ABSTRACT The research was based on Internal Audit Systems and Ferfbrmance ofLocal Governments in Uganda. The purpose ofthis study was to establish the effrctiveness of internal Audit systems in the financial performance of local governments in Uganda. The study involved secondary sources qf data where the research related his study to dUferent author ‘s work and authentication and afterwards he made conclusions. The study used a descriptive research design in which both qualitative and quan...
ABSTRACT The major objective of the study was to identify the factors responsible for loan default by clients of microfinance institutions, to examine the credit methodologies used in loan default management and to identify the relationship between loan default and MFI operations. Questionnaires were used collect data for the study. It was a combination of descriptive and analytical research of results from self administered questions, interviews and record inspection. The researcher analyzed...
ABSTRACT Financial accountability has been one of the most problematic and prevalent issues for business worldwide for a long time. Increase in financial misappropriation and number of corporate scandals had an important impact on understanding and analyzing financial accountability and in turn on audit of the same and its regulation. The growth in finance misappropriation cases indicates that a strong need exists for research approaches that better enable auditors and investigators to detect...
ABSTRACT Internal audit is an independent, objective assurance and consulting activity designed to add value and improve an organizations operation. This study was intended to identify the role of internal audit at the Arusha International conference centre. AICC is the government organization which deals with hospital services, conference service and estate service. The study examined the position of an organization in the absence of internal audit in the organization. The study give out the...
TABLE OF CONTENTSDeclaration .......................................................................................... iApproval. ............................................................................................ iiDedication ......................................................................................... .iiiAcknovvledgen1ent. ............................................................................... .ivTable of contents .................................................
ABSTRACT Research proposal was prepared so as to act as a baseline of doing this research. I carried out his research because of the growing number of the financial institutions in Uganda since ndependence whereby these financial institutions attracted people to acquire loans from the nstitutions. fhe broad objective of this study was to asses the impacts of interest rate on the operations of the microfinance institutions in Kampala. Specifically this study sought to identify the variou...
TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARA TION ................................•.••..•............................................ iAPPROVAL. ...........................................................•••••.•..•••.•••••...••.... .iiACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ..•..•••.•.•..•..•...................................................• iiiTABLE OF CONTENTS .••••••••••••..•.•.....................................................•• ivCHAPTER...
TABLE OF CONTENT DECLARATION ............................................................................................................................. i APPROVAI .................................................................................................................................... ii AKNOWLEDUEMEN·r ............................................................................................................. iii DEDICATION ....................................
ABSTRACT The study was conducted under the topic of "Advertising and Sales in Multinational Corporations" and it had three objectives; to establish the relationship between the types of advertising and sales performance in Multinational Corporation, to establish the contribution of advertisement towards sales in Multinational Corporations, to establish the relationship between the challenges faced in advertising and sales by Multinational Corporation. The study adopted a quantitative, correla...
ABSTRACT The study was about environmental management accounting and the perceived financial performance of the cement industry in Uganda. A comparative study of Hima cement limited (Uganda). The main objectives of the study were; i) To examine the relationship between environmental information and the perceived financial perfonnance in the cement industry in Uganda. ii) To examine the impact of compliance of enviromnental laws on perceived financial performance ofin cement industry in Uganda...
TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION ................................................................................... iAPPROVAL ...................................................................................... iiDEDICATION ............................................................................ iiiACKNOWLEDGMENT ................................................................................... ivABBREVIATIONS ..................................................................................
ABSTRACTThe study was to assess the effect of computerized and performance of Business organizations .A case study of new vision group Kampala Uganda. New vision Kampala Uganda was selected to form basis of the research study.The main objective was to find out the effect of computerized accounting on performance of Business organization. To determine the profile respondents interms of financial status, gender, age, to find out the level of computerized accounting of the ne...
ABSTRACT I intend to study the role of record keeping and financial performance of small and medium enterprises in foti patial municipality Western division. Despite the effort made to promote their financial performance through proper documentation, and the fact that financial record keeping exists in small and medium enterprises, it has been found out that even business that keep financial records have failed to succeed in business due to the fact that business owners do not review their re...
ABSTRACT Budgetary control and cash flow effectiveness The purpose of the study was to determine the relationship between the effects of Budgetary Control and Cash Flow Effectiveness on Small And Medium Sized Enterprises' performance in organizations especially Global Paints Limited. In chapter one the researcher covered the background the study, stated the problem statement, the scope of the study and finally the signification of the study. In chapter two, the researcher initially started by...
ABSTRACT In this world of globalization, computerized accounting system is becoming a very vital system in day to day operations to achieve developments in various organizations. In this survey carried to establish the impacts of computerized accounting system in improvements of organizations, research questions of both closed and open were issued in the field. Oral interviews were also conducted to provide accuracy explanations which could have been left out in this survey was one hundred an...