Search Results


Population growth and its interaction with food security and economic growth is the crux of the matter in this study. It has been documented that Nigeria is experiencing very high population growth rate due to aggravating high birth rate and plummeting death rate. The extent to which population growths affect food security and economic growth was therefore examined. Using time series data pooled from 1981 to 2016, tested for stationarity, co-integrated and corrected for error, the study obser...

The State of Food Security in Manzini Swaziland

The findings on urban food security in Manzini reported in this paper are based on data from the 2008–2009 AFSUN Urban Food Security Household Survey. We wish to thank the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) for funding the study through the UPCD Tier One Program, the eight geography students at the University of Swaziland who administered the survey, the Deputy Prime Minister of Swaziland and his office, and the Ministers of Housing and Urban Development, Education, and Agricu...

Migration, Urbanization And Its Implication On Food Security Among Low Income Households In Manzini City Swaziland

This paper seeks to contribute to recent food security debate. On the basis of field study conducted in three low income areas of Manzini, this study investigated how insufficient food has become a chronic development problem in Africa’s urban area due to rapid urbanization which is eating up the resourceful land and pushing food production further away. Therefore this study was designed to capture the role of migration, urbanization and its implications on food security among the selected ...


This study was done to establish the appropriateness of government and NGOs strategies to improve food security through the production of drought resistant crops in Swaziland. To determine this, analysis was done on the current rural Swazi livelihoods, strategies used by subsistence farmers to cope with hunger, priorities of both subsistence farmers and change agents and the approach used by change agents to fight hunger. Sithobela community was picked as a case study and a total number of 72...

Improvement of food security in Nigeria

Food security is made up of two words “food” and “secure”, meaning “securing of food”.The opposite of food security is food insecurity. It is a sad situation of limited or uncertain availability of nutritionally adequate or safe food.Different countries have different methods of combating food insecurity. For Nigeria, sustainable agricultural intervention by all stakeholders is the key. Having seen the aftermath of food insecurity, the question then is what is the way forward in ...

A Comparative Study of Food Security in Africa Amid Growing Population

It's a comparative study of African countries with the highest GDP against their food production amid the ever growing population to ascertain if truly they are under threat of food security.  Abstract Sustainable food security is every nation’s goal. For a nation to achieve sustainable food security, the food supply must exceed the demand. Using trend analysis, this study is an attempt to compare the nature of food security from 2000 to 2014 in Nigeria to selected African countries in eac...

The Paradox of Industrial Cash Crops Production: How Cash Cropping Undermines Developing Countries Food Security Through Land-grab, De-peasantization and Disappearing Diversity

This article examines how Industrial cash crops (ICs) undermine food security in developing countries through land grab, causing depeasantization and disappearing crop diversity. By using three previous research on Ghana, Ethiopia and Indonesia the complexities involving land dispossession, cash crop monoculture, dependency on the market for food, and livelihood crises are brought into focus. The analyses show reasonable linkage between cash crops production and food insecurity. Subsistence f...

Analysis of Food Security Among Farming Households in Imo State

AbstractPrevalence of food insecurity has remained a concern in Imo State and indeed the Sub-Saharan Africa. Hence, this study investigated the analysis of food security among farming households in Imo State, Nigeria. Multi-stage random sampling technique was used to select 144 farmers for this study. Information on the objectives of this study was elicited from the sampled respondents through a well- structured questionnaire. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, Food security ind...


ABSTRACT No doubt, no matter the development and height any person can scale, food will always remain relevant. The last thing that will get off anybody’s budget is food. It is a life-long essential and it will remain relevant as long as life remains. The paper exposes how important food security is and how food security can bring about sustainable economy growth. The paper recommends that public policy makers must as a matter of urgency see food security as a vital means to sustainable ec...

Urbanization And Agricultural Production: Implications On Household Food Security Among Rural Communities In Enugu State, Nigeria

CHAPTER ONE  1.0          INTRODUCTION  1.1Background of the study  Urbanization is the increasing number of people that live in urban areas, it predominantly results in physical growth of urban areas be it horizontal or vertical.  Urbanization a closely linked to modernization: industrialization and the sociological process of rationalization (Urban Life, 2012).  Urbanization can be describe as a specific condition at a set time i.e. the proportion of total population or area in ci...

Nutritional Composition and Sensory Evaluation of Biscuits Fortified with Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) and Cricket Powder (Acheta domesticus) for Improved Food Security

Abstract/Overview This study aimed at generating knowledge on the nutritional composition and sensory evaluation of biscuits fortified with sorghum flour and cricket powder. Four biscuits samples were formulated by substituting wheat flour with sorghum flour and cricket powder at 0, 20, 40, and 60%. The results showed that, the fortification improved some nutrient contents of biscuits significantly (p

The Role of Soil Conservation Techniques to Food Security: Case Study of Yambio State, Southern Sudan

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION iAPPROVAL iiDEDICATION ivAKNOWLEDGEMENT vTABLE OF CONTENTS viCHAPTER ONE 11.0 Introduction 11.1 Background 21 .2 Problem Statement 41.3 Objective 51.3.1 Overall objective~ 51.3.2 Specific objectives 51.4 Research Questions 51.5 Scope Of The Study 51.6 Justification Of The Study 61.7 Conceptual Framework~ 7CHAPTER TWO 8LITERATURE REVIEW 82.0 INTRODUCTION 82.1 SOIL CONSERVATION TECHNIQUES 82.1.1 Planting Vegetation~ 82.1.2 Contour P1oughing~ 92.1.3 Maintaining the S...

The Impact Of Climate Change On Food Security In Ward 8 Of Chivi District

Abstract The purpose of this study was to improve the brand image and perception of studying music courses. The research was qualitative in nature which encouraged the researcher to carry out an Action Research in the department of Music Business, Musicology and Technology in quest to improve the brand image and perception of studying music courses. The study identified the different perceptions the public have towards studying BSc Music Business, Musicology and Technology Honours degree at M...

An Assessment Of Rural Women Land Ownership Rights And Its Effects On Household Food Security: A Case Of Rural Women In Hai District

ABSTRACT Despite the efforts and strategies geared towards women in realizing property rights in terms of empowerment, participation and decision making in the global context today many African societies are still characterized by social economic and political inequalities between men and women. This situation is worse in Tanzania rural areas where women land ownership rights are violated as a result of culture being regarded as a daily routine that provides the basis and ways of owned and di...

226 - 240 Of 250 Results