spelling (CGIS) Enhancing Poor Spelling Skills of Grade 8 Students

Students in some sections or classrooms inevitably perform poorly in class. There are many variables to take into consideration that can affect this issue, one of which is spelling difficulties. In Tambongon National High School, Grade 8, we observed 10 students who struggled with spelling. This study aims to identify approaches and plans for enhancing student performance. In response to this issue and the researchers' objectives, the researchers created an intervention called Classroom Games...

Personality Traits and Dominant Management Styles of Primary School Head Teachers in Amach Sub- County in Lira District, Uganda.

ABSTRACT  The study about personality traits and dominant management styles of head teachers was carried out in primary schools in Amach Sub County. It set out to investigate the personality traits of head teachers; to identify the dominant management styles used in primary schools by head teachers, to establish whether there was a difference in the personality traits of head teachers between the ones of private and those of public schools; to establish whether there was a difference in the ...

Instructional Supervision and Teacher Performance in Selected Primary Schools in Butaleja District

ABSTRACT The study examined the relationship between instructional inspection and teacher performance in Butaleja Sub County in Butaleja district. Three major objectives were pursued and they included; establishing the level of instructional supervision in• selected primary schools in Butaleja district, establish the level of teacher perfonm~nce in selected primary schools in Butaleja district and establishing the relationship between instructional supervision and teacher performance in sel...

Fourier Series Modelling of Rainfall Data in Southeastern Nigeria

ABSTRACT Rainfall is a climate event that causes significant damage both in natural environment and human live. Rainfall forecast is an important issue in water resource planning. Due to seasonal behaviour of rainfall, Fourier series model was fitted to the mean monthly rainfall series inSouth-Eastern region of Nigeria, in which R2 = 0.74for both Enugu and Owerri inSouth-Eastern region of Nigeria. By examining the correlogram of residual associated with the model we found out that it shows no...

The Impact Of Nursery Education On Academic Performance Of Primary One Pupil, A Case Study Of Nakawa Division, Kampala District

TABLE OF CONTENTSPage.TITLE PAGE . . . .Declaration . . . . . . . . iiApproval . . . . . . . . iiiDedication . . . . . . . . ivAcknowledgement . . . . . . . vList of Tables . . . . . . . . ixList of Figures. . . . . . . . ixAbstract. . . . . . . . . x1.0 CHAPTER ONE . . . . . . 11.0 Introduction and Overview . . . . . 11.1 Background to the study . . . . . . 11.2 Statement of the problems . . . . . 21.3 Objectives of the study . . . . . . 21.4 Research questions . . . . . . 31.5 Study hypothe...


ABSTRACTThe study purposed to establish factors that influence poor performance in chemistry inmixed day schools in Kakamega North district. The district has 14 Secondary that havepresented candidates to KCSE, 64.5% of which are district mixed day schools.The study targeted 2 mixed day schools, in the district 153 students, form 4Chemistryteachers and 2 head teachers from two schools: Silungai Secondary School and LwandetiSecondary Schools.The researchers used purposive non - probability samp...

The Impact of Free Secondary Education on the Enrolment of Students (Case Study) Gucha District- Kenya.

TABLE OF CONTENTS · PAGE Declaration ................................................................................................... i Dedication .................................................................................................... ii Acknowledgement ....................................................................................... iii List of Acronyms .......................................................................................... iv List of Tables and Maps...

Financial Resource Management Challenges On Private Primary Schools In Uganda: A Case Study Of Makindye East Sub Division, Kampala District

This repmi is about a study that aims at establishing the financial resource management challenges on private primary schools in Uganda. The study was conducted from six-selected I Primaiy school in Makindye East Sub Division, Kampala District. The study involved 150 respondents; 6 headteachers, 24 teachers and 120 pupils. The study used self-administered questionnaires and an interview guide as the major data collection instruments. A review of the relevant written documents was also done to...

Factors Influncing Indiscplin~F Students In Primary School In Getembe Division,Bochura Village, In Kisii District Of Ny Anza Province-Kenya.

The study on the factors influencing indiscipline of students in Primary schools in .Getembe Division was carried out with the main objective of examining the factors influencing indiscipline of students. The specific objectives of the study were to establish whether the family background is a factor that influences indiscipline in selected Primary schools, to assess the laxity of administration influences indiscipline among students in selected Primary schools, to determine whether the welfa...

Social E On I Mic Status Of Orp S And Vulnerable Children In Academi~ Perfo’ C In Selected ‘Rimary Schools In Sia A Di Trict Kenya..

This study was carried to find out the socioeconomic status of orphans and vulnerable children in academic performance in some selected schools in Siaya District. An eif~rt was done to find the related literature to the study area guided by both the objectives and research questions. The findings in the study generally showed that there are some factors which alTect the orphans and vulnerable children in their endeavour to perform at per with their peers. Fo assist in alleviating the problems...

The Violation Of Child Rights And The Status Of Children In Displacement Camps: A Case Study Of Dzaipi Sub County Adjumani District.

Formerly known as East Moyo County, Adjumani District was part of Moyo District since 1962. In 1997 Adjumani was granted status of a District. The District is situated along river Nile. The district is bordered by Yumbe Arua and Moyo to the west, sudan to the north and Amuru District to the East Adjumani is separated from Amuru District by Zoka forest reserve to east and Moyo by the Nile to the west. The District acts as habitat for internally displaced persons (IDPs) numbering about 40000. T...

The Impact Of Universal Secondary Education On Girl Cihld A Case Study Op Bukwo District

ABSTRACT The research was carried out on the contributions of UPE of Girl child. It was carried out in Bukwo Distric. It was intended to find o•t how UPE impact has contributing to development of communities, the challenges faced by a girl child and what can be done to improve on the performance of UPE in Bukwo District. The study used a descriptive research design and targeted local people, education administrators and the school going children. Data was collected using questionnaires ...

Level Of Awareness Regarding The Use Of Pit Latrines In Tirap Division, Marakwet East District In Kenya

ABSTRACT Most of the residents in the rural parts of Tirap Division are African traditional adherents whose practices regarding the use of pit latrines are partly influenced by their culture. The objectives of the study were to determine; the level of awareness of the effects of lack of use of pit latrines, the factors affecting the availability and use of pit latrines, and to obtain information on how to improve the coverage and usage of pit latrines. The design ofthe study was cross-section...

The Causes Of Girls Drop Out In Selected Villages Of Bbawda Parish Primary Schools, Wakiso District

The study investigated the causes of girls drop out in selected villages of Bbanda parish Primary School, Wakiso District. To achieve the above objective, a qualitative research design was adopted. Questionnaires and personal interviews were some of the research tools used. A total of 150 respondents were used in the search for information o the research problem. It was found out that a combination of factors were responsible for the increased drop out rather than a single factor. How ever th...

Behavior Problems On Learning Of The Mentally Ijandicaped Children In Rehabilitation School; A Survey Of Kakamega District, Kenya

The research topic is on behaviour problem on learning ofthe mentally handicapped children in habilitation school. The objectives of carrying out the study was to establish the techniques used by the teachers when handling mentally handicapped children with behaviour problems. To establish the curriculum followed when teaching these children and also to establish the attitude ofparents towards their children. In methodology, the researcher has chosen on survey as an appropriate method when ca...

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