Chemical Engineering Research Papers/Topics

Investigation of the Effect of Particle Size on Avocado-Oil Extraction

ABSTRACT An investigation of the effect of particle size on the avocado oil recovery by solvent extraction is reported. Experiments were conducted using soxhlet extractor, avocado seed and n-hexane. Samples were grouped into mean particle sizes of 0.25, 0.75, 1.3, 3.3, and 7.5 mm using standard sieves. The effect of particle size was studied for extraction time intervals of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 8 hours. The oil yield, oil recovered per kg solvent used, kg solvent lost per unit time, and the ra...

Analysis of Some Heavy Metals in Selected Snacks Available in The Federal Capital Territory (Fct) - Abuja, Nigeria

ABSTRACT  The analysis of macro and trace elements in selected snacks available in the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), Nigeria showed varied concentrations of the essential elements (Fe, Cu, Ni, Zn, Mg, Ca, K, Na, Mn, Cr) and non-essential elements (Pb, Cd, Hg, Co) in the fifteen different samples (Meat-pie, Bread, Cake, Doughnut, Scotched egg, Sausage, Samosa, Spring Roll, Scones, Egg Roll, Akara, Buns, Okpa, Fish Roll, Chicken pie) analyzed. Potassium and Sodium were determined using Flam...

Natural Gas Dehydration with Aspen Hysys Validation of the CPA Property Package

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT   ABSTRACT  INTRODUCTION   OBJECTIVE   Natural Gas Dehydration  TEG   PROCESS DESCRIPTION   Modeling the Dehydration Process in Aspen HYSYS  Aspen Report of Absorber and Regenerator  Model Configuration   Run a Case Study to Identify  Possible Process Improvements  Graph and Results   Conclusion   References Abstract Dehydration process is an important focal unit in offshore gas processing to avoid industrial problems accompanied by hydrated gas processing ...

Hydro geochemistry and Engineering Geology of Adeta Area, Ilorin, North-Central Nigeria.

ABSTRACT A study on hydrogeochemistry and quality of shallow water and engineering properties of soil around the Adeta area in Ilorin was carried out based on data obtained from the field and laboratory. Groundwater flow, descriptive, and multivariant statistical analyses, piper, stiff and durov diagrams, as well water quality indices were used to describe hydrochemistry and water quality suitability of the area. Grain-size distribution, Atterberg limit and permeability indices were used to d...

Cashew Nut Shell Liquid, A Renewable and Reliable Petro-Chemical Feedstock

ABSTRACT The physical properties of CNSL extracted by pyrolysis was studied using standard procedures. The physical properties of the CNSL studied and results obtained compared with other extraction methods (hexane extracted and decarboxylated) from literature are moisture content 4.1%, (6.40%, 3.2%), specific gravity 0.943 (0.926, 0.926) viscosity 57cp (40cp, 358cp), pH 4.5 (4.5, 5.2) and the percent composition of the CNSL compared with those from literature are cardol 27% (30%, 31% (carda...

Utilization Of Brachystegia Spiciformis (Msasa) Leaf Powder In The Removal Of Nitrates From Wastewaters: An Equilibrium Study

ABSTRACT The investigation of nitrate adsorption onto Brachystegia spiciformis leaf powder from waste waters was performed. Characterization for the functional groups of the biomass before and after nitrate sorption as well as after desorption was done using an FTIR spectrophotometer. The effect of pH, contact time, dosage and initial nitrate concentration was investigated. The Brachystegia spiciformis leaf powder had amine, carboxylic and hydroxyl groups that were involved in nitrate remova...

Production And Analysis Of Metallic And Plastic Sealant

ABSTRACT The project research entailed the production of high quality sealant incorporating a local raw material for sealing holes and gaps in various materials like metal and plastic. Two samples of acrylic sealants were produced, the first samples which is the standard formulations involved the use of silica gel as a major adhesion promoter and the second samples which is the research formulations involved the use of sand (sharp colourless sand with 59% silica/silicondioxide composition)) a...

Evaluation of Immunomodulatory Effect of Pausinsytalia Yohimbe Methanol Extract on Mice

ABSTRACT Pausinystalia yohmibe is a member of thefamilyRubiaceae. It is a valuable medicinal tree, distributed in evergreen closed canopy forests in West Africa.  It is traditionally used for treatment mostly on erectile dysfunction. This research was carried out to evaluate the immunomodulatory effect of (Pausinystalia yohmibe) stem bark methanolic extract. The yohimbe extract has been reported for its medicinal use for the treatment of impotence in men and for its anti-oxidants effects bu...


The effects of temperature, dielectric constant and catalysis in the kinetics of the oxidation –reduction reactions (involving electron transfer) of N-(2-hydroxy-ethyl) ethylenediammine- N’,N’,N’-Triacetatocobalt (II) by Cu2+ cation were determined.  The dielectric constant was decreased from 63.05 to 43.18 and it was found that the rates of the reaction did not show any appreciable change. This seems to mean that the change in the dielectric constant of the medium had no effect on ...


The project research entailed the production of high quality sealant incorporating a local raw material for sealing holes and gaps in various materials like metal and plastic. Two samples of acrylic sealants were produced, the first samples which is the standard formulations involved the use of silica gel as a major adhesion promoter and the second samples which is the research formulations involved the use of sand (sharp colourless sand with 59% silica/silicondioxide composition)) as a...

Production and Characterization of Activated Carbon Produced from a Suitable Industrial Sludge

Abstract: The purpose of this study is the preparation of activated carbon using a suitable industrial sludge. The characterization of two types of industrial sludges showed that paper sludge was a better option over rice husk. The activated carbon produced from pyrolysis of paper mill sludge was chemically activated with various activating agents like zinc chloride, potassium hydroxide and potassium chloride. A systematic investigation of the effect of impregnation ratio, activation temp...

Design of Distillation Column

Azeotropic distillation of ethanol-water mixture is accomplished by adding a volatile third component to the liquid which changes the volatility of one of the two components more than the other so the components are separated by distillation. The two components to be separated often have similar boiling point components which do or do not azeotrope in the binary mixture, but sometimes there are components which do azeotrope despite having vastly different boiling points. It is likely that in ...

Design, Fabrication, and Performance Evaluation of a Double Effect Evaporator

This project study was aimed at designing, fabricating, and evaluating the performance of a double effect evaporator, which was used to evaporate sugar syrup to be used for students’ demonstration. During the course of the study, the methods that were used comprised of the material balances, energy balances, and determination of the component parts of the evaporator. The results from the study included the overall material in the evaporator’s system, the material balance for each effect, ...


ABSTRACT Oil obtained from orange peels and velvet tamarind nut by solvent extraction (n-hexane and acetone) using the soxhlet extractor were investigated as feedstock’s to determine some of the suitable parameters such as iodine value, saponification value, specific gravity, density, acid value and free fatty acid value, and their percentage yield that are suitable for biodiesel production. The density of orange and tamarind oil were found to be 0.9326g/cm3 and 0.8541g/cm3 respectively, th...


                                                                     EXECUTIVE SUMMARY      This work presents the design of a plant that will produce 250000kg/yr of lindane from benzene, chlorine and water at high temperature and pressure using direct chlorination method. The feeds are sent into a chlorinator, the crude product from the chlorinator is continuously decanted into a decanter and the bottom product HCl i...

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