ABSTRACTThis research sought to investigate insurance industry and the significance of its laws andregulations to development in Uganda. The objectives of the research were to review theInsurance Regulatory Body and to come up with effective mechanisms that can be utilized byRegulatory body and Authority of Uganda and other professional associations in monitoring andsupervising insurance industry. The researcher looked at literature review in the domain of theindustry and regulation. The revi...
ABSTRACTInternational criminal law is one of the very broad aspects of international law generally, dealingwith the investigation and possible prosecution and punishment of perpetrators of internationalcrimes. In the prosecution of international crimes, international criminal law does contain variousprinciples, norms and customs that have in fact contributed to its development. It is understood'that whilst international ciiminal law is different from international humanitarian law, there is a...
TABLE OF CONTENTContentsDECLARATION ................................................................................................................... iiAPPROVAL ......................................................................................................................... iiiDEDICATION ...................................................................................................................... ivACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................
TABLE OF CONTENTDECLARATION ........................................................................................................................ iDEDICATION .......................................................................................................................... iiAPPROVAL ............................................................................................................................. iiiLIST CASES .................................................................
ABSTRACTThe study examined the International criminal court on African Perspective to examine theinternational criminal court proceedings under part v of the Rome Statute (investigation andprosecution) and proposals for amendments. One of the main reasons for the need of an ICCwas achieve justice for all. There have been many instances of crimes against humanity and warcrimes for which no individuals have been held accountable. In Cambodia in the 1970s, anestimated 2 million people were kille...
ABSTRACTThis study examined the problem of gender-based sexual violence in post-armed conflicts andhow it has affected reintegration of former rebel captives into the community in Lira District.Sexual and gender-based violence is a human rights violation and it is perpetuated by negativeattitudes which discriminate people according to their sex. It can occur at individual level, inrelationships such as marriage, at commtmity and community levels. The study found out thatwomen and girl mothers...
TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION ................................................................................................................ 1APPROVAL........................ . ............................................................................................ iiDEDICATION ................................................................................................................... iiiAKNOWLEDGEMENTS .................................................................................
TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION ............................................................................................................................. iAPPROVAL .................................................................................................................................... iiDEDICATION ................................................................................................................................ iiiACKNOWLEDGMENTS .........................................
ABSTRACTThe right to information which is constitutional, the current legal regime of laws and theinstitutions established by the government of Uganda including access to information Act 2005are not sufficient to facilitate the right to information.The law neither obliges the government t to pro-actively disclose information nor does it providethe citizen activism in accessing such information. Therefore there is need for comparativereview of the access to information legal frame work in Ugan...
ABSTRACTThe Public order Management Act Came into force on 2nd October 2013 ,ever since its enactmentit was followed by a lot of protests and criticisms. The scenes have been as many as they havebeen predictable. Some people declared that they would exercise their right to freedom ofassembly and demonstration unhindered as reported. The POMA was enacted to provide aregulatory framework for public assemblies. It however gives wide discretionary powers to theUganda Police Force to deny and disp...
ABSTRACTChapter one demonstrated the research problem; and this will help to convince the readers thatthe problems exist and that opportunities of consumer should be adjusted.Chapter two involved the statutory protection of the consumer and why consumer protection isneeded. It has discussed the various legislations on consumer protection and the justification forthe laws. It will therefore lead to appreciation and understanding the research that has alreadybeen done in this area of interest.C...
TABLE OF CONTENTDECLARATION .......................................................................................................................................... iAPPROVAL ................................................................................................................................................. iiLIST OF STATUTES ......................................................................................................................................... iiiTABLE OF CONTE...
ABSTRACTThis study was carried out using the qualitative methodology of research, the study is basedon secondary information such as writings of high qualified state publicists as clearlyenvisaged in textbooks, novels, law journals, articles, websites and different literatureincluding class notice. The researcher also relied on judicial decisions made by differentjudges of different states, Acts of parliament relating to ADR and international Conventionswhere Uganda is party.Over the past sev...
ABSTRACTThis research paper analyses pre-trial detention (remand) in Uganda. It digs deep into thecauses and effects of lengthy pre-trial detention and provides suggestions to end it. The papergives appropriate hist01y of the wider context of pre-trial detentions in Uganda that spans Ji-omthe immediate post-colonial times of Uganda to the recent, highlighting major historical eventsthat have shaped the law on pre-trial deten 1;1m. It goes ahead to provide an analysis of theliterature both loc...
ABSTRACTKampala as a capital city, has found itself with too many developed stmctures which are•illegally founded and in turn do cause an impact of an over whelming large populationwhose problems it can hardly cope with. Because of its centrality and function, it has andwill continue to grow. Due to the ever increasing business activities and urbanpopulation, the city has faced problems of housing, planning and unemployment. Thisaffects the political, social and economic policies, and incre...