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 fflpaODDCTICW Cocoa Xllce many other plants of economic Importance, has a host of its own attendant pests among which lepidopterous caterpillars feature fairly prominently. Early reports on entomological pests in Wsst Africa (lamborn, 191U—1915j Patterson lyllti Peacock, 1913) almost invariably included one or other lepidopterous pest attacking some part of the cocoa tree or seedling. Recent reports* too, abound in information an the problem of Lepidoptera on cocoa e.g. Entwiatle (1960, 1962), Gerard (1962) and Alibert (1951). The extensive use of insecticides in the control of other cocoa pests has indirectly and inadvertently increased the incidence of certain lepidoptera (Johnson & Efcxtwistle, 1959) Ehtwistle et al., 1959). It has also been observed that cocoa grown without overhead shade trees, as is often the case with young seedlings, suffers intensely from some lepidopterous caterpillars (Gerard, 196U, 1970J Leston, 1970). Some coooa trees and seedlings may harbour a higher number of various species a€ lepidopterous larvae afcccartaln times of the year than at others, especially after the rains following on the dry season when more food in the form of new leaves, pods and ditqpons is available (Gibbs ft Leston, 1970j Lavabre, 1965| Leston & Gibbs, 1971} Smith, 1961).

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