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Social Media Diplomacy in Foreign Policy Decision-Making in Kenya

Abstract: The social media is an essential tool for bringing people together globally. The social media helps shape perspectives both domestically and abroad. Social media diplomacy is an important tool in winning over local and international masses in this era of globalization, with its increased international dependence and competitiveness. Therefore, this study sought to determine the role of social media diplomacy in foreign policy decision-making in Kenya. The specific objectives of the...


Social Media Types of Socia Media Reason Undergraduates use Social Media Categories and Features of Social Media

The Influence Of Social Media On Information Credibility On Top-Down Communication. (A Case Study Of Maasai Mara University)

ABSTRACT Communication is the engine that drives all the social systems we know of.Without proper communication,systems may crumble.The study focuses on how credibility of information can be affected by use of social media.The type of communication in our study is top-down communication.Social media is a new phenomenon in the country and there has not been effective training of how to handle it as a tool.In organizations,improper use of social media will cause an effect to credibility on the ...

Perceptions Of Violence Against Women On The Social Media Platform: The Case Of Social Media In Kenya

ABSTRACT  The growth of social media has provided a powerful, widespread and global communication platform. Its growth has had an impact on the opportunities for the perpetration of violence against women. Though violence against women did exist before, social media is presenting new ways in which women experience violence. This study sought to address the perception of violence against women on the social media platform as experienced in Kenya by answering questionsregarding the types of vi...

Social Media Politics

Political parties’ interaction strategy and practice on Facebook is the topic of this article. Political parties and individual politicians can use social media to bypass media and communicate directly with voters through websites and particularly social media platforms such as Facebook. But previous research has demonstrated that interaction on social media is challenging for political parties. This study examines the disparity between interaction strategy and online responsiveness and fin...

The Effects of Social Media on Student Engagement and Collaboration: The Use of Facebook at the University of Botswana.

In the context of today’s electronic media, social networking sites have come to mean individuals, using the internet and web application to communicate in previously impossible ways. This study sought to explore the effects of social media on collaboration and engagement among students in the University of Botswana particularly the use of Facebook. The study adopted the descriptive survey research design which was employed to derive responses from sample size of 100 undergraduate in the Ba...

Social Media And Its Contribution To Education Among The Youths: A Case Study Of Kampala International University

Social media refers to the means of interactions among people in which they create, share, and exchange information and ideas in virtual communities and networks (Ahlqvist 2003). Andreas Kaplan and Michael Haenlein define social media as ‘a group of Internet-based applications that build on the ideological and technological foundations of Web 2.0, and that allow the creation and exchange of user-generated content (Kaplan 2010). Furthermore, social media depends on mobile and webbased techno...

The Impact Of Using Social Media As A News Reporting Platform Among Journalism Students At Maasai Mara University

ABSTRACT The growth of the Internet has changed the way newsrooms across the world operate. At the heart of the new developments is the growing presence of traditional media of newspaper, magazines, radio and television online. Media houses have formed digital divisions solely tasked with operating their websites and social media handles. This study sought to find out how this changing technology is changing how young adults access news and information. This study picked the journalism studen...

The Use of Social Media in Political Mobilization. Cases of Zanu PF and MDC T

Abstract  The need for politicians to mobilize support for their endeavors has lacked an effective platform for this purpose prior to the introduction of Social media. The subsequent development of the internet and consequentially, the advent of Social Media, not only covered succored this lack, it ushered in a new wave of Political Mobilization. The use of Social media in Political Mobilization, therefore, is a very important subject to 21st Century politics. This paper deals solely with th...

Influence Of Social Media Strategies On Organizational Performance Of Commercial Banks In Makueni County

ABSTRACT Over the last two decades, there has been a tremendous increase in the development and use of various social media tools in sharing of information, discussions of issues concerning the day-to-day life of the people. A review of previous studies on the use of social media tools has revealed its impact on the organizational performance of different institutions. However, there is very little that has been done in relation to the impact of social media tools on the organizational perfor...

Influence Of Social Media On Learning Behaviour Among Secondary School Students In Moshi Municipality, Tanzania

Student learning behaviour can be adversely influenced by extraneous factors such as the use of social media. These adverse effects can sometimes extend to the students perceptions of learning to the extent that they shift their attention either positively or negatively towards learning. The purpose of the study was to examine the influence of social media on learning behaviour among secondary school students in Moshi Municipality in Tanzania. The study specifically sought to address the...

Social Networking And Academic Performance Of University Students In Kenya: A Case Study Of Kenyatta University, Kericho Campu

ABSTRACT  Academic performance is an important element to the lives of students in schools and their progression to the career world. Several factors indicate a student’s academic success. While some may not graduate top of their class, they may hold leadership positions in several student groups or score high on extracurricular activities. The title of this paper is “Social Networking and Academic Performance of University Students in Kenya: A Case Study of Kenyatta University, Kericho ...

Impact Of Social Networking Sites On Workplace Productivity

ABSTRACT This study examines the impact of social networking sites on workplace productivity. Objectives of the study include: to examine the effect of social media on employees’ productivity; to identify the impact of using social media as a strategic communications tool on employee productivity and cost effectiveness; to identify the positive and the negative consequences of employees’ individual media use; to evaluate the potential benefits of social networking sites for business ...


ABSTRACTThe influence of social media was examined and how it affects the usage of traditional mass media among youths. Also its effect on communication and socialization habit. Further more, the media relationship with its immediate audience, suggests that media weaken or delimit the audience capacity to act autonomously.     This study considers the uses and gratification theory whose emphasis on the audience is active in reception of the media. Also it suggests no passitivit...

The Influence Of Social Media On Employee Perfomance: Challenges And Opportunities For Human Resources Managers. (A Case Of Mutare City Council)

ABSTRACT The Purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of collaborative technology such as social media influence on employee performance in the workplace. The research examines the positive and negative effects of social media on employee performance and its variables which include knowledge, skills, motivation and productivity and elaborate on the opportunities and threats for organisations that are presented by the use of social media in the workplace. The researcher was guide...

31 - 45 Of 992 Results