This study x-rayed the relationship between social media and family relationship. Social mediare communication platforms evolved by the technological revolutions of the 21st century where users of the channels log on to the Internet to chat and send pictures. These platforms includebut not limited to Facebook, Twitter, Skype, Telegram and Instagram. There is a grmvinimpression that physical interactions and communications which helped to bond the ties ofamilies members are fast eroding for this virtual communication. To test this claim, this studgathered a population of200 individuals from two residential areas called Efab and Life CamEstates located within the metropolis of Abuja, Nigeria's Federal Capital Territory, FCT Whilthe study revealed numerous advantages which included advancement in technical know-how, itnegatives however are a legion. It was discovered that indeed, many families have jettisoned thusuapractice of one-and-one facial communication and interaction for the internet. Manmembers of the family also spent more time on the social media than they would bond with theiloved ones. Rea/time communication is almost dead This, it was further discovered has affecteconjugal and spousal bliss. Another negative impact of this is that it has inadvertentlencouraged pornography. Children are unwittingly exposed to these sites. To curb this emerginugly trend, recommendations ,vere made to internet users to consciously reduce the time spensurfing the net. Priorities should also be set while on the net. Physical meetings and interactions still remain one formidable way to achieve credibility in dating and bonding. All this, if adopted, would definitely reduce the current machine-based relationship that seems to have engulfed thworld and give a human face to physical communications.