Marketing Research Papers/Topics

Role and Importance of Marketing to Manufacturing Firms in a Competitive Market Environment (A Case Study of De-United Foods Industry Limited Producer of Indomie Instant Noodles)

ABSTRACT The primary objective for any profit oriented organization in to maximize profit and minimize lost among other objective. This in that survival mechanize for such organization. However, achieving these stated objectives and others given along with some environment elements which are not within the control and capacity of the organization. Among these external elements or environment factoring competition. The nature diversity and dynamic competition  in the market determines the str...

The Impact of Marketing Research on New Product Development (A Case Study of Nigeria Bottling Company, Ilorin)

TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER ONE 1.1Introduction 1.2Statement of the Problem 1.3Aims and objectives of the Study 1.4Significance of the Study 1.5Scope of the Study 1.6Limitation of the Study CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Concept of New Product 2.2 Process of New Product Development 2.3 Rationale for New Product Development 2.4 Concept of Marketing Research 2.5The Rationale for Marketing Research CHAPTER THREE RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.1Research Population and Sample 3.2Research Design 3.3Instr...

An Application of Marketing Concepts in the Telecommunication Industry in Nigeria (A Case Study of Globacom Nigeria)

ABSTRACT This study researched into the application of marketing concept in the hotel industry in Nigeria using Kwara Hotel Ltd Ilorin as a case study. It examined the impact of marketing concept in Hotel industry.  Marketing survey was conducted to elicit opinion on previously formulated hypothesis. The study discovered that without the concepts of marketing in hotel industry the provers cannot make profit.  It was concluded that application of marketing concepts it helps hospitality indus...

The Effectiveness of Personal Selling in Marketing of Petroleum Products in Nigeria: A Case Study of Total Nigeria Plc

ABSRACT Personnel selling is face contact with the potential customer.  Personnel selling is moving from the place of production to the place of distribution to shown or demonstrate the production or cajowque of the product to the potential or existing customers.  Other strategies of personnel selling will be pin pointed in the project.  TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Pages i Certification ii Dedicationiii Acknowledgmentiv Abstractvi Table of Contentvii CHAPTER ONE BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY 1.1 In...

Role of Personal Selling in the Marketing of Petroleum Products in Nigeria: A Case Study of Total Nigeria Plc

ABSRACT Personnel selling is face contact with the potential customer.  Personnel selling is moving from the place of production to the place of distribution to shown or demonstrate the production or cajowque of the product to the potential or existing customers.  Other strategies of personnel selling will be pin pointed in the project.  TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Pages i Certification ii Dedicationiii Acknowledgmentiv Abstractvi Table of Contentvii CHAPTER ONE BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY 1.1 In...

The Significance of Branding to Effective Marketing of the Tobacco Products in Nigeria (A Case Study of International Tobacco I.T.C.)

ABSTRACT This study researched into significance of branding to effective marketing in Nigeria for market penetration.  It examined the significance of branding to effective market penetration.  The study wet further to evaluate the poor quality branding exercise on the market penetration and its effect on the organizations concerned.  marketing on previously formulated hypothesis.  The study discovered that effective marketing of consumer product determines the level of sales as opposed ...

Role and Importance of Marketing to Manufacturing Firms in a Competitive Market Environment (A Case Study De-United Foods Industry Ltd, Producer of Indomie Instant Noodle)

ABSTRACT The primary objective for any profit oriented organization in to maximize profit and minimize lost among other objective. This in that survival mechanize for such organization. However, achieving these stated objectives and others given along with some environment elements which are not within the control and capacity of the organization. Among these external elements or environment factoring competition. The nature diversity and dynamic competition  in the market determines the str...

Branding and Marketing of Pure Water in Ilorin Township (A Case Study of Ayobat Pure Water)

ABSTRACT This research work deals with branding and marketing of pure water in Ilorin township, about satisfaction by the competitor that the regulatory system. The problem aims at solving some of the questions that might arise in the branding and marketing of pure water. The method of data used in the project was primary which include questionnaire and chi – square correlation  analysis that was prepared for the testing of the hypothesis. During the period of finding, the researcher was a...

The Marketing Implication of Privatization of Government Parastatals (A Case Study of African Petroleum)

TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE PAGEi CERTIFICATIONii DEDICATIONiii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSiv TABLE OF CONTENTSvi CHAPTER ONE 1.0Introduction1 1.1Background History of Privatization 3  1.1Statement of problem of the Study5 1.2Aims and Objectives of the Study5 1.3Significance of the Study6 1.4Scope of the Study7 1.5Limitations of the Study7 1.6Definition of Key Terms8 CHAPTER TWO : Literature Review 2.1 Marketing Concept and Definition9 2.2 Petroleum Marketing Defined 16 2.3 Pricing Policies and Strategy of...

The Relevance of Marketing to the Banking Industry (A Case Study of UBA Plc)

TABLE OF CONTENTS CERTIFICATION DEDICATION ACKNOWLEDGEMENT TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER ONE:- INTRODUCTION 1.1         Background to the study 1.2         Statement of research  problem 1.3         Aim and objectives of the study 1.4         Significance of the study 1.5         Scope of the study 1.6         Limitation and constrains to the study CHAPTER TWO:- LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1         Concept of marketing 2.2      ...

Satisfaction and Retention: A Key to Business Survival (A Case Study of Berger Paints Nigeria Plc)

PROPOSAL The importance of consumer satisfaction and retention as a key to business survival can be fully appreciated when one realizes the dominant role it plays in the organization (Private and Public sector) and the nation's economy at large. Consumer satisfaction is the mainstay of an organization in that any firm that fails in this area will barely break even. It improves, increases business activities, and promotes economic growth. These projects continue five chapters, each chapter con...

Satisfaction and Retention: A Key to Business Survival in Nigeria (A Case Study of Berger Paints Nigeria Plc)

TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Page                                                                                          i Certification                                                                                     ii Dedication                                              ...

The Relevance of Marketing to the Banking Industry (A Case Study of Uba Plc)

TABLE OF CONTENTS CERTIFICATION  DEDICATION  ACKNOWLEDGEMENT  TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER ONE:- INTRODUCTION  1.1Background to the study  1.2Statement of research  problem  1.3Aim and objectives of the study  1.4Significance of the study  1.5Scope of the study  1.6Limitation and constrains to the study  CHAPTER TWO:- LITERATURE REVIEW  2.1Concept of marketing  2.2Marketing mix Variables  2.3Marketing philosophies 2.4Functions of marketing  2.5The Evolution of Bank in Nigeria  2....

The Determinant of Choice of Promotional Mix in the Marketing of Financial Services in Nigeria (A Case Study Of Uba)

TABLE OF CONTENT CHAPTER ONE: BACKGROUND TO THE STUDY 1.1              Introduction 1.2              Statement of problems of the study 1.3              Aims and objectives of the study 1.4              Significance of the study 1.5              Scope of the study 1.5.1        Theoretical scope 1.5.2        Geographical scope 1.5.3        Industrial scope 1.5.4        Time scope 1.6        �...

Significance of Automatic Teller Machine to Enhancing Customer Relations in the Nigerian Banking Industry (A Case Study of Diamond Bank Plc Ilorin)

ABSTRACT For any organization’s survival, constant maintenance of customer relationship is vital. One of the modern ways of enhancing this effectiveness is the use of automatic taller machine other wise know as branchless banking. Although the usage of this machine is too mechanical. For the purpose of collecting and secondary source of data collection was used. To this end, for any organization to maintain and facilitate effective customer relation in banking industry automatic teller mac...

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