ABSTRACT Zeolites are important chemical materials used in chemical processes. The manufacture of the materials usually involves the use of expensive chemicals. This study involves the use of Elefun Nigerian Kaolin (ENK) as precursor material for the development of zeolite Y. The synthesis of zeolite Y was successful following a sequence: collection of raw kaolin clay from Elefun area of Ogun state, Nigeria; subjecting it to, calcination, partial dealumination and final hydrothermal syn...
ABSTRACT In its ordinary sense, the term destruction usually has the under current of sadness. Why then would destruction in this context be beneficial to the socio-economic well being of the human race? The reasons will crystallize out. I hope, as I discuss this topic. The black gold simply refers to crude oil or petroleum, its offspring are the products resulting from its destructive physical separation. One may then ask why the name “black gold”? Gold as we know is a very expensive me...
Abstract This research study process of combined process of injection of preform and immediately then blowing of these preform on the same machine. Such a process has its advantages compared with the traditional sequence of preform injection in one machine and later the blowing of the preform to produce the bottle. Process combined products like pharmaceutical bottles made in a small size are not susceptible to pollution and more economical, in the case of the separate process becomes more ...
ABSTRACT A sample of high density polyethylene and graphite powder was made to study the effect of graphite power content on the electrical properties of high density polyethylene, graphite offers the benefit of low density and cost when compared to metallic substances used for the same function , the sample was tested with different concentrations of graphite powder (30,40,50)% and in different temperatures, the study reached to the following results: The conductivity of the HDPE was increa...
ABSTRACT This world in which we are in is characterized by a multitude of natural phenomena. It is a world of change, of movement and energy; of storms, earthquakes, cosmic rays and solar flares. The range and complexity of these changes is so great, that it would seem the height of foolishness to attempt to find a common trend, or a theme that runs through them all. Never the less, men have come to the understanding of the factors involved. At the heart of such a science is the concept of en...
ABSTRACT. Cost effective steel utilization as distinct from steel utilization is an engineering challenge of our time, especially in this austere period. Steel scrap recovery is defmitely one of the areas to be seriously looked into by Nigerian engineers. After estimating the recoverable steel scrap to the year 200AD, this paper aims at fmding an appropriate technology and size for steel scrap recovery bearing in mind the need for self reliance and the level of our technological advancement....
TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction......................................................................................4 Previous works on Catalyst Deactivation........................................7 Experimental Work..........................................................................13 Existence of Stability States.............................................................21 Cause of Deactivation and Mortality...............................................21 Some Significant Observati...
ABSTRACT Tuberculous pericarditis is an extra pulmonary form of tuberculosis (TB) which leads to a lifethreatening form of pericardial fibrosis in up to 25% of patients despite anti tuberculous therapy. The mechanisms leading to the fibrotic phenotype following infection are poorly understood. A proof of concept study revealed decreased levels of the antifibrotic N-acetylseryl- aspartyl-lysyl-proline or Ac-SDKP in tuberculous pericardial fluid as compared to control (non infectious) peric...
Abstract Comminution is a critical stage of mineral processing which aims to reduce the size of ore particles through breakage, consequently increasing the likelihood of the liberation of valuable minerals. However, comminution is highly energy-intensive, and an understanding of the key breakage mechanisms has been identified as an important factor in improving the efficiency of the process. Several factors, such as pre-existing cracks, mineralogical composition, ore shape and size are known...
Abstract The Fischer-Tropsch synthesis (FTS) process, better known for its ability to produce synthetic fuel via the hydrogenation of CO, has shown potential to produce valuable chemicals when ammonia is added to the feed. In this work certain aspects of the pathway to the formation of N-containing compounds that form when NH3 is added during FTS, using mostly iron based catalysts is investigated. In addition, the effect this has on the FTS reaction itself is evaluated. To achieve this goal, ...
Abstract Within froth flotation, it is widely acknowledged that froth stability affects flotation performance. As a result, it is expected that through the effective management of froth stability, it would be possible to both control and optimise a flotation cell and bank. However, for this to be possible, the relationships between the operating conditions, froth stability behaviour and flotation performance attributes need to be well understood. In addition, froth stability would need to be ...
ABSTRACT The effect of impurities on the precipitation behaviour of nickel powder produced by high-pressure hydrogen reduction was investigated in order to determine the factors responsible for the formation of powder with undesirable morphology. In nickel precipitation by hydrogen reduction, two product morphologies have been observed: the spherical, open powder (desirable) and the spherical, closing/closed powder (undesirable). Two major impurities were studied namely; a morphology modifie...
More recently, Solvent Extraction of Copper from aqueous solution has been an area for considerable research and development. The present programme has gone a stage further by investigating the separation of copper from mixed solutions cf copper and iron in Electrical fields. The work was carried out in a countercurrent column which gave differential as opposed to the stage contact of previous workers. Continuous transfer of material between phases occurs resulting in the differential change ...
The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued the first ever federal rule to permanently cap and reduce mercury emissions from coal-fired power plants on March 15, 2005. The rule referred to as The Clean Air Mercury Rule (CAMR) when fully implemented, will reduce utility emissions of mercury from 48 tons a year to 15 tons by 2018, a reduction of nearly 70%. These mandatory declining caps coupled with significant penalties for noncompliance, will ensure that mercury reduction requir...