The Preferential Option For The Poor: A Contextual Reading Of John Wesley’s Social Ethics In Contemporary Zimbabwe 2000-2014


Poverty has become one of the major challenges in Zimbabwe since the turn of the

millennium. This period has been characterized by high levels of unemployment and

economic contraction. This seeks revisit John Wesley’s social ethic of preferential option for

the poor in light of the economic challenges the Zimbabweans have been facing and the

plight of the poor. This study looked at how John Wesley confronted the poverty situation in

eighteenth century Britain. It further looked at the how John Wesley’s social ethics can be

used to address the problems that are being faced in contemporary Zimbabwe. Lastly this

study took the position that although the specific economic order that confronted John

Wesley were peculiar to the eighteenth century his thoughts can provide the Zimbabweans

with an entry point in addressing their contemporary problems.