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Poverty And The Quality Of Education In The Selected Secondary Schools In Kalungu County Masaka District Uganda

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to establish the relationship between poverty and the quality of education in secondary schools in Kalungu county, Masaka District Uganda. The specific objectives of the study were to investigate the relationship between the effects mentioned and academic performance in primary schools in Kalungu county, Masaka District Uganda , and to investigate the role of the community on alleviating poverty and improving education in secondary schools in Kalungu co...

An Assessment of Poverty Reduction Programmes in Enugu State (2003-2011)

ABSTRACT Since independence in 1960, successive governments in Nigeria have come up with various poverty alleviation strategies aimed at empowering Nigerians in rural and urban areas. Several of these programmes not withstanding, poverty in Nigeria remains an issue of great concern as over 75 per cent of the citizens live below poverty line. The study is an assessment of poverty reduction programmes in Enugu State from 2003 to 2011. The research sought to find out among others, if the various...

Participatory Development And Pov Alleviation In Bududa Town Council Bududa Uganda

ABSTRUCT The study was carried out in Bududa Town Council, Bududa District with the focus on relevancies of Participatory Development to poverty alleviation. Therefore, chapter one gives the over view of the topic of the study in the background at International, Regional, National and finally at the Local context. However the general objectives of the study may include; analysis on the relevancies of Participatory Development to Poverty Alleviation in Bududa Town Council, however it was revea...

International Funding Mechanisms for Kenya’s Big Four: The Case of Food Security

Abstract: A vibrant agricultural sector is very crucial and critical for alleviating Kenya's food security problem, poverty alleviation, and for laying the foundations for sustained future economic growth. Indeed, food security is one of the Big Four Agenda that should be the plan to take Kenya across the frontier into the next development level. Efforts for food security growth and recovery, often through structural adjustment lending, have suffered from inadequate information about country...

The Assessment of the Role of N-Power in Poverty Alleviation in Niger State Using Lapai Local Government N-Power Participants

ABSTRACT This study assess the role of N-Power in poverty alleviation in Niger State using Lapai Local Government N-power participants. Three research questions were formulated to guide the study.  The study used a survey design.  The sample of the study constituted 100 N-power beneficiaries from Lapai Local Government Area. A questionnaire was used to gather data while table, percentage and t-test were used to analyze the data. Major findings revealed that slow economic growth and inadeq...


Abstract Poverty connotes deprivations or denials of certain needs, services and denials of all attributes of human development. Poverty crashed the human spirit, three billion people, half the world’s population lives in less human needs. Poverty traps future generation in a vicious cycle with hope or opportunity, in an increasingly globalize world on one is immune to these. The objective of this research work is to examine how microfinance bank will help in poverty alleviation in Nigeria....

Assessment Of The Impacts Of Personal Loan On Poverty Alleviation: A Case Of Capital Development Authority Employees

ABSTRACT  This study assessed the impacts of personal loans on livelihoods of workers, in particular Capital Development Authority workers. The study assessed the socio-economic, legal environments and policies, as far as personal loans are concerned in an attempt to raise the life standard/economic well-being of a worker and his/her dependants.     In its execution, the study employed qualitative approach through structured interviews and questionnaires to enable the collection of inform...

Millennium Development Goals (Mdgs) And Poverty Reduction In Anambra State, Nigeria, 2006-2015.

Abstract This study has critically examined the Millennium Development Goals and poverty reduction in Anambra State, Nigeria. Specifically, the study examined how lack of good governance in the management of Millennium Development Goals funds undermined poverty reduction in Anambra State, and how the state implementation of neo-liberal economic policies impeded the programme of poverty reduction in the State. Literature reviewed are deficient in explaining the link between lack of good gover...

The Impact of Microfinance Institutions On Poverty Alleviation in Uganda Case Study: Brac Microfinance Bugiri Branch, Uganda.

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION ............................................................................................................................ iAPPROVAL ................................................................................................................................... iiDEDICATION ............................................................................................................................. iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .............................................


The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of micro finance institutions on poverty alleviation in the Bawku Municipality. The aim of the literature review was to analyse critically the existing knowledge on the impact of micro finance institutions on poverty alleviation.Qualitative research method was used employed in the study. Case study design was used. Purposive sampling technique was used to select twelve (12) community members from twelve different households in the Bawku Muni...

Micro Finance Credit And Poverty Eradication In East Africa A Case Study Of Uganda

The purpose of the study seeks to examine the relationship between micro financed and poverty eradication in Uganda. The study is guided by research objectives of examining the causes of poverty in Uganda, examining the contributions of micro finance credit services provided to the poor and establishing the relationship between micro finance credits and poverty eradication .this is accomplished using secondary data sought from sources such as journals news papers reports publications fr...

Micro-Finance and Poverty Alleviation of Rural Agricultural Households in the Hohoe Municipality

ABSTRACT Even though great progress has been made towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals by reducing poverty, people continue to live in extreme poverty and more than two thirds of the world poor reside in rural areas. As a result, spatial inequality in development still exists between rural and urban areas due to lack of economic growth and effective policies for rural development. In order to examine microfinance and poverty alleviation in the Hohoe Municipality, the study empl...

Effects Of Poverty On The Academic Performance Of Learners In The Selected Primary Schools Of Central Division Kajiado District, Kenya

ABSTRACT  The purpose of this study was to establish the effects ofpoverty on pupil’s academic performance of the selected primaily schools in Central Division, Kajiado District Kenya. The specific objectives of the study were to investigate the relationship between the effects mentioned and academic performance in Central Division, and to investigate the role of the community in alleviating poverty and improving education in Central Division. The methods used for data collection was quest...


Smallholder commercialization becomes a necessary driver for poverty alleviation and food security in agriculturally driven economies in Sub-Saharan Africa considering rising population growth with increased competition for access to resources. However, commercializing smallholder farming in agriculturally driven economies vary in scales, institutional arrangements and labour regimes as well as socio-economic, environmental and political influence with varying policy initiatives towards incor...

Impact Evaluation Of Poverty Alleviation Programmes For The San Community In Omaheke And Ohangwena Regions

ABSTRACT The study focused on the San community which is the most marginalised ethnic group in Namibia to establish their current economic status. The study sought to assess the effectiveness and impact of the poverty alleviation policies and programmes that are in place to respond to the plight of the poor, specifically the San. Primary data was collected in Omaheke and Ohangwena regions through structured questionnaires or interview guides, and field observations. Secondary data was collec...

91 - 105 Of 992 Results