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Effects Of Credit Assessment Determinants On Credit Uptake In The Agricultural Financing Sector In Kenya: A Case Of South Imenti Sub County, Kenya

Food Security is a vital cog in every fiscal and monetary growth of all countries worldwide. It is a state when all people have economic, social and physical access to nutritious, safe and sufficient food that meets food preferences and dietary needs for a healthy and active life at all times. Lack of funding confines farmers’ productivity and improved income hence a major impediment for farmer’s especially small-scale farmers in third world countries. The purpose of the project was ...


ABSTRACT This study was carried out to assess the food consumption pattern and micronutrient intake of  mothers in Ojo Local Government Area in Lagos State. One hundred and eighty respondents  were selected randomly. Data was collected using food frequency and anthropometric data  such as height, weight and body mass index. Other date collected include the socio-economic  and demographic characteristics of the respondents. The data were analyzed using descriptive  analysis such as freque...


Limited or poor food separation techniques into fine particles for further processing cause post-harvest losses of food crops and initiates the problem of food and nutritional insecurity in Nigeria. In order to solve this problem, food crops need to be processed into a lasting and nutritious consumable form through the use of mechanization. Different materials in powder form or solid form are separated by using two-level screening machines. This machine can be used in different industries lik...


ABSTRACT   Attempt was made to produce wood pellets from sawdust using locally sourced binders as an alternative binder, to wood lignin which is a natural binding agent. Wood pellets were produced by manual moulding with starch concentration of cassava and potato starch as the process variable. Results show similar behavior between pellets bonded by cassava, and potato starch, But differs slightly in the case of calorific value and smoke analysis, it shows that smouldering produce the highes...

Design and Construction of Enhanced Security Door

ABSTRACT  Security is one thing human should not joke with, especially in today’s world where crime is at a higher rate. One of the ways of providing security is the introduction of security doors in houses, companies, offices and warehouses. Security doors may prevent or control entry or exit, or they may be merely decorative. Larger doors can be used for a whole building, such as a castle or fortified town, or the actual doors that block entry through the gatehouse. Today many doors are ...

Determinants Of Employee Job Satisfaction Among County Government Enforcement Officers In Kenya The Case Of Nairobi City County

ABSTRACT This study sought to investigate the determinants of employee job satisfaction among county government enforcement officers in Kenya by taking the case of Nairobi City County. Given how crucial job satisfaction is among employees today, employers are always seeking ways to ensure that their employees are satisfied at work in order to get the best out of them. For this reason, this study sought to ascertain the determinants of job satisfaction among county government enforcement offi...

Secondary School Design for Enugu State University of Science and Technology (ESUT) A Study on Using Architectural Elements to Combat Security Problems

ABSTRACT  Security is a very vital factor for human growth and development. It has also become a major recent issue in buildings and especially, school buildings. Ensuring security in buildings is a collective endeavour with each individual, government, organization, and community having its own role to play. The architect, who is the master builder, is chiefly responsible in ensuring that the built environment meets requirements of security. This report studied the various techniques of ach...


Abstract Mobile technology is one of the most successful technologies on the African continent. Personal and professional communication as well as critical services like banking and remittances are widely made through mobile networks and platforms in Ghana. However, little is known about the security of the underlying infrastructure and devices consumers use to interact with the mobile network. The focus of this project is to determine if the core systems of the mobile network operators, the ...

Design and implementation of a computerized security information system

DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF A COMPUTERIZED SECURITY INFORMATION SYSTEM (A CASE STUDY OF NIGERIA POLICE FORCE)             TABLE OF CONTENTS Cover page Title page Certification Dedication Acknowledgement Abstract Organization of the work Table of contents     Introduction 1.1   Background of the study 1.2   Statement of problem 1.3   Purpose of study 1.4   Scope of study 1.5   Limitations 1....

The impact of Village Savings and Lending Associations on Rural Livelihoods: A case of Vheneka Village: Chipinge district

Abstract Village savings and lending associations have become a strength to consider in regards to the reduction of worldwide rural poverty. The popular proposition is that by enabling poor rural households access to loans and other microfinance services, the rural populace can then embark on income generating activities which will help them in dealing with numerous adversities that the rural populace face such as unemployment, lack of access to health services, low household food consumptio...


ABSTRACT Electronic commerce and electronic business are the inevitable mediums of exchange in an increasingly wired world. To better understand the problems and perspectives of electronic payment systems, it is wise to look at not only the current systems in place, but to also examine what the future may hold. This research work describes the characteristics of current systems in place and provides a brief analysis of how each works.  Secure electronic payment system is presented in this pa...

The Refugee Influx and Security in Uganda: A Case Study of Kiryandongo Refugee Settlement

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATIONAPPROVALDEDICATION iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENT ivABSTRACTLIST OF TABLES ixCHAPTER ONE 1INTRODUCTION 11.1 Introduction1 .2 Background of the Study1.3 Statement of the Problem 21.4 Purpose of the study 31.5 Research objectives 31.6 Research question 31.7 Hypothesis 41.8 Scope ofthe study 41.8.1 Content scope 41.8.2 Geographical Scope 41.8.3 Time scope 41 .9 Significance of the study s1.10 The Conceptual Framework 6CHAPTER TWOLITERATURE REVIEW 72,1 Introduction 72.1.lTheoretic...

Investigating the effects of two cowpea (vignaunguiculata l walp) leaf harvesting intervals on grain yield.

Abstract  Cowpea (Vigna Unguiculata L ) has a variety of uses in Zimbabwe. The crop can be used as food, leaves as vegetable for human and stems as fodder for livestock. Maximising both leaf, grain and the above ground biomass yield of the dual purpose cowpea is one of the ways to improve food security in the country as well as nutritious hay in winter for livestock thus ensuring sustainability in agriculture which is being threatened by climate change. A research was carried out to find out...

Multi-tiered Security Architecture For Information Infrastructure Protection In Selected Commercial Banks In Kenya.

Information technology evolution and the spread of internet connectivity have enabled globalization which allows communication and transaction of businesses across different countries. To ensure information infrastructure protection, understanding how the organizational, individual and technical aspects all together affect the outcome in information security is important. Having the necessary skill required to be able know how to react or what action to take in the event of a security in...

121 - 134 Of 134 Results