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Zakah Poverty Alleviation and Inclusive Growth in Nigeria

Abstract Macroeconomic literature is replete with discussions on fiscal policy in both developed and developing economies but not much research has been done on zakah, a compulsory tax on Muslims, especially its role in alleviating poverty and generating inclusive growth. Zakah primarily aims at taking surplus money or wealth from the comparatively well-to-do members of the Muslim society and give it to the destitute, the needy and the wayfarer, among others, to improve their purchasing powe...

Nigeria: Pathway to Poverty Alleviation.

Abstract This paper analyses Nigeria’s poverty alleviation strategies since 1960. There is an indication that despite attempts at curbing poverty through poverty alleviation strategies, Nigeria’s poverty level continues to increase in a worrisome dimension with poverty remaining a hydra-headed monster. The failure of these strategies to reduce Nigeria’s poverty burden has been attributed to several factors including corruption, the multiplicity of programmes which lead to overlapping fu...


The phenomenal growth in the level of poverty in spite of the increasingly government established programs aimed at poverty alleviation in Nigeria call for the study into other options outside the purview of the Government. Hence this paper examines the impact of Non-Governmental Organisations activities on poverty alleviation among dwellers of selected villages (Gidan Kwano, Gidan Mangoro and Gurara) in Bosso Local Government, Niger State of Nigeria based on Weisbrod performance failure theo...

Assessment of Poverty Alleviation Programmes

Assessment of Poverty Alleviation Programmes 

Tourism-led Poverty Alleviation in South Asia – An Analytical Rapportage

Presently, when the whole world is busy celebrating the technological advancements, accumulated wealth and gains from globalization along with industrialization, poverty continues to stand as a ubiquitous and prevalent predicament in South Asia which is home to a quarter of the world population and nearly one third of the poor people in the world. Albeit, there has been a sizable reduction in the poverty headcount ratio since 1990, about 256 million people remain in absolute poverty in this r...


Education is a tool for personal and societal development and its impacts are felt in all sectors of any society. The gains of education for the individual, is that it inculcates the right knowledge and skills on the individual which give him/her the leverage to seek for high paying jobs that will add value to his/her socioeconomic status. Also, it makes the individual to be a productive citizen. This makes education to be a mechanism for empowerment in order to break the burden of poverty. P...

Financial Inclusion Of Poverty Alleviation in Ghana; Assessing The Impact Of Mobile Money And Banking.

ABSTRACT  This study examined the impact of mobile money and banking services on poverty alleviation in Ghana. In recent years, mobile money and banking services are argued to increase financial inclusion, especially in developing economies. The penetration of these services is therefore also theorized to reduce poverty significantly. However, despite the increasing penetration of banking and mobile money services in Ghana, there are limited studies assessing how the two impact on poverty a...


Abstract: Different researches have brought to the fore a number of remarkable contributions of the Bayt Al-Māl as a fiscal policy in the redistribution of wealth. In Nigeria, a few studies have been undertaken to evaluate the evolution and state of the Bayt Al-Māl. None of the studies however have undertaken an analysis of the operation and impact of the Bayt Al-Māl in the town of Saki as a mechanism for the redistribution of wealth. Therefore, this paper examines the activities and impa...

The Role Of Agro Based Industries In Poverty Alleviation Programme (A Case Study Of Phinomar Oil Industry Nigeria Limited Enugu)

ABSTRACT Due to the economic situation of the country the writer decided to carryout a comprehensive study to find out those solutions to the obstacles that disrupt the economic situation.  The study also reveals the role of Agro-based industries to poverty alleviation programme, family support programme and family economic advancement programme. Its therefore hoped that recommendation offered in this project will be of great relevant to the individual, Agro-based industries and the society...

Impact Evaluation Of Poverty Alleviation Programmes For The San Community In Omaheke And Ohangwena Regions

ABSTRACT The study focused on the San community which is the most marginalised ethnic group in Namibia to establish their current economic status. The study sought to assess the effectiveness and impact of the poverty alleviation policies and programmes that are in place to respond to the plight of the poor, specifically the San. Primary data was collected in Omaheke and Ohangwena regions through structured questionnaires or interview guides, and field observations. Secondary data was collec...

Globalization, Energy, Education And Poverty Alleviation: Prospects & Challenges For Developing Nations

Introduction Excellencies, distinguished guests, members of the Press, ladies and gentlemen, this is a unique day and unique occasion for me. In the first instance, it is a singular honour and privilege to be given this rare opportunity to address such a distinguished audience on the sore issue of poverty in Africa that has agitated my mind for several years now. But most importantly, today happens to be the birthday of our Chancellor, Dr. David Oyedepo, whose passion, vision and raison d'et...

Entrepreneurship as a Tool for Poverty Reduction in Nigeria (A Case Study of Kwara Central Senatorial District)

ABSTRACT This study entitled “Entrepreneurship as a tool for poverty reduction in Nigeria, Kwara central senatorial district.” was intended to assess the impact, implementation and evaluating the effectiveness of NDE & NEEDS, especially in relation to policy and strategy formulation, implementation, co-ordination, monitoring, and utilization of human and materials resources. Four hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. Related literature on entrepreneurship and poverty reduction s...

Smallholder Access to the Export Market: the case of Vegetables in Kenya

Abstract: Vegetable export production is a major source of income and contributes to the alleviation of poverty in Kenya. However, emerging....(continue from the attached pdf)

Effect of Government Capital Expenditure on Tourism Sector Growth in Kenya

Abstract Tourism is a vital sector of Kenya’s economy by contributing to employment, alleviation of poverty, Gross Domestic Product (GDP), foreign exchange earnings, and balance of payments surplus. Tourism is a productive economic activity that needs a stable macroeconomic environment in terms of budgetary resource allocation for sustainable and continued growth. Thus, this study sought to establish the effect of government capital expenditure on tourism sector growth in Kenya. The study ...

Teaching Physics Using Appropriate Technology Projects

Appropriate technologies able to be easily and economically constructed from readily available materials by local craftspeople have a central role in the alleviation of poverty in the developing world. However, research and development of these technologies are generally apportioned relatively modest support by the developed world’s institutions, in part because the operation of many of these appropriate technologies is dependent on relatively well-under-stood science accessible even to int...

1 - 15 Of 98 Results