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            Pipeline vandalism is a persistent social problem in all the major Nigerian urban centres today. Despite the inadequacy, the available have been consistently vandalized by criminals and mob. This has undoubtedly strained the limited resources of the governments. This paper examines the nature, types, location and costs of vandalism as well as identifying the various actors involved in vandalism of infrastructural facilities in Nigeria The paper highlights pipeline vandalization and how it affects the oil communities in the Nigeria, her food production and most importantly is the environmental effects of oil exploration in terms of the socio economy of the people.

The act of destroying or bursting of oil pipelines in Nigeria is as a result of underdevelopment and fatal negligence of the well fare of the people by the federal and state government, oil pollution which occurs in the form of water contamination through oil spillage which results in very low fish catch, considering that this region has lost her farmland because of environmental; degradation through oil exploration, and oil exploitation. The paper recommends adequate security to be spearheaded by the inhabitants themselves for the facility. Provision of employment opportunities to effectively engage the youths of the city is equally considered necessary.

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