Biological Science Research Papers/Topics

Pathogenicity Of The Entomopathogenic Fungus Metarhizium Anisopliae To Ticks And The Protection Of Conidia From Ultra-Violet Radiation Damage

Abstract The potential of the entomopathogenic fungus, Metarhizium anisopliae to serve as a bio-control agent of ticks has been studied and promising results reported. In this study, efficacy of M. anisopliae conidia formulated in either oil or water, in inducing mortalities to various developmental stages of ticks was evaluated. A fungal concentration of 108 conidia/ml induced in Rhipicephalus evertsi evertsi mortalities of: 87% in eggs, 100% in unfed larvae, 72% in engorged nymphs, 91% in u...

Assessing The Current Status Of Local Floodplain Fisheries In The Okavango River, Kavango East Region, Namibia

ABSTRACT Globally, floodplains are acknowledged as hydrologically important, environmentally sensitive, and ecologically productive ecosystems that perform several natural functions. They provide both cultural and natural services that are of great value to society (Peel, 2012). Flooding occurs naturally along river’s and is an integral part of a healthy watercourse. It is believed that flooding may nurture life in and around rivers as the waters transport nutrient-rich sediments that contr...

Assessment Of Genetic Variations Within And Between Populations Of Marama Bean [Tylosema Esculentum (Burchell) Schreiber] Based On Microsatellites (Ssrs) And Intergenic Spacer Length Variatio

ABSTRACT Tylosema esculentum (Burchell) L. Schreiber is a herbaceous perennial drought tolerant legume that is endemic to the arid and semi-arid zones of southern Africa. Its agronomic potential is on the basis of its seed’s nutritional composition that is comparable with soybean and peanut, the two mostly consumed legumes. In this study SSR markers were used to assess genetic diversity in natural populations of marama in the Namibian germplasm. Additionally, in the present study, the inter...

Study Of Physical And Chemical Soil Properties And Potential Of Post-Mining Substrates As A Habitat For Plants During Restoration At Sendelingsdrif Mine

Abstract Soils influence the growth and performance of plants. Sendelingsdrif is a new area in Sperrgebiet National Park that had been identified by NAMDEB for diamond mining. Little is known about soil properties in this area yet after mining, it will be important to have good knowledge of soil properties and post-mining substrate to facilitate restoration of the mined and surrounding sites. The main aim of the study was to determine how the physical and chemical properties of post-mining su...

A Situational Analysis Of Livestock Production In Liberia: A Case Study of Nimba, Bong and Montserrado Counties

ABST RACT The main objective of the study was to analyze the situation of livestock production in Liberia. The specific objectives were to analyze the population of livestock in Liberia, to establish the factors limiting the production of livestock in Liberia, to analyze Liberia land use system of the livestock production sector and to analyze the economic impact of livestock production in Liberia. The study was a case study which surveyed three counties in Liberia: Nimba, Bong and Montserrad...

Assessment Of Woody Plant And Grass Competitive Interactions Using Reciprocal Transplants Along A Rainfall Gradient In Namibian Savannas

Abstract Savannas are mainly characterised by co-existence of woody and herbaceous vegetation. In Namibia, savannas occupy about 64% of the country’s land area. They are characterised by the arid to semi-arid climatic conditions and play a vital role in livestock and vegetation production. Most vegetation communities in savannas are influenced by rainfall and species interactions. Change in climatic pattern has shown that a decrease in rainfall can cause more frequent droughts and ultimatel...

Genetic Analysis Of Ximenia Americana Under Natural Conditions

Abstract Cross-species hybridization approaches have been used for genetic analysis of species that do not have complete genome arrays available. The study used the cross-species DNA-DNA hybridization approach to characterize Ximenia americana biological processes. Preliminary micro-array studies done in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at the University of Namibia has created X. americana DNA-DNA hybridization to a well-known Arabidopsis thaliana genechip (ATH1). A. thaliana prob...

A Taxonomic, Ecological And Nutritional Study Of Porphyra Capensis Kützing Populations From The Namibian Coast

ABSTRACT The Namibian Porphyra capensis Kützing was studied as very little was known of its taxonomy, ecology, phylogeny or nutritional status. It was hypothesized that it was phlogenetically related to the South African P. capensis as they share common ancestry. DNA was extracted from thalli and partial sequences obtained from their 18SrDNA and ITS regions. GenBank sequences of interest were incorporated, alignments made and phylogenetic trees were generated using MEGA 5.1. The results show...

Survey Of Plants Used In Beauty Care Among The Fulanis In Wamakko Local Government Area Of Sokoto State

TABLE OF CONTENTS Title page……………………………………………………………………………….i Certification…………………………………………………………………………….ii Dedication……………………………………………………………………….……..iii Acknowledgment………………………………………………………………….……iv Abstract……………………………………………………�...

Fun and fear in False Bay Nature Reserve: Green space affordances in the post-apartheid city

Abstract The phenomenon and increasing rate of urbanisation is causing many researchers to look deeper at life in cities. Increasingly recognised are the benefits of urban green space and their associated recreational parks and nature reserves. While there is a growing literature on the environmental services provided by these areas; so too is there a growing literature on the numerous social benefits that recreational green spaces in particular afford their users. Although imagined and gener...

Variation in Breeding Systems and Consequences for Reproductive Traits in Erica

Abstract Erica makes up 7% of all species in the Cape flora. It is the most species-rich genus in the Cape Floristic Region (CFR), which has an area 0f 90 000km2. Erica species have great inter- and intra-specific variation in floral form as well as in post-fire regeneration strategies. Previous studies of other plant groups (Barrett et al. 1996; Button et al. 2012) have illustrated changes in floral traits with a shift from outcrossing to selfing. The aim of this thesis was to determine whet...

The Genesis of The Blue Amphibole Asbestos of The Union Of South Africa

ABSTRACT The blue amphibole asbestos, crocidolite, which occurs as interbedded seams in banded ironstones of the Lower Griquatown stage of the Transvaal System in the Northern Cape Province, is the finely fibrous form of the soda-amphibole riebeckite. Despite the widespread occurrence of the Precambrian type of banded ironstones, crocidolite is a mineral of rare occurrence and is only developed to a relatively minor extent in South Afric.a, Western Australia and Central China. The com...

An Investigation Into The Teaching of Biology And Physical Science Practical Works in Senior Secondary Schools in The Zambezi Region Namibia

ABSTRACT This study aimed at investigating the teaching of Biology and Physical Science practical works in Senior Secondary schools in the Zambezi Region, Namibia. The study was guided by four questions: 1. Did the teaching of Biology and Physical Science practical works in Senior Secondary schools in the Zambezi region follow the learning objectives outlined in the subjects’ curricula?; 2. What practical skills do the Biology and Physical Science teachers aim to achieve from the practical...

Development of Microsatellite(SSR) And DNA Barcoding (MATK) Primers For Marama Bean[TYLOSEMA ESCULENTUM (BURCHELL) SCHREIBER] For Germplasm Characterization of Namibian Genotypes

ABSTRACT Information on genetic variation of breeding materials helps maintain genetically diversity and sustains long term selection gain. Marama bean [Tylosema esculentum (Burchell) Schreiber] occurs naturally in arid, dry parts of Southern Africa and due to the high nutrient value of the seeds and tubers, rich in protein, oil and starch, is a potential crop for arid areas where few conventional crops can survive. Microsatellites are becoming the molecular marker system of choice because t...

Population pattern and phenological behaviours for selected medicinal plants in Nigeria; implications for ex-situ conservation

ABSTRACT Recent developments indicated increasing gene-pool depletion for most medicinal plants in Nigeria despite their pharmaceuticals and therapeutic potentials. Initial socio-economic study involving three countries (Nigeria, Ghana and Republic of Benin) identified ten most frequently used medicinal plants. This list was superimposed on a vegetation map of Nigeria for the production of a distribution map ahead of an eco-geographic survey for population and phenological studies. Sample sit...

196 - 210 Of 256 Results