Introduction This study focuses on the effect of market accessibility on households’ food security in Uganda, with particular emphasis in Acholi Sub region, Northern Uganda. In the study, market accessibility is the independent variable while households’ food security is the dependent variable. Availability, Accessibility, and Stability are study measures of Households’ food security while market accessibility is measured by farmer’s Organizations, road network, Information Communica...
ABSTRACT A study was carried out to assess the contribution of Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFPs) to household food security and income generation in villages surrounding Baga catchment forest in Lushoto District, Tanzania. Specifically, the study aimed at assessing the common NTFPs utilized by households in the study area, examining socio-economic factors influencing household members accessibility to NTFPs, evaluating the contribution of NTFPs to household food security and income. The stu...
ABSTRACT The study attempts to examine the livelihood strategies and household food security of vegetable street vendors in Morogoro town, Tanzania. Specifically, the study sought to: (1) To document the nature of the institutional environment in which vegetable street vending business is taking place, (2) To identify the type and extent of livelihood assets owned by individuals working as vegetable street vendors, (3) To measure household food security and dietary diversity of vegetable str...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to assess the role of Group Managed Grain Banks in ensuring rural food security. Specifically the study aimed to: describe the grain banks in terms of their functions and constraints, evaluate the contribution of grain banks on food supply consistency and security at household level and analyse operation performance of each grain bank. The study was carried in Dodoma region, using case study design at Kongwa and Chamwino districts. Purposive sampling wa...
EXTENDED ABSTRACT Round potato (Solanum tuberosum L) has been an important food and cash crop in the southern highlands of Tanzania since its introduction in the 1920s. However, the extent to which it contributes to household food security was empirically unknown. Therefore, this study was conducted in Mbeya and Makete Districts to contribute to this knowledge gap. The purpose of the study was to determine the contribution of round potato production to household food security. The specific o...
ABSTRACT The study was conducted to assess contribution of soil and water conservation practices on household food security and income in East Usambara highlands, Tanzania. Purposive sampling procedures were used to obtain six representative villages. In each village, 40 respondents were randomly selected leading to a sample size of 240 respondents. Structured and non-structured interview questions were used to collect data. Data collected by using questionnaires were supplemented by field o...
ABSTRACT The present study was conducted in Mbeya Rural District during December 2011 to April 2012 with the main objective of assessing the contribution of Agroforestry homegardens to household food security and income generation among communities. The study involved four randomly selected wards, one village per selected ward and thirty households from each village, all selected randomly. Data collection was done through field surveys using relevant social survey methods. The findings indic...
ABSTRACT Legumes are important crops for improving food and nutrition security in Africa. However, there are few nutrition researches on lablab beans in Africa, except for programs focusing on improving soil properties. This study was conducted to evaluate the nutritional composition of seven varieties of cooked lablab beans grown in Tanzania. The lablab bean varieties both green and dried were cooked then analyzed for chemical composition, cooker-ability and sensory qualities. The parameters...
ABSTRACT The study serves to unpack the role of small scale irrigation projects in ensuring food security in ward 11 of Chivi District. The study gave special attention on how the small scale irrigation schemes are implemented in the area, their role in ensuring food security in drought prone areas and the challenges that affect effective irrigation production. Qualitative and quantitative research methods were used in order to gather the information. The target sample for the qualitative app...
ABSTRACT ii The study attempts to examine the livelihood strategies and household food security of vegetable street vendors in Morogoro town, Tanzania. Specifically, the study sought to: (1) To document the nature of the institutional environment in which vegetable street vending business is taking place, (2) To identify the type and extent of livelihood assets owned by individuals working as vegetable street vendors, (3) To measure household food security and dietary diversity of vegetable ...
ABSTRACT Under-nutrition is a multifaceted problem and of recent, climate change-related factors are suspected as additional frustration to intervention efforts. A cross sectional study was conducted to determine factors influencing food security, care and environmental quality in a changing weather pattern. Face-to-face household interviews using structured questionnaire and FGD using check lists was conducted. Nutrition status was assessed using anthropometric measurements. A sample co...
Abstract This research seeks to highlight the Impacts of climate change on food security in Mutasa District in Manicaland Province in partial fulfilment of Bachelor of Arts Honours Degree in Development Studies at Midlands State University. The research presents the background of the study which is the impacts of climate change on food security. Research objectives and questions, limitations encountered and delimitations to the study are as well presented in this research. This study reviewed...
ABSTRACT A comparative cross-sectional study was conducted in Mvomero district using a randomly selected sample of 112 households participating in wetland and non-wetland activities. Three villages were purposively selected in the area whereby interviews were conducted using questionnaire and PRA tools. Specific objectives were to assess the contribution of wetland products to total household cash income, assess the contribution of wetland products to household food security and to determine ...
Abstract Conservation Agriculture (CA) is widely adopted in Zimbabwe, because it is well recognized as a climate adaptation measure. As a matter of fact CA improves yield by 50-100 percent as outlined by Mazvimavi. This research is primarily focusing on assessing the contribution of CA in enhancing household food security of smallholder farmers in ward 15 Zaka district. However qualitative research method is employed in this research and tools used include questionnaire, interviews and field ...
Abstract It is proving difficult to achieve food security for both developing and developed world. The severity of this problem however is dependent on a country’s ability to cope with stress and shocks. Food aid has become a solution to most of the developing countries in trying to mitigate this challenge. Nyaminyami district is one area that has constantly remained in the top ten of Zimbabwe’s most food insecure districts. The area has been receiving food aid since the year 2000. The fo...