Biochemistry Research Papers/Topics

Common Mitochondrial DNA Mutations Among Infertile Males On Referral to The Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital

ABSTRACT Background: Studies to find the association between male infertility and mtDNA mutations have been carried out by many researchers but reports from these studies have been varied and contradictory at times. However studies of this nature are scarce in Ghana. The present study has therefore provided a baseline data on mtDNA mutations in relation to male infertility for further studies to be carried out in this area. Main Objective: The overall objective is to ascertain the common mtD...

Effect of Chronic Exposure to Petroleum Hydrocarbon Pollution On Some Biochemical Parameters of Individuals Native to Ebocha, Niger Delta

ABSTRACT The impact of pollution due to gas flaring on individuals native to Ebocha in Niger Delta Area was investigated. One hundred and five apparently healthy individuals between 21-70years who consented for the study were screened, seventy five individuals from Ebocha and thirty from Nsukka-a control location with no history of petroleum hydrocarbon pollution. Standard analytical procedures were used in the determination of the concentration of ascorbic acid (AA) of the individuals (males...

Studies On Possible Beneficial Biochemical Outcomes of Single and Combinatorial Herbal Formulations On Diabetic Wistar Rats

ABSTRACT Medicinal plants continue to provide valuable therapeutic recipes, in orthodox and traditional healing systems, for the amelioration of diseases and disorders. The current study sought to evaluate the capacities of single herbal formulations (SHFs), double herbal formulations (DHFs), triple herbal formulations (this) and quadruple herbal formulation (QHF) of leaf extracts of Acanthus Montanus, Asystasia gangetica, Gongronema latifolium and Solanum melongena to ameliorate hyperglycem...

Chemo protective Effect of Methanol Leaf Extract of Picralima Nitida On Carbon Tetrachloride-Induced Oxidative Stress in Albino Rats

ABSTRACT Among medicinal plants, Picralima nitida is well investigated and has been shown to possess renal and hepatoprotective activities. The present study was conducted to investigate the chemoprotective effect of methanol extract of Picralima nitida leaves on carbon tetrachloride-induced oxidative stress in albino rats. Thirty (30) Wistar albino rats of six (6) rats per group were used for this study and were divided into 5 groups. Group 1 rats were normal control; group 2 (negative cont...

Chemical Contents and Characterization of the Biologically Active Compounds of Nigella Sativa Linn. (Ranunculaceae) Seeds

ABSTRACT The seed of Nigella sativa was evaluated for its chemical composition, medicinal as well as its nutritional values. The powdered seed was extracted with methanol to give the crude extract. Phytochemical screening of the crude extract revealed the presence of the following classes of natural products; alkaloids, tannins, flavonoids, saponins and anthraquinones, sterols and terpenes. The proximate analysis showed 12.00% moisture, ash content 3.00%, ether soluble extract 33.30% crude p...

Biochemical Effect of Ethanol Leaf Extract of Mucuna utilis on Lead Acetate Induced Toxicity on Wistar Albino Rats

ABSTRACT This study investigated the effect of ethanol leaf extract of Mucuna utilis (EEMu) on lead acetate induced toxicity on Wistar albino rats. Acute toxicity analysis of the plant extract produced no lethality even at high doses of 3000 mg/kg body weight. Twenty albino rats weighing 115 – 235 g were divided into four (4) groups; the first groupof animals served as normal control and were not administered either lead acetate or EEMU. The second group was treated intraperitoneally with ...

Assessment of Phytochemical and Nutrient Compositions of Edible Yam Species in Southeastern Nigeria

ABSTRACT This study assessed the phytochemical and nutrient compositions of edible yam species Dioscorea rotundata 1, Dioscorea rotundata 2, Dioscorea rotundata 3, Dioscuri rotundata 4, Dioscorea Cayenensis, Dioscorea alata, Dioscorea dumentorum and Dioscorea bulbifera in Southeastern Nigeria. The phytochemical and nutrient (proximate, minerals, vitamins, fatty acids and amino acids) compositions of the yam tubers were investigated using standard analytical methods. 

Utilizing Yeast as a Model Organism for Drug Discovery Against Eukaryotic Infections

ABSTRACT Eukaryotic pathogens are responsible for several serious human diseases, however, most drugs used as treatment regimens are ineffective while others still in use are toxic. This study seeks to identify bioactive molecules from wood decay fungal (WDF) extracts with activity against eukaryotic pathogens (especially Candida albicans and Plasmodium falciparum). The Saccharomyces cerevisiae model organism for eukaryotic cell biology studies is extensively used to screen bioactive molecul...

Immune Response to Genetically Diverse Plasmodium Falciparum Gametocytes in Areas of High and Low Malaria Transmission Intensity in Southern Ghana.

ABSTRACT Plasmodium falciparum gametocytes are able to infect the mosquito even at levels below microscopic detection and are responsible for malaria transmission. Gametocytes are exposed to immune pressure from the host and as a result, the host is able to develop antibodies against these gametocytes. However, it has not been determined whether naturally acquired immune response against gametocytes have a direct correlation with the presence of sub-microscopic gametocytes in the peripheral ...

Diagnostic Potential of Extant Antischistosoma Genus-Specific Monoclonal Antibodies

ABSTRACT The suitability o f five Schistosoma genus-specific monoclonal antibodies (MoAbs) (Sh3/34.10, Sh3/38.2, Sh4/14.3, Sh5/32.30 and Sh5/34.10) in detecting schistosome antigens in infected human and cattle was evaluated. These antibodies were employed in various diagnostic assays to diagnose human and animal schistosomiasis. Extant MoAb secreting hybridoma cells were first propagated in culture to produce the MoAbs. The culture supernatants containing secreted antibodies were analysed b...

The Effects of Cryptolepis Sanguinolenta Root Extracts On Plasmodium Falciparum Gametocyte Development

ABSTRACT Current efforts to eliminate malaria worldwide are soaring and one of the approaches to this is the mass screening of medicinal plants for their possible potential anti-malarial property. The current study conducted was to determine the effect of one such plant, Cryptolepis sanguinolenta on gametocyte development. In vitro growth inhibition assays on early and late gametocytes stage using ethanolic and aqueous extract of the C. sanguinolenta roots was performed. Enzyme activity assa...

Isolation and Characterization of Antifungal Agents Produced by Wood Decaying Fungi from Ghana

ABSTRACT Human systemic fungal infections have increased in the past decade due to the dramatic increase in immunocompromised patients hence the emergence of resistant fungal strains. It is therefore necessary to discover new antifungal compounds with novel mode of action. This study was aimed at isolating and characterizing antifungal agents from wood decaying fungi (WDF). The growth conditions for maximum production of bioactive agents from WDF were first tested. It was observed that miner...

Urinalysis: Practical Experiment (SIWES Report)

Urinalysis is the physical, chemical, and microscopic examination of urine. It involves a number of tests to detect and measure various compounds that pass through the urine. This presentation will give you an insight on everything you need to know about urine. Urine Composition Urinalysis Practical Experiments         Urinalysis: (Normal & Abnormal Constituents of Urine)         Estimation of pH of Different Samples         Qualitative Tests on Lipids: Cholesterol     �...

Aphrodisiac Potential of Calotropis procera (Rooster Tree) Stem Aqueous Extract on Some Reproductive Markers in Male Albino Rats

ABSTRACT The trade in traditional aphrodisiacs on the street of Nigeria is at all-time high. Several types are on display or advertised by vendors. One of such is Calotropis procera. The aphrodisiac potential of Calotropis procera aqueous stem extract was investigated on some reproductive markers in matured sexually active male albino rats. Phytochemical screening was performed following standard protocols, the mineral composition determination was also carried out using standard method. A to...

A systematic review on COVID-19 pandemic with special emphasis on curative potentials of Nigeria based medicinal plants

ABSTRACT Despite the frightening mortality rate associated with COVID-19, there is no known approved drug to effectively combat the pandemic. COVID-19 clinical manifestations include fever, fatigue, cough, shortness of breath, and other complications. At present, there is no known effective treatment or vaccine that can mitigate/inhibit SARSCoV-2. Available clinical intervention for COVID-19 is only palliative and limited to support. Thus, there is an exigent need for effective and non-invasi...

91 - 105 Of 561 Results