Marketing Research Papers/Topics

The Influence Of Brand Equity On Consumer Choice In Branded Bottled Water Among Supermarket Customers In Nairobi Central Business District, Kenya

ABSTRACT Building strong brand equity to attain competitive advantage is a top priority amongst many firms but it is not always an easy task to accomplish. Due to the increased globalization and competition, the management of a brand has become of importance and thus presents an interesting area to study. With the adoption of effective brand equity strategies, many companies may compete effectively and efficiently. This study, therefore, set out to investigate the influence of brand equity o...

Determining The Contributions Of Relationship Marketing At Jomo Kenyatta Foundation In Kenya

Abstract The study determined the contributions of relationship marketing at Jomo Kenyatta Foundation in Kenya. The independent variables were customer retention and loyalty, customer satisfaction and customer service, trust and commitment. The dependent variable was relationship marketing. The study adopted a descriptive design because it allows researchers to gather information, summarize, present and interpret for the purpose of clarification. The target population of the study compri...

Impact Of Competitive Marketing On Performance Of Multinational And Indigenous Food And Beverage Manufacturing Companies In Nigeria

ABSTRACT The research study evaluated the impact of competitive marketing on the performance of multinational and indigenous food and beverage manufacturing companies in Nigeria. The study investigated how these companies utilized marketing orientation and practices, organizational structure and strategy , marketing strategies on acquisition of market shares, usage of marketing mix elements on returns on capital employed, and how the competitive use of these variables influence the perception...

A Comparative Analysis Of The Marketing Strategies Of Dominant Political Parties In Nigeria (The Case Of 2003 General Elections)

ABSTRACT This thesis examines the marketing strategies of dominant political parties in Nigeria with focus on 2003 General Elections. The broad objective of the research is to examine whether contemporary political parties in Nigeria are market-oriented organisations; and whether marketing offers a solution to the current democratic challenges in Nigeria. The study employed the survey method of research in which the data required for the study were generated through the instruments of questio...

Integrated Marketing Communications And Consumers Patronage Of Nigerian Beverage Products

ABSTRACT The need for an organization to properly coordinate its marketing communications strategies to achieve a clear, consistent and competitive message about itself and its product has become issue of concern to every result driven firm. The study is aimed at examining the impact of integrated marketing communication on consumers’ patronage of Nigerian beverage products. The objectives of this research among others are to (i) establish the level of understanding and the use of IMC by Ni...

Contemporary Marketing Strategies And Performance Of Agricultural Marketing Firms In South-West Nigeria

ABSTRACT This thesis examines the application of Contemporary Marketing Strategies and their impact on agricultural marketing firms performance in South-West Nigeria. The study was carried out on established conceptualised Contemporary Marketing practice comprising of four different approaches - Transaction, Database, Analysis Interactive Mix and Network Marketing. The general objective of the study was to examine the application/adoption of Contemporary Marketing Strategies and the Performan...

Impact Of Upstream Supply Chain Coordination On The Performance Of Zimbabwean Agro-processing Organizations

The study assessed the impact of upstream supply chain coordination on the performance Zimbabwean agro processing organisations and developed a framework that can bridge existing practical and theoretical knowledge gaps in the coordination of supply chains in the country. Seventeen hypotheses were proposed and tested. The main objective of the study was to assess the impact of upstream supply chain coordination on the performance of the agro processing organisations and developing a supp...

The Efffectiveness Of Network Marketing In Enhancing Market Share. A Case Of Doves Asuarance Company

ABSTRACT The study aimed at assessing the effectiveness of network marketing in enhancing market share of an organisation in the funeral sector in Zimbabwe. Doves Morgan was losing market share at a very alarming rate despite employing competitive strategies. The company therefore introduced Shiri plan network marketing strategy. The study therefore analysed the effects of referrals on market share, the commissions paid to network marketing agencies had an effect on market share through netwo...

The Effect Of Board Independence On Liquidity Risk Management In The Zimbabwean Banking Sector

ABSTRACT The current liquidity challenges being experienced in the banking sector and the economy, continue to be an issue of major concern to the Zimbabwean citizens. It is in an effort to try and establish one of the reasons that could be contributing to these challenges that prompted the researcher to investigate the effects of board independence on liquidity risk management in the Zimbabwean banking sector. Literature on board independence and its implication in decision making in the ban...

Effectiveness Of Online Purchasing Attributes On Company Performance. A Case Of Telone Zimbabwe.

ABSTRACT There is stiff competition in the telecommunication sector where companies are coming up with brilliant ideas in order to fight the competitive world. The purpose of the research was to investigate the effectiveness of online purchasing attributes on company performance. A case study on Telone Zimbabwe. The purpose of the research were to find out the impact of web quality on customer loyalty, to determine the effectiveness of e-payment system on sales volume and to determine the eff...

Influence Of The Rebranding Strategy On Brand Preference: Case Of The Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation (Zbc).

ABSTRACT This research study sought to investigate the influence of the rebranding strategy on brand preference: The case of Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation. The research sought to fulfil objectives such as the influence of digitalisation on perceived quality, influence of change in television content on brand likeability and the influence of change in programming on repeat business. Internal rebranding definition was drawn from Juntunen et al (2009) and the elements of brand preference wer...

The effects of mobile money transfer services on traditional banking services offered by banks: Case Study of BancABC.

ABSTRACT The Zimbabwean banking sector has experienced turbulent times resulting in the closure of many commercial banks due to liquidity problems or shortages which has also had its repercussions, as many people lost faith in the formal banking sector due to such uncertainty and perceived risks. The main aim of this research study was to investigate the effects of mobile money transfer services on traditional banking services offered by banks. A case of BancABC. The objectives of this study ...

The Impact Of Generic Strategies On Company Performance: A Case Of The Bakery Industry In Zimbabwe

ABSTRACT The study sought to find out the impact of generic strategies on company performance; a case of the bakery industry in Zimbabwe. The researcher therefore seeks to establish whether the varying efforts made in implementing generic strategies is generating results or not and also what can be done to enhance results of the same. The following are the objectives of the research: to find out the ways in which bakeries are applying cost reduction strategies, to identify focus strategies th...

The Evaluating the effectiveness of advertising controversial products on consumer purchase decision

ABSTRACT The study aimed at evaluating the effectiveness of advertising controversial products on consumer purchasing decisions with special reference to Savanna Tobacco Company and it was carried out from July 2015 to November 2015.The main aim of the study was to measure advertising techniques suitable for communicating controversial products in terms of consumer attitudes, purchase intentions and demand patterns. The research results followed guidance of three main objectives that are: exa...

The Influence Of Green Advertising On Sustainable Plastic Packaging Waste Disposal: Case Of Beitbridge Urban Households.

ABSTRACT As a consequence of diverse human activities such as plastic littering, the planet has suffered rampant pollution resulting in the global outcry for the reduction of carbon footprints by individuals and organisations through engaging in eco-friendly activities (World Bank, 2018). Thus, the present study was meant to examine the influence of green advertising on sustainable plastic packaging waste disposal. A Case of Beitbridge urban households. To this end the researcher incorporated...

151 - 165 Of 676 Results