Pupil’s Evaluation And Acade Ic Performance Of Che Eren Primary School In Kobaitek District, Kenya

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Objectives: This study determined the pupil’s evaluation and academic performance of Cheberen Primary School In Koibatek District, Kenya. Specificaiiy, these data were gathered: profile of pupils as to age, gender and class; the level of pupil’s evaluation in terms & pupils qualities, commitment, learning activItIes and discipline; the level & academic performance; the significant relationship between level of pupil’s evaluation and level of academic performance; and the significant difference in the level of academic performance between male and female pupils.

Design: This study employed the descriptive survey method of investIgatIon.

Environment: This study was carried out In Cheberen Primary School, Kolbatek DIstrict, Kenya as a representative for 8 schools. It is built with stones and iron sheets. The school is under the sponsorship of the Catholic denomInation

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