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Climate-Smart Agriculture Technology Adoption And Impact In The East Gonja District Of Ghana

ABSTRACT  Climate Smart Agriculture has been introduced as a viable solution to tackling the climate change challenge across the world. It is believed to have the potential of increasing resilience to the impacts of climate change while simultaneously increasing crop yield and incomes of farmers and reducing the emission of Greenhouse Gases. The aim of this study was to determine the factors contributing to the adoption of CSA practices in the East Gonja district of the Northern region of Gh...


ABSTRACT Cotton production plays an important role in farmers’ livelihood in the Gezira State in the Sudan. Cotton is the main cash crop produced in the scheme. However, sustainability of cotton production in the Gezira Scheme has been an interesting issue, especially, after the noticeable deterioration of the cotton industry in the last few years. This study determined the environmental and economic sustainability of cotton production in the Gezira Scheme as perceived by farmers who are t...

Assessment Of Floodwater Harvesting Infrastructures In The Namibian Cuvelai-Etosha Basin

Abstract The Cuvelai-Etosha Basin lies in north-central Namibia and due to the prevailing climatic situation, the basin is dominated by strong seasonal and annual variations of either very dry conditions with drought or heavy flooding in certain years. A growing population in the Cuvelai-Etosha Basin has resulted in increased demand for water for daily use and agricultural activities. Floodwater Harvesting Infrastructures are considered to be a more effective way to solve those problems. Henc...

The Contribution Of Little Ruaha River To The Income Of The Adjacent Households, Iringa, Tanzania

ABSTRACT This research for assessing the contribution of Little Ruaha River to the income of the adjacent households was conducted in four selected villages. The main focus was on assessing how individuals, households and communities depend on the river for their income. Specifically, the study aimed at examining the river regime changes for the past 47 years, assessing the main economic activities practiced by people in the elected villages, determining the contribution of the river to the ...

Influence Of Common Interest Group Membership On Productivity Of Smallholder Indigenous Chicken Enterprise In Kisumu East Sub-county Kisumu County Kenya

Extension strategies that stimulate commercialization of smallholder farming aim to increase agricultural productivity. The National Agriculture and Livestock Extension Programme (NALEP) working with smallholder farmers introduced Common Interest Groups (CIGs) approach. CIG is a congregation of farmers brought together for the purpose of imparting technologies to increase farm productivity. When farmers come together through indigenous chicken Common Interest Groups, it is expected that ...


ABSTRACT The study was conducted to analyse production risk and technical efficiency of lowland rice farms in Ashanti region using adjusted stochastic production frontier. Cross sectional data for 2014 cropping season was collected from 200 sampled rice farms using multistage sampling technique. The results of the study revealed very low utilization of improved seed (42.8 kg/ha) by famers as against the standard quantity of 100kg/ha. Among the farm inputs used, fertilizer and improved seed we...

The Effectiveness Of Urban Agriculture As A Survival Strategy Among Gweru Urban Farmers In Zimbabwe

ABTSTRACT Almost 70 percent of the respondents maintained that urban agriculture is important for them as they use all the produce for household consumption. They also highlighted that the crops provide them with fresh supplies and a variety of food cheaply. Almost the same number of people produces less than 6 bags (50 kg) of maize yearly. About 18 percent produce 7-15 bags while the rest could not quantify their produce. Some rear chickens and pigs for sale and grow crops in order to feed t...

Impact of Ngos Intervention on Capacity Development of Small Scale Farmers: A Case of Ward 5 of Mutasa Disrtict.

ABSTRACT.  NGOs have played a pivotal role towards capacity development of small scale farmers through provision of agricultural information. This study assesses the impact of NGOs intervention on capacity development of small scale farmers in ward 5 of Mutasa district in Manicaland province. The objectives of this study were to assess the capacity needs of farmers, evaluate contribution made by NGOs to enhance capacity of farmers in ward 5 of Mutasa District as well as to assess the challen...

Effectiveness Of Deficit Irrigation Scheduling On Crop Water Use Efficiency- A Case Of French Beans In Njoro Nakuru Countykenya

ABSTRACT Producing enough food in Kenya to better feed people and generate adequate income for the farmers is a great challenge. This challenge is likely to intensity, with a population that is projected to increase to 66.3 million in 2030. Scarce water resources and growing competition for water will be reduce its availability for irrigation, which necessitating major changes in irrigation management and scheduling in order to increase the efficiency of use of water that is allocated to agr...

Gender Influence on Soil Fertility and Water Management Technologies Uptake among Smallholder Farmers in Tharaka Nithi County

Abstract Degraded landscapes and soil water stress are long-standing problems to smallholder agriculture in the drylands. Despite the important roles of soil and water conservation in restoring degraded landscapes and improving agricultural productivity, the technologies are yet to be adopted to their fullest extent. This can be attributed to gender-linked disparities in agricultural technology utilization. This study, therefore, sought to evaluate gender-specific choice and use-intensity de...

Effect of research and development on agricultural sector growth in the East African community

his study empirically examined the effect of research and development on agricultural sector growthin East African Community from the year 2000-2014. According to the endogenous growth theory,research and development leads to increase in the stock of knowledge which in turn has got spill overeffects hence leads to economic growth. However, little is known on the effect of R&D on theagricultural sector in the EAC hence the study sought to bridge this knowledge gap. The objective ofthis study w...

Access And Use Of Dairy Agricultural Information By Small-Scale Young Farmers In Murang’a County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Access to agricultural information influences the farming practices adopted by farmers. Information centres are charged with the responsibility of ensuring that there are adequate, relevant and up-to-date information resources for all. Dairy farmers need frequent access to information on nutrition, breed, health status, environment, and among others to cope with modern dairy farming practices. Inefficient access and dissemination of dairy agricultural information can negatively affec...

Actors’ Interactions And Farmers’ Participation In Agricultural Projects: A Case Of Ripat-Sua Project In Morogoro Tanzania

EXTENDED ABSTRACT Studies on farmers’ interactions in agricultural projects have reported on the importance of the interaction of farmers with other actors on their participation in agricultural projects and subsequent adoption of agricultural technologies. However, there has been little interest on the influence of farmers’ interactions, alternative income-generating opportunities and biophysical conditions of the farmers’ geographical locations, on farmers’ participation in agricul...

Use Of Biofertilizer Produced From Fermented Organic Wastes In The Production Of Okra

ABSTRACT The experiments were conducted at the Department of Crop Science Analytical Laboratory and green house of Faculty of Agriculture, University of Nigeria, Nsukka. Experiment one was an analysis of the nutrient contents of fermented and unfermented plant waste materials using the official method of analysis of Association of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC). Experiment two was on assessment of the effects of plant wastes and different forms of organic manure fermented for one or two...


Abstract: In Ethiopia, agriculture has been at the core of the development strategy. To improve the prevailing low level of production and productivity, the government has been undertaking financial sector reform, to help boosting agricultural production and reducing rural poverty. In cognizant to the need for rural financial services as articulated in ADLI strategy, MFIs and SACCOs are being promoted to cater financial services to farmers. This study aimed at assessing the impact of village...

916 - 930 Of 965 Results