Business Administration Research Papers/Topics

The Relationsidp Between Financial Incentives And Employee Motivation: A Case Study Of The Swedish Cooperative Center (Scc) Project: Kisumu.

ABSTRACTThe success of any organization depends largely on the motivation of the employees who are essential to the prosperity, productivity and performance of any company. Motivationis the key to creating an environment where optimal performance is possible. There are several approaches to how employees can be motivated. Some are motivated by financial(monetary) incentives whilst others are motivated by non-financial (non-monetary) incentives.The purpose of this study was to d...

Consumer Relationship Management And Longterm Survival Of A Firm: A Case Study Of Chania Flour Mills Thika- Kenya

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ............................................................···················· i APPROVAL .....................................,,,,,,,,,,,............................................. ii DEDICATION ......................................................................................... iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .................................................................... iv TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................

The Effect Of Customer Service On Customer Satisfaction

ABSTRACT The design of this project aims at establishing the effect of customer service and customer satisfaction in MTN Uganda. The literature review focuses on how customer service could affect customer satisfaction. The Researcher employed descriptive cross sectional and analytical research where observation interview and questionnaire guides were used. The respondents under study were MTN customers, it involved a collection of primary and secondary data, percentages and tables were used i...

Management Competence And Performance Of Smes In Luzira Parish Nakawa Kampala

Table of content Approval Declaration . ii Dedication List of Tables iv Table of Content v List of Abbreviations x CHAPTER ONE 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.0 Introduction 1 1,1 Background Of The Study 1.2 Problem Statement 3 1.3 General Objective 3 1.4 Specific Objectives 4 1.5 Research Questions 4 1.6 Scope Of The Study 4 1.6.1 Content Scope 4 1.6.2TimeScope 4 1.6.3 Geographical Scope 5 1.7 Significance Of The Study 5 1.8 Conceptual Framework 6 V CHAPTER TWO • 8 LITERATURE REVIEW 8 2.0 Introduction ...

Revenue Collection And Cost Reduction In Local Governmentauthories. Case Of Kampala Capital City Authority

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ......................................................................... i APPROVAL .................................................................................... ii DEDICATION ........................................................................... iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .......................................................... iv ACRONYMS ................................................................................. V TABLE OF CONTENTS ...............

Micro Finance Institutions And The Growth Of Small And Medium Scale Enterprises. A Case Study: Kagadi Town Council-uganda.

ABSTRACT The study was carried out to examine whether microfinance institutions have a significant effect - - on the growth of small and medium scale business in Kagadi town council, Kagadi district. The study was guided by the following objectives: To identify the different microfinance services offered to small scale businesses, to find out whether small scale businesses are growing in Kagadi town council and to find out the relationship benyeen microfinanc~ institutions and small and mediu...

Product Customization And Customer Satisfaction A Case Study Of Century Bottling Company Limited Namanve Kampala

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to find out the relationship between product customization and customer satisfaction. Customization of products is a marketing strategy that the company employs aimed at meeting the expectations of the customers effectively and efficiently. It ·is a marketing strategy that is designed to provide consumers with a product matched to their individually stated needs in one or more product dimensions. Specifically, the study investigated the extent of product...

Internal Controls And Cash Management Of Manufacturing Companies In Uganda: A Case Study Of Uganda Clays Limited.

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study investigate how effective internal controls on cash management can help expansion of Uganda Clays Limited. The study was based on the following 3 objectives; (i) to determine the effect of control activities on cash management and expansion of Uganda Clays Limited; (ii) to establish the effect of control environment on cash management and expansion of Uganda Clays Limited; and (iii) to establish the effect of corporate governance on cash management and expan...

District Government Budgets And Health Service Delivery In Hoima Referrel Hospital

ABSTRACT The research report gives an over view of the study results in which District Government budgets and Health service delivery was assessed. The types of Health services, components of budgetary control and relationship between district budgets and health services was investigated. The study was based on a sample of 50 respondents of which 30 were patients and their care takers and 20 were Health administrators and workers and these were selected using simple random sampling. Data was ...

Audit Reports And Internal Control System Case Study: Lira District Council

ABSTRACT T'he report focused on the audit report and internal control system case study of Lira District Local Government. The purpose of the study was to assess the internal control system and mditing on organizational performance. rhe report adopted three specific objectives; to identify the elements of reports that arc audited: lo assess the contribution of proper auditing t o organizational performance; to identify the ~hallenges in accounts Auditing. The study adopted cross-sectional res...

Economic And Social Consequences Of Temporary Employment In Financial Institutions In Uganda (A Case Study Of Bank Of Africa (Boa))

ABSTRACT The main purpose of this study was to investigate the economic and social consequences of temporary employment in financial institutions in Uganda. The study specifically focused on the Bank of Africa Ltd. Also, the study sought to explore the legal requirements as well as challenges it poses to the Human Resources function. Across-sectional survey design was adopted as the overall strategy for data collection and analysis in order to answer to research questions in the study. The ta...

Internal Control Systems And Financial Performance Of Municipal Urban Councils In Northern Uganda: A Case Study Of Kitgum Municipal Urban Council.

ABSTRACT This study investigated the Internal Control System that influenced financial per balance  in Municipal Urban Councils in northern Uganda: a case folium Municipal Urban  (KMUC2. The objectives of the study were: to explore the relationship between internal control activities and FP in K1vl(JC~ to find out how the internal control environment affects FP in KMFJC; ana~ to assess the impact of auditing on FP in KMUG.A descriptive research survey design was adopted using both q...

Internet Banking And Customer Satisfaction In Commercial Banks In Uganda: A Case Study Of Tropical Bank Limited, Kansanga Branch, Kamp Ala, Uganda.

AbstractThe study was about Internet Banking and Customer Satisfaction of Tropical Bank Limited, Kansanga Branch, Kampala, Uganda. The study was based on the following three objectives; to examine the effect of ATMs on customer loyalty; To determine the effect ofA TMs on customer retention and to establish the relationship between internet banking and customer satisfaction of Tropical bank limited, Kansanga branch, Kampala, Uganda. A sample of 80 respondents both female an...

Book Keeping Systems And Profit Levels: Case Study Of Dag + Clinic & Pharmacy Uganda

ABSTRACTChapter one represents! the research study focusing on book keeping systems and profit levels, carried out in DAG + Clinic & Pharmacy.Chapter two represents a view of the selected existing, knowledge from literature on book keeping and profit levels. Therefore the subject of inquirywas extracted in light with the previously conducted research and the scholarly work.Chapter three presents the research methods used in the study. It describes the research design, samp...

Effects Of Tax Policy On Revenue Management In Local Governments. A Case Of Butaleja District Local Government

ABSTRACT This study was carried out to examine the Effects of Tax Policy on Revenue Management In Local Governrnents.The objects of the study included, to examine different local revenue collection sources in Butaleja identify the limitations experienced by the tax authorities in Revenue, collection and management, to examine the Relationship between tax policy and revenue management in Butaleja District . That the major problem facing Butaleja District Local Government is that pe...

706 - 720 Of 4708 Results