CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1. Background to the study 1.1.1. Historical Perspective Education was and is still necessary for the development of any society. They are at the heart of many minimum strategies (Yadama, Bata, 2010). Training skills and limited development skills (economic) (Samba, 2015). Consensus, policy makers and other participants in the provision of educational service s seek the best measurement methods. Their efforts have contributed to the recognition of the importance o...
ABSTRACT This study was initiated with the purpose to establish the role of staff training on the efficiency of employees in Mogadishu Local Government offices. The local governments had been marred with several cases of employee inefficiency in terms of timeliness of service quality and responsiveness to the need of the public. The study was guided by three objectives 1) to investigate the staff training practices at selected local governments of Mogadishu, Somalia 2) to determine the leve...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of Staff Development on Local Government delivery of social services in Galkacyo North District in Puntland Somalia. The social services of study included primary health care (medical), primary education service, water and sanitation and road infrastructural services. For this purpose, the study sought to i) assess the level of staff development among civil servants, ii) examine the quality of social service delivery and iii) deter...
TABLE OF CONTENTS Declaration Approval Dedication iv Acknowledgement Table of contents Abstract ListoftableS CHAPTERONE I INTRODUCTiON I l.lBackgrOUfldOftheS~Y I 1.1.1 Historical PersPective 1 1.1.2 meotetical perspective 4 1.1 .3Conceptuai pespect~’~ 5 1.1 .4Contextual perspective 6 1.2 Statement of the Problem 7 1.3 Purpose ofthe Stud)’ 8 1.4 Research ObjectiveS 1.5 Research Questions 8 l.6HypothesiS 8 1.7 Scope 9 1.7.1 Geographical Scope 1.7.2 Theoretical Scope 1.7.3 Content Scope 1.7....
ABSTRACT This study was carried out to investigate the relationship between governance and Capacity building in Public sectors in Hargeysa Somaliland. The study was guided by four objectives as follow; to determine the profile of respondents in terms of age, gender, educational level and level of experiences, to determine the level of governance in Somaliland, to determine the level of capacity building in public sectors in Hargeysa Somaliland and finally to determine if there is a significan...
ABSTRACT This study aimed at examining the contribution of Public Private Partnership to Secondary education enrolment in Luuka District, Uganda. The study findings contributed to the existing body of knowledge through helping education sector policy makers and academicians to technically advise government on Public Private Partnership in Secondary Education policy framework in Uganda if it’s to meet the aims and goals of the policy. In order to produce the study findings, the thesis examin...
ABSTRACT This study was set out to establish the extract to which leadership skills and efficiency of local government service delivery in Bosaso district — Puntland — Somalia. specifically the study wanted to establish the effect of (i) profile of the respondent (ii) level of leadership (iii) level of service delivery (iv) whether there is a significant difference in the level of leadership skills and level of service delivery (v) whether there is a significant relationship in the leve...
ABSTRACT The study examined conflicts and their effects on employees’ performance in organizations, using a Case of Kampala International University (KIU) Main Campus. The study is aimed at establishing the various types of conflicts, their main causes, potential areas (of conflicts), and the effects conflicts have on employees’ performance. Three methods of data collection were used (to study 100 respondents), namely, the self administered questionnaire, formal and informal interviews....
Abstract This thesis is a result of an academic research entitled “Universal Primary Education and School Enrolment in Buyenzi Commune (District), Burundi”. The study was guided by the four research questions: (i) What is the demographic characteristic of respondents as to: gender, age, Educational level, Qualifications Other Than Academic Discipline and Number of years teaching experience? (ii) What is the level of Universal Primary Education? (iii) What is the level of School Enrolmen...
ABSTRACT The Vision 2020 Umurenge Programme (VUP) aims to reduce poverty at the community level through providing employment opportunities for poor people with productive capacities, and direct assistance such as cash transfers to the poorest and most vulnerable households. The study was to determine the demographic information of respondents, to determine the areas that vision 2020 emphasized for attaining its objectives in economic development of population, to evaluate the contribution o...
ABSTRACT The main objective of this study was to investigate efforts of Somali Central Government in Fighting against corruption in Mogadishu, Somalia. Specifically to determine the extent of corruption in Somali central government, to determine the main causes of corruption in Somali central government and to indentify efforts, challenges and finding possible solutions of how to mitigate corruption in Somali central government in Mogadishu, Somalia. The sample size of this study was eighty...
ABSTRACT This study established how financial management impact on public sector performance of selected ministries in Hargiesa, Somaliland. The study was based on these three objectives; 1) to examine the extent of financial management in Hargaysa Somaliland. ; 2) to determine the performance of public sector in hargeisa Somaliland.; and 3) to find out whether there significant relationship between the extent of financial managements and public sector performance. A descriptive correlation...
ABSTRACT The study sought to examine local governance and peace building in Mogadishu, Somalia. The study objectives were; to examine the relationship between transparency in local governance and peace building, to examine the relationship between accountability in local governance and peace building and to examine the relationship between political will in local governance and peace building in Mogadishu, Somalia. The study was based on peace building theory developed by Schellenberg H.J i...
ABSTRACT The study investigated the relationship between leadership styles and employee performance at SIMAD University The following were the research Objectives of the study: The study was guided by four research objectives; To ~determine the profile of respondents in terms Age, gender, marital status and Educational level, To determine the relationship between autocratic leadership style and the performance of employee at SIMAD university, To examine how the democratic leadership style a...
Abstracts The study was carried out in Ojwina division, Lira municipality with an aim of assessing the extent to which local government has succeeded in the provision of health care facilities and services. The general objective was to assess the extent to which local government has succeeded in the provision of health care facilities and services. The specific objectives were however, to investigate the role of local government in the provision of health care facilities and services in Ojwin...