Ethanolic extract of Jatropha gossypifolia exacerbates Potassium Bromate-induced clastogenicity, hepatotoxicity, and lipid peroxidation in rats

8 PAGES (4389 WORDS) Biochemistry Paper
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Extracts  of  J.  gossypifolia  L.  have  been  reported  to  have  several  medicinal  values,  including potential  anti-cancer  and  anti-inflammatory  properties.  In  this  study,  we  investigated  the  anti-clastogenic and  hepatoprotective,  effects  of  the  ethanolic  leaf  extract  of  J.  gossypifolia  L.  in  potassium  bromate (KBrO3)-induced  toxicity  in  rats.  The  general  trend  of  the  results  indicates  significant  increases  (p 

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