Protein Enrichment of Sweet Potato By Solid State Fermentation Using Four Mono-Culture Fungi

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Washed, sliced and oven-dried whole sweet potato tubers (Iponwea batatas) of the local variety wcre milled and supplemented with a mineral salts solution containing (g litre) glucose, 5; (NH4)2SO4 1.5; KH2PO4, 1.5; MgS04 0.05; Yeast extract, 0.05 and fermented at 30C for 72 hr by solid siate fermentation (SSF) using Neurospora sitophila, Aspergillus niger, Candida ulilis and Saccharomyces warum. i tbe end of the fermentation period A.niger gave the highest protein content of 11.8%, DM Paris wliif S. uw nt m sluiwed die least protein content. However in terms of trüo protein production, V scatophilia gave the Ixest valiic of 8.98%. While S. uvarurn gave the least value under the Standard condition;'..

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