Table Of Contents
Acknowledgement Ii
Table of Contents Iii
List of Tables X
List of Figures Xiv
List of Symbols Xv
List of Abbreviations Xvi
List of Appendices Xvii
Abstract Xviii
Abstract Xx
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 An Overview 1
1.2 Background of the Study 1
1.3 Problem Statement 6
1.4 Research Objectives 10
1.5 Research Questions 11
1.6 Significance of the Study 12
1.6.1 Theoretical Significance 12
1.6.2 Practical Significance 14
1.7 Scope of the Study 15
1.8 Definition of Key Terms 17
1.9 Organization of the Thesis 18
Chapter 2 Literature Review 20
2.1 Introduction 20
2.2 Talent Management 20
2.2.1 Talent Attraction 24
2.2.2 Talent Retention 25
2.2.3 Talent Development 26
2.3 Job Performance 30
2.4 Work Engagement 35
2.5 Job Satisfaction 39
2.6 Perceived Organizational Support (POS) 44
2.7 Perceived Supervisor Support (PSS) 50
2.8 Gaps in the Literature 55
2.9 Underlying Theories 57
2.9.1 Social Exchange Theory 57
2.9.2. Human Capital Theory 59
2.10 Research Framework 60
2.11 Hypotheses Development 62
2.11.1 The Relationship between Talent Management and Job Performance 62
2.11.2 The Mediating Role of Work Engagement on Talent Management and Job Performance 66
2.11.3 The Mediating Role of Job Satisfaction on Talent Management and Job Performance 67
2.11.4 The Moderating Role of Perceived Organizational Support on Work Engagement and Job Performance 69
2.11.5 The Moderating Role of Perceived Organizational Support on Job Satisfaction and Job Performance 70
2.11.6 The Moderating Role of Perceived Supervisor Support on Work Engagement and Job Performance 72
2.11.7 The Moderating Role of Perceived Supervisor Support on Job Satisfaction and Job Performance 73
2.12 Summary 74
Chapter 3 Methodology 75
3.1 Introduction 75
3.2 Research Philosophy 75
3.3 Research Design 76
3.4 Population of the Study 77
3.5 Sampling Technique 79
3.6 Minimum Sample Size 81
3.7 Unit of Analysis 82
3.8 Research Instrument 83
3.9 Measures of the Variables 83
3.9.1 Talent Attraction 84
3.9.2 Talent Retention 85
3.9.3 Talent Development 85
3.9.4 Task Performance 86
3.9.5 Organization Citizenship Behavior Individual 87
3.9.6 Organization Citizenship Behavior Organization 87
3.9.7 Work Engagement 88
3.9.8 Job Satisfaction 89
3.9.9 Perceived Organizational Support 89
3.9.10 Demographic Information 90
3.10 Pre-Testing of the Questionnaire 90
3.11 Data Collection Procedure 92
3.12 Statistical Techniques and Data Analysis 93
3.13 Measurement Model Analysis 94
3.13.1 Construct Validity 95
3.13.2 Convergent Validity 95
3.13.3 Discriminant Validity 95
3.14 Structural Equation Model 96
3.14.1 Lateral Collinearity 96
3.14.2 Path Coefficient 97
3.14.3 R2 Value (Coefficient of determination) 97
3.14.4 Effect size (f2) 98
3.14.5 Predictive relevance (Q2) 98
3.14.6 PLS Predict 99
3.15 Mediating Effect 99
3.16 Moderating Effect 100
3.17 Ethical Considerations 101
3.18 Summary 101
Chapter 4 Data Analysis and Results 102
4.1 Introduction 102
4.2 Response Rates 102
4.3 Profile of Respondents 104
4.4 Data Screening 107
4.4.1 Missing Data 108
4.4.2 Outliers 108
4.4.3 Normality Test 108
4.4.4 Common Method Variance (CMV) 109
4.5 Partial Least Square-Structural Equation Model Analysis 109
4.6 Measurement Model 110
4.6.1 Construct Validity 110
4.6.2 Convergent Validity 110
4.6.3 Discriminant Validity 114
4.6.4 Reliability 117
4.7 Mean and Standard Deviation Scores of the Study Variables 117
4.8 Structural Model 119
4.8.1 Collinearity Assessment 120
4.8.2 Path Coefficients and Coefficients of Determination 121
4.9 Hypotheses Testing 123
4.9.1 Direct Effect of Talent Attraction on Task Performance, Organizational Citizenship Behavior Individual and Organizational Citizenship Behavior Organization 124
4.9.2 Direct Effect of Talent Retention on Task Performance, Organizational Citizenship Behavior Individual and Organizational Citizenship Behavior Organization 125
4.9.3 Direct Effect of Talent Development on Task Performance, Organizational Citizenship Behavior Individual and Organizational Citizenship Behavior Organization 126
4.9.4 Mediating Effect of Talent Attraction on Task Performance, Organizational Citizenship Behavior Individual and Organizational Citizenship Behavior Organization through Work Engagement 128
4.9.5 Mediating Effect of Talent Retention on Task Performance, Organizational Citizenship Behavior Individual and Organizational Citizenship Behavior Organization through Work Engagement 129
4.9.6 Mediating Effect of Talent Development on Task Performance, Organizational Citizenship Behavior Individual and Organizational Citizenship Behavior Organization through Work Engagement 131
4.9.7 Mediating Effect of Talent Attraction on Task Performance, Organizational Citizenship Behavior Individual and Organizational Citizenship Behavior Organization through Job Satisfaction 132
4.9.8 Mediating Effect of Talent Retention on Task Performance, Organizational Citizenship Behavior Individual and Organizational Citizenship Behavior Organization through Job Satisfaction 134
4.9.9 Mediating Effect of Talent Development on Task Performance, Organizational Citizenship Behavior Individual and Organizational Citizenship Behavior Organization through Job Satisfaction 135
4.9.10 Moderating Effect of Perceived Organizational Support on Work Engagement and Task Performance, Organizational Citizenship Behavior Individual and Organizational Citizenship Behavior Organization 136
4.8.11 Moderating Effect of Perceived Organizational Support on Job Satisfaction and Task Performance, Organizational Citizenship Behavior Individual and Organizational Citizenship Behavior Organization 137
4.9.12 Moderating Effect of Indirect Effect of Perceived Supervisor Support on Work Engagement and Task Performance, Organizational Citizenship Behavior Individual and Organizational Citizenship Behavior Organization 139
4.9.13 Moderating Effect of Perceived Supervisor Support on Job Satisfaction and Task Performance, Organizational Citizenship Behavior Individual and Organizational Citizenship Behavior Organization 140
4.10 Coefficient of Determination (R2) 142
4.11 Predictive Relevance (Q2) 142
4.12 Effect Size (f2) 143
4.13 PLS Predict 145
4.14 Summary of Hypotheses 147
4.15 Summary 149
Chapter 5 Discussion and Conclusion 151
5.1 Introduction 151
5.2 Recapitulation of the Study’s Findings 151
5.3 Discussion 153
5.3.1 The Relationships Between Talent Management and Job Performance 153
5.3.2 Mediating Role of Work Engagement in Talent Management and Job Performance 155
5.3.3 Mediating Role of Job Satisfaction in Talent Management and Job Performance 157
5.3.4 Moderating Role of Perceived Organizational Support on Work Engagement and Job Performance 159
5.3.5 Moderating Role of Perceived Organizational Support on Job Satisfaction and Job Performance 160
5.3.6 Moderating Role of Perceived Supervisor Support on Work Engagement and Job Performance 161
5.3.7 Moderating Role of Perceived Supervisor Support on Job Satisfaction And Job Performance 162
5.4 Contributions and Implications of the Study 163
5.4.1 Theoretical Contributions 163
5.4.2 Practical Contributions 165
5.5 Limitations of the Study 169
5.6 Suggestions for Future Research 170
5.7 Conclusion 171
References 173
List of Publications
List of Activities
Table 2.1 Summary of Literature Review on Talent Management and Job Performance 21
Table 2.2 Summary of Literature Review on Mediating Role of Work Engagement on Talent Management and Job Performance 48
Table 2.3 Summary of Literature Review on Mediating Role of Job Satisfaction on Talent Management and Job Performance 52
Table 2.4 Summary of Literature Review on Moderating Role of Perceived Organizational Support on Work Enagegment and Job Performance 55
Table 2.5 Summary of Literature Review on Moderating Role of Perceived Organizational Support on Job Satisfaction and Job Performance 58
Table 2.6 Summary of Literature Review on Moderating Role of Perceived Supervisor Support on Work Enagagement and Job Performance 60
Table 2.7 Summary of Literature Review on Moderating Role of Perceived Supervisor Support on Job Satisfaction and Job Performance 62
Table 3.1 Summary of the Population of the Study 65
Table 3.2 Summary of Measurement Items Used in the Study 88
Table 3.3 Measurement Items for Talent Attraction 93
Table 3.4 Measurement Items for Talent Retention 94
Table 3.5 Measurement Items for Talent Development 96
Table 3.6 Measurement Items for Task Performance 97
Table 3.7 Measurement Items for Organizational Citizenship Behavior Individual 98
Table 3.8 Measurement Items for Organizational Citizenship Behavior Organization 99
Table 3.9 Measurement Items for Work Enagagement 99
Table 3.10 Measurement Items for Job Satisfaction 100
Table 3.11 Measurement Items for Perceived Organizational Support 101
Table 3.12 Measurement Items for Perceived Supervisor Support 102
Table 3.13 Rewording of Questionnaire Items Based on Feedback from the Pre-Test Respondents ................................................................. 103
Table 4.1 Response Rate 105
Table 4.2 Response Bias for all Variables: Mailing and Hand-carry Response
Table 4.3 Profile of the Respondents 120
Table 4.4 Breakdown of Skewness and Kurtosis Score of the Study’s Variables 121
Table 4.5 Cross Loadings 123
Table 4.6 Measurement Model 127
Table 4.7 Discriminant Validity: Fornell and Larcker Criterion 128
Table 4.8 HTMT Criterion 130
Table 4.9 Mean, and Standard Deviation Scores of the Study’s Variables 131
Table 4.10 Lateral Collinearity Assessment (VIF) 134
Table 4.11 Path Coefficients of Talent Attraction on Task Performance, Organizational Citizenship Behavior Individual, and Organizational Citizenship Behavior Organization 135
Table 4.12 Path Coefficients of Talent Retention on Task Performance, Organizational Citizenship Behavior Individual, and Organizational Citizenship Behavior Organization 139
Table 4.13 Path Coefficients of Talent Development on Task Performance, Organizational Citizenship Behavior Individual, and Organizational Citizenship Behavior Organization 140
Table 4.14 Mediating Path Coefficients of Effect of Talent Attraction on Task Performance, Organizational Citizenship Behavior Organization, and Organizational Citizenship Behavior Individual through Work Engagement 141
Table 4.15 Mediating Path Coefficients of Talent Retention on Task Performance, Organizational Citizenship Behavior Organization, and Organizational Citizenship Behavior Individual through Work Engagement 142
Table 4.16 Indirect Effect of Talent Development on Task Performance, Organizational Citizenship Behavior Organization, and Organizational Citizenship Behavior Individual through Work Engagement 143
Table 4.17 Indirect Effect of Talent Attraction on Task Performance, Organizational Citizenship Behavior Organization, and Organizational Citizenship Behavior Individual through Job Satisfaction 144
Table 4.18 Indirect Effect of Talent Retention on Task Performance, Organizational Citizenship Behavior Organization, and Organizational Citizenship Behavior Individual through Job Satisfaction 146
Table 4.19 Mediating Path Coefficients of Talent Development on Task Performance, Organizational Citizenship Behavior Organization, and Organizational Citizenship Behavior Individual Through Job Satisfaction 147
Table 4.20 Moderating Role of Perceived Organizational Support on Work Engagement and Task Performance, Organizational Citizenship Behavior Individual, and Organizational Citizenship Behavior Organization 148
Table 4.21 Moderating Role of Perceived Organizational Support on Job Satisfaction and Task Performance, Organizational Citizenship Behavior Individual, and Organizational Citizenship Behavior Organization 149
Table 4.22 Moderating Role of Perceived Supervisor Support on Work Engagement and Task Performance, Organizational Citizenship Behavior Individual, and Organizational Citizenship Behavior Organization 150
Table 4.23 Moderating Role of Perceived Supervisor Support on Job Satisfaction and Work Engagement and Task Performance, Organizational Citizenship Behavior Individual, and Organizational Citizenship Behavior Organization 151
Table 4.24 Model Results for R² and Q2 152
Table 4.25 Effect Size (f²) Summary of Results 154
Table 4.26 Summary of Predictors 155
Table 4.27 Prediction Summary 158
Table 4.28 Summary of Hypotheses Testing 159
Figure 1.1 Lagos State Map……………………………………………………
Figure 2.1 Research Framework 69
Figure 3.1 G-power Software Computation Output for The Minimum Sample Size 85
Figure 3.2 Map of Nigeria 92
Figure 4.1 Structural Model of the Research Framework with Path Coefficients 137
Figure 4.2 Structural Model of the Research Framework with t Values 138
β | Path (β) Coefficients |
f² | Effect Size |
Q² | Predictive Relevance |
R² | Coefficient of Determination |
CBN | Central Bank of Nigeria |
CIPD | Chartered Institute of Personnel Development |
CIPM | Chartered Institute of Personnel Management |
CMV | Common Method Variance |
GST | Goal Setting Theory |
JP | Job Performance |
JS | Job Satisfaction |
NDIC | Nigeria Deposit Insurance Corporation |
ICP | Identifying Critical Positions |
HCT | Human Capital Theory |
HRM | Human Resource Management |
OCB | Organizational Citizenship Behavior |
OCBI | Organizational Citizenship Behavior Individual |
OCBO | Organizational Citizenship Behavior Organization |
PLS | Partial Least Square |
POS | Perceived Organizational Support |
PSS | Perceived Supervisor Support |
SEM | Structural Equation Model |
SET | Social Exchange Theory |
SPSS | Statistical Package for Social Sciences |
WE | Work Engagement |
TD | Talent development |
TM | Talent Management |
Appendix A | Questionnaire |
Appendix B | Demographic Profile of Respondents |
Appendix C | Missing Data |
Appendix D | Common Methods Variance |
Appendix E | Normality Test |
Appendix F | Mean, Standard Deviation Score of the Study’s Variance |
Appendix G | Path Coefficient first Run |
Bank Sentral Nigeria bertujuan membentuk semula industri perbankan Negara Nigeria. Pelbagai dasar ekonomi yang bertujuan untuk membentuk semula telah diwujudkan oleh Bank Sentral Nigeria. Namun begitu, kebanyakan bank di Nigeria masih tidak menunjukkan prestasi yang baik berbanding dengan bank di negara lain. Kajian ini bertujuan mengkaji prestasi pekerja dalam industri perbankan di Nigeria. Berdasarkan teori pertukaran sosial dan teori modal insan, kajian ini fokus kepada menyiasat hubungan pengurusan bakat dengan prestasi kerja pekerja dalam industri perbankan Nigeria. Kajian ini menggunakan penglibatan kerja dan kepuasan kerja sebagai angkubah mediasi serta persepsi sokongan organisasi dan persepsi sokongan supervisor sebagai angkubah moderasi. Soal selidik digunakan untuk mengumpul maklumat dari 302 pekerja sepenuh masa di lima buah bank terbaik dalam industri perbankan Nigeria. Data kemudian dianalisis menggunakan PLS-SEM. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa tarikan bakat dan pengembangan bakat pekerja mempunyai pengaruh positif terhadap prestasi kerja, gelagat kewarganegaraan organisasi dan gelagat kewarganegaraan individu. Pengekalan bakat didapati tidak mempunyai pengaruh signifikan terhadap prestasi kerja, gelagat kewarganegaraan organisasi dan gelagat kewarganegaraan individu. Hasil kajian membuktikan bahawa penglibatan kerja dan kepuasan kerja berpengaruh positif atas tarikan bakat, pengembangan bakat dan prestasi kerja, gelagat kewarganegaraan organisasi dan gelagat kewarganegaraan individu. Sebaliknya, penglibatan kerja dan kepuasan kerja tidak menjadi angkubah mediasi atas perhubungan antara pengekalan bakat dan prestasi kerja, gelagat kewarganegaraan organisasi dan gelagat kewarganegaraan individu. Tambahan lagi, persepsi sokongan supervisor tidak memoderasi perhubungan antara penglibatan kerja dan prestasi kerja, gelagat kewarganegaraan organisasi dan gelagat kewarganegaraan individu. Walau bagaimanapun, dapatan menunjukkan bahawa persepsi sokongan supervisor memoderasi perhubungan antara kepuasan kerja, prestasi kerja dan gelagat kewarganegaraan organisasi, tetapi tidak memoderasi perhubungan antara kepuasan kerja dan gelagat kewarganegaraan individu. Akhirnya, kajian mendapati bahawa persepsi sokongan supervisor tidak memoderasi hubungan antara penglibatan kerja dan prestasi kerja, gelagat kewarganegaraan organisasi dan gelagat kewarganegaraan individu. Dengan cara yang sama, persepsi sokongan supervisor tidak mempengaruhi perhubungan antara kepuasan kerja dengan gelagat kewarganegaraan organisasi dan gelagat kewarganegaraan individua, tetapi memoderasikan perhubungan antara kepuasan kerja dan prestasi kerja. Oleh itu, untuk bank Nigeria memotivasi pekerja supaya berprestasi tinggi dalam ekonomi digital ini, pengurusan bakat perlu dirancang dengan teliti kerana pengurusan bakat dapat mewujudkan keadaan lebih daya saing. Kesimpulannya, kajian ini akan memanfaatkan industri perbankan Nigeria, pihak berkepentingan dan pembuat dasar dalam memahami peramal prestasi kerja industri perbankan agar prestasi pekerja dapat dipertingkatkan.
The Central Bank of Nigeria aimed to reshape Nigeria’s banking industry. However, despite the various economic policies, most banks continue to perform poorly compared to their counterparts in other parts of the world. Therefore, there is a need to study the Nigerian banking industry, in particular, the predictors of employee job performance. Based on the social exchange theory and human capital theory, this study aims to investigate talent management and job performance of Nigerian banks, using work engagement and job satisfaction as mediators, as well as perceived organizational support (POS) and perceived supervisory support (PSS) as moderators. Questionnaire was used to obtain information from 302 full-time employees of the top five banks in Nigeria. PLS-SEM was used to analyze the data. The results indicated that talent attraction and talent development have a significant and positive influence on task performance, organizational citizenship behavior organization (OCBO), and organizational citizenship behavior individual (OCBI). However, talent retention was found to have no significant effect on employee task performance, OCBO, and OCBI. Work engagement and job satisfaction are found to relate positively to talent attraction, talent development, task performance, OCBO, and OCBI. However, work engagement and job satisfaction do not mediate the relationship between talent retention and task performance, OCBO, and OCBI. Furthermore, it is found that POS does not moderate the relationship between work engagement and task performance, OCBO, and OCBI. However, the finding revealed that POS moderates the relationship between job satisfaction and task performance and OCBO, but does not moderate the relationship between job satisfaction and OCBI. Finally, PSS does not moderate the relationship between work engagement and task performance, OCBO and OCBI. Similarly, PSS does not intervene in the relationship between job satisfaction, OCBO and OCBI, but instead it moderates the relationship between job satisfaction and task performance. Therefore, for the Nigerian banks to motivate high-performing employees in this digital economy, talent management will need to be carefully designed to create the most enduring competitive advantage. This study will benefit the Nigerian banking industry, the stakeholders, and the policy makers to apprehend the predictors of job performance so that the prevalence of poor employee job performance will not occur.
ADAMS LUKMAN, J. (2022). Talent Management and Job Performance in Nigerian Banking Industry: The Roles of Work Engagement, Job Satisfaction and Perceived Support. Afribary. Retrieved from
ADAMS LUKMAN, JIMOH "Talent Management and Job Performance in Nigerian Banking Industry: The Roles of Work Engagement, Job Satisfaction and Perceived Support" Afribary. Afribary, 26 Aug. 2022, Accessed 14 Mar. 2025.
ADAMS LUKMAN, JIMOH . "Talent Management and Job Performance in Nigerian Banking Industry: The Roles of Work Engagement, Job Satisfaction and Perceived Support". Afribary, Afribary, 26 Aug. 2022. Web. 14 Mar. 2025. < >.
ADAMS LUKMAN, JIMOH . "Talent Management and Job Performance in Nigerian Banking Industry: The Roles of Work Engagement, Job Satisfaction and Perceived Support" Afribary (2022). Accessed March 14, 2025.