Chemical Engineering Research Papers/Topics


ABSTRACT This research work show cases the potentials of Itakpe Iron concentrate for Magneto-rhelogical abilities. The concentrate was first ball milled to size reduce it then subjected to low magnetic strength from magnetic bits in-situ the magnetic fluid. It was determined that temperature affected the fluid inversely, as temperature increased at the shear rates from the viscometer and Newtonian viscosity calculated reduced, giving a negative relationship between temperature and Newtonian v...

Extraction and Phytochemical Analysis of Oil from Neem and Morning Oleifera Seeds and Leaves

ABSTRACT Phytochemicals are chemical compounds produced by plants, generally to help them thrive or thwart competitors, predators, or pathogens. These chemicals are produced by plants through primary or secondary metabolism (Breslin A,2017) .  These work was done to determining the presence of phytochemicals such as Tannins, Saponin, Alkaloids, Anthraquinone, Phlobatannins, Flavonoids and  Cardiac Glycosides (e.g Steroidal Ring or Terpenoids and cardenolide) from oil extracted from moringa...

Effect of Surface Area on the Extraction of Silica from Rice Husk and Wheat Husk

Silicon dioxide , also known as silica (from the latin silex), is an oxide of silicon with the chemical formula SiO2, most commonly found in nature as quartz and invarious   living   organisms.   In   many   parts   of   the   world,   silica   is   the   major constituent of sand. Silica is one of the most complex and most abundant families of materials existing as a compound of several minerals and as synthetic product.Notable examples include fused quart, fumed sili...

A Term Paper on Colloids and Recent Trends

TABLE OF CONTENT CONTENTS                                                                                                                  PAGE TITLE..........................................................................................................................                                                        ...


Engine oils are made from crude oil and its derivatives by mixing of certain other chemicals (additives) for improving their certain properties. Lubricating oil is used to lubricate moving parts of engine, reducing friction, protecting against wear, removing contaminants from the engine, act as a cleaning agent, and act as an anti corrosion and cooling agent. Accordingly, this research effort focuses on comparative study of re-refined engine oils by acid treatment, acid/clay treatment, solven...

Research Paper on Hand Sanitizer

Abstract The 15th of October has been decreed a day to focus on germs specifically. It’s the germs on our hand that are in the firing line .The world health organization estimates that 3.5 million children die from diarrhea and lower respiratory tract infections each year. That’s why global hand washing day was decreed. Sanitation of hand has a great effect on the wellbeing of life in general. By maintaining ones sanitation different kind of diseases which are caused by contact can be pre...

Conversion of Waste Plastics to Fuel Oil

Abstract Waste plastic disposal and excessive use of fossil fuels have caused environmentconcerns in the world. Both plastics and petroleum derived fuels are hydrocarbons thatcontain the elements of carbon and hydrogen. The difference between them is that plasticmolecules have longer carbon chains than those in LPG, petrol, and diesel fuels. Therefore, itis possible to convert waste plastic into fuels.The main objectives of this study were to understand and optimize the processes of plasticpy...

A Comprehensive Research on Preparation and Characterization of Corn Curbs Adsorbent

In preparation and characterization of adsorbent obtained from corn curbs, potassium hydroxide was used as an activating agent at ratio of 1:1, 7:8 and 3:4 with the corn curbs and their pH values were found to be 8.5, 8.03 and 8.0 respectively, ash content were found to be 41.56, 46.78 and 48.31wt%. The BET surface area values were 17.762461, 25.455146 and 201.54631m2/g respectively and the best activated carbon formulation arrived was 3:4 AC. INTRODUCTION   An  adsorbent  is  a  porou...

Corrosion Studies of Mild Steel in Biodiesel Obtained from Ghee Butter (Mann Shanu)

Abstract It is of no doubt that one day, fossil fuels, which the whole world highly depends on, will come to a halt in a few decades to come. To this reason, researches have been geared towards alternative sources of energy: biodiesel, a form of renewable energy (energy that can be regenerated once used up), is one that has been made known and being tested in some parts of the world. Due to the fact that biodiesel is hygroscopic (absorbs water readily from the atmosphere), as well as other fa...

Production of Biodiesel from Cultivated microalgea on municipal waste water

Cultivation of microalgae on municipal waste water Extraction of the oil from the algae cells. Production of biodiesel from the algae oil. Characterization of the biodiesel produced.  Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Background 1.2 Statement of Problem 1.3 Aims and Objectives of Study 1.4 Significance of Study 1.5 Scope of Study Chapter 2 Literature Review 2.1 Background 2.2 Microalgae for Biodiesel production 2.3 Municipal waste water as Growth media 2.4 Microalgae Biodiesel Stages 2.5 Transe...

Remediation of Soil Contaminated with Diesel Using an Anionic Surfactant (LAS) as an agent. (2)

Environmental pollution as a result of drilling and mining activities in areas where deposits of petroleum and oil are found, proved a great threat to the wellness of the fauna and flora as well as to the humans.  TABLE OF CONTENTS  Background of studyliterature reviewOil pollution act of 1990DieselChemical composition Volatility of DieselSoil, it's chemical and physical properties Site CharacterizationSoil contamination Sources of organic contaminants SurfactantsKrafft and cloud points...


Oil obtained from orange peels and velvet tamarind nut by solvent extraction (n-hexane and acetone) using the soxhlet extractor were investigated as feedstock’s to determine some of the suitable parameters such as iodine value, saponification value, specific gravity, density, acid value and free fatty acid value, and their percentage yield that are suitable for biodiesel production. The density of orange and tamarind oil were found to be 0.9326g/cm3 and 0.8541g/cm3 respectively, their acid ...

Production of Kenaf Fibre Reinforced Polyethylene Composite for Ballistic Protection

Kenaf reinforced polyethylene composites for ballistic protection was produced in this work. The samples of alkaline treated and silane-coupled non-woven matted kenaf fibers were cut to the required dimensions and oriented vertically and horizontally in combinations with a virgin high density polyethylene (VHDPE). The composite panels were produced using Box-Behnken 3-variables settings. The following factors settings were used (molding temperature: 160 0C to 200 0C; molding time: 60 minute...


ABSTRACT The potential advantage and application of the photocatalytic process using titanium dioxide as the photocatalyst to treat industrial waste water in UV irradiation has been reported. The aim of this work is to investigate the effectiveness of photocatalytic degradation using TiO2 in treating pharmaceutical waste water. Wastewater was collected from the homogenous tank of effluent treatment plant (ETP) of a Pharmaceutical company. The raw sample was tested and the COD, BOD and pH we...

Physio-chemical and micro bacterial assessment of bottled water samples sold in bauchi metropolis

ABSTRACT             The advent of sachet and bottled water has increasingly filled the gap in household water security. This research work was carried out to assess the quality of bottled and sachet water sold in Bauchi metropolis. Thirty (30) water brands consisting of twenty (20) sachet water brands and ten (10) bottled water brands were assessed for their physical, chemical and microbiological parameters using standard analytical procedures. Physical examination was carried out...

166 - 180 Of 326 Results