To Establish the Causes of Under-Five Mortality at Kampala International Universtiy Teaching Hospital

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OBJECTIVE To establish the causes of inpatient child mortality at Kampala International University Teaching Hospital. METHODOLOGY A retrospective data search was done in patient records of pediatrics between January 1st and June 30th, 2013. The data was processed and analyzed by use of SPSS®. RESULTS There were a total of 142 patients. The most commonly diagnosed disease was malaria (33.1%) followed by surgical conditions (31.7%). 29 (20.4%) patients died. The commonest cause of death was prematurity and conditions related to it (11: 38%). Malaria and other infections accounted for 17.2% each. Most deaths occurred in the neonatal period. CONCLUSION Neonatal conditions accounted for the highest number of deaths followed by malaria. There is still more to be done to reduce under five deaths in order to reach the WHO target stated in MDG four. RECOMMENDATION Establishment of a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) and hiring adequate and well trained staff to closely monitor the patients. To intensify the process of distributing free mosquito nets especially to pregnant mothers and education on prevention of malaria

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