Chemical Engineering Research Papers/Topics

Drying and Particle Size Characteristics of Danta (Nesogordonia papavereria) and Hard Cross (Vitex doniana) Wood Sawdusts at Different Temperatures.

The drying and particle size characterization of Danta (Nesogordonia papavereria) and HardCross (Vitex doniana) hardwood sawdusts were investigated at temperatures 80 ºC, 90 ºC and105 ℃. The experimental drying data were modeled using eighteen existing drying models.The results showed that the modified Henderson and Pabis model offered the best fit to thedrying curves of Danta and Hard Cross sawdusts. The experimental data obtained from theparticle size distribution of both the samples we...

Production of Soy-Yoghurt by Fermentation of Soymilk with Lactobacillus Isolated from Nunu

The production of soy-yoghurt by fermentation of soymilk with lactobacillus isolated from nunu (a Nigerian indigenous fermented cow-milk) was studied. Soymilk was extracted from whole and dehulled soybean seeds and pasteurized. The fermentation was carried out with both the isolate from nunu and yoghurmet (a commercial yoghurt starter culture of Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus bulgaricus) as control. The percentage of soymilk inoculated was 70%, 80% and 100% of the broth. Soy-yog...

Studies on Microwave-Assisted Extraction of Drumstick Tree (Moringa oleifera) Seed Oil

ABSTRACT The need for effective and efficient means of oil extraction has been a concern in recent time. Hence, this study aimed at the oil extraction from Moringa oleifera seeds using the Microwave-Assisted extraction method. The extraction process was modeled using Response Surface Methodology (RSM). Also, the evaluation of Moringa oleifera oil as a good feedstock for biodiesel production was carried out. Oil was extracted from the M. oleifera seed kernel using Microwave-Assisted meth...

Production of Bioethanol from Cassava Using a Hybrid of Saccharomyces Cerevisiae and Saccharomyces Paradoxus

ABSTRACT  Cassava  is  considered  as  a  potential  source  for  the  commercial  production  of  bioethanol because of its availability and low market price. It can be used as a basic source to support large-scale biological  production of  bioethanol using  microbial amylases. With  the progression  and advancement in enzymology, starch liquefying and saccharifying enzymes are preferred for the conversion  of  complex  starch  polymer  into  various  valuable  met...

Synergistic effect of Datura stramonium leaves extract - Zn2+ on the corrosion inhibition of mild steel in well water

This study covers the evaluation of the synergistic effect of Datura stramonium leaves extract-Zn2+ in the corrosion inhibition of mild steel in well water. Varying effects of different concentrations of the extract and 5ppm of Zn2+ on the corrosion inhibition of the mild steel specimen will be determined in order to ascertain the synergistic effect that exists between the leaf extract and Zn2+ 

Kinetic Study and Optimization of Selected Factors Affecting Corrosion Using RSM

ABSTRACT   The kinetics and optimization of inhibitive action of leaves extract of pawpaw, Azadirachta indica (neem tree) and bitter leaf on corrosion of mild steel in acidic medium was studied by weight loss technique using central composite design of response surface methodology for optimization. The metal was analyzed using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer to determine its elemental compositions. The extract was obtained by liquid extraction using ethanol and was analyzed to determine ...

Design and Fabrication of Sedimentation Test Rig

ABSTRACT Nowadays, the destruction and pollution of humane environment has produced an ever growing awareness worldwide of the need for more effective sedimentation processes. The main aim of this project was to design and fabricate an experimental sedimentation rig with the objective to determine the rate of settling against time using calcium carbonate as a test sample.The rig consists mainly of the cylindrical tank, valves, motor, stirrer, and the sight glass. For the test run, 82 litres o...

The Principle of Particle Settling in Motionless Fluid

ABSTRACT Nowadays, the destruction and pollution of humane environment has produced an ever growing awareness worldwide of the need for more effective sedimentation processes. The main aim of this project was to design and fabricate an experimental sedimentation rig with the objective to determine the rate of settling against time using calcium carbonate as a test sample.The rig consists mainly of the cylindrical tank, valves, motor, stirrer, and the sight glass. For the test run, 82 litres o...

Synthetic method dependent physico- chemical properties and electrochemical performance of Ni doped Synthetic method dependent physico-chemical properties and electrochemical performance of N

Nickel doped zinc oxide (Ni/ZnO) nanostructures have the potential to improve the performance of electrochemical capacitors. This study investigates the preparation of Ni/ZnO nanomaterials by facile co-precipitation (CPM) and hydrothermal (HTM) methods. The effect of the synthesis methods on the optical, structural, chemical and morphological properties on ZnO products is investigated using ultra violet (UV)-visible spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction (XRD), field emission scanning electron micro...

Catalytic conversion of polyethylene to liquid fuel and solid wax using the (CaOH2)

ABSTRACT The objective of the work is the catalytic conversion of waste plastics into fuel oil and solid wax using Ca(OH)2 and the design of pyrolysis reactor. Plastic wastes such as, polypropylene, low density polyethylene, high density polyethylene, polystyrene are the most frequently used in everyday activities and disposed of to the environment after service. There are a number of methods by which plastic wastes can be managed such as incineration, recycling, land filling, thermal and cat...

Production of Biopesticide from Need Seed

Abstract Due to the toxic effects of chemical pesticide and other agro chemicals on human beings and livestock, residual toxicity, environmental problems, pest out-breaks and drastic effects on beneficial insects the use chemical pesticide and other agro chemicals are getting reduced /being banned globally. But Biopesticides that are extracted, for example, from neem seed can tackle these problems to make it more eco-friendly, economically viable and socially acceptable for the farmers. Bio...

A Technical Report on Nigeria's Solid Minerals and Locations

  Nigeria’s Solid Minerals Resources AND LOCATIONS

Health Effects of Air Pollution in Oleh Town, Delta State

The spread of pollutant in an area is partly a function of wood burning in local kitchens by the population of the area. This pollution generated through combustion of wood  fuels presents difficult environmental challenges to societies as it could degrade the environment and affect human health and quality of life. Wood burning emissions are major contributors to air pollution in rural areas as they contain harmful gases. The level of carbon monoxide in the air in two location in oleh town ...


ABSTRACT The  adsorptive  removal  of  the  colour  pigment  (due  to  high  content  of  carotenoids)  from  palm oil  using  ortho-phosphoric  acid  activated  kaolin  clay  was  investigated  in  this  research.  The clay  was  activated  at  different  acid  concentrations  to improve  its  adsorptive  capacity.  In  order to  study  the  effect  of  process  variables  on  the  bleaching  efficiency  of  the  raw  and  activated clay ...


ABSTRACT The presence of methylene blue (MB) in wastewater is a major concern in the environment due to its low biodegrability and harmful effect on man. The treatment of effluent containing such dye is important where adsorption on activated carbon (AC) produced from agricultural waste is of great choice. Optimization of the removal efficiency of MB from aqueous solution onto AC prepared from mango shell was investigated. The AC was prepared from mango shell, activated with BaCl2 at I.R (0.0...

151 - 165 Of 327 Results