ABSTRACTEducation is the key element in the prevention of child domestic work at the same time childdomestic work is one of the main abstracts of education at the basic level. Child domestic workhas assumed alarming proportion of the world over and most especially in the developing world.Literature indicates that child domestic work is the main obstacle of human resourcedevelopment which is the necessary ingredient of National Development understanding theintei~lay between education and child...
TABLE CONTENTDEDICATION ................................................................................................................................ 1DECLARATION ............................................................................................................................ 2APPROVAL .................................................................................................................................... 3ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ................................................
ABSTRACT The qualitative study investigated the causes of girl child dropout in Kisomoro subcounty The study was guided by the following objectives; to establish the institutional factors leading to school dropout, to find out if there are some cultural factors in society which cause girls to dropout of schools, to establish if the government policies have influenced girls to dropout of schools and to find out if family background has influenced girls to drop out of school. The study utilize...
AbstractThe study attempts to investigate and explain the poor performance of English Language. A casestudy of Adekokwok Sub-county, Lira District. The main objective of the research is to identifythe factors affecting the performance of English language in primary schools.The study is to be conducted both quantitatively and qualitatively and it will involveheadteachers, teachers and pupils. The quantitative techniques which involve use of semistructuredquestionnaires and the qualitative tech...
ABSTRACTThis study was carried out to analysis the factors affecting early childhood primary education inKenya, Poywech primary school, Kabiemit zone-Keiyo district was used as a case study. Data wascollected through the use of interviews accompanied by observation and questionnaires.The study involved a sample of 50 respondents from school; these were all involved in the school’scurriculum activities at different levels.The study found that there are many children who go for early childhoo...
ABSTRACT This paper explores the effect of using guidance and counseling to curb down administratioji of corporal punishments among the pupils of Lubaale primary school in Katuulo Lwengo District. Guidance and counseling plays a major role in the learning-teaching process in order to maintain the retention and discipline of pupils while at school. Primary schools are expected to be socially responsible, support local communities and ensure equal supply of guidance and counseling to all stake ...
ABSTRACT The intellectually challenged learners have been met with many difficulties and obstacles in life in the societies they live in. examples of these problems are discrimination, rejection, neglect, child maltreatment, use of derogatory language and negative attitude towards them. Some of their parents see them as a burden and a sign of bad omen to the family. They are regarded worthless and cannot be benefited from. In some societies they are misused of uncivilized traditional practice...
ABSTRACTThis study set out to investigate on the parents contribution towards the formaleducation of their children in Mukuju Sub-county. The study was guided by thefollowing objectives: -(1) To identify the requirements that are important as far as the formaleducation is concerned, (2) To determine the reasons why parentsare un able to support the pupils' education and (3) To identify thestrategies that can be used to enable forward education of the pupilssucceed.The research methodology use...
AbstractThe major purpose of the study was to determine the impact of Free Primary Education on EarlyChildhood Education in Owimbi Zone, Madiany Division, Rarieda District, Kenya. The specificobjectives of the study were to; investigate the Impact of free primary education on theenrollment of early childhood, to determine the Impact of free primary education on the qualityof teachers of early childhood education and to asses the Impact of free primary education onresource allocation to early ...
ABSTRACT The study focused on the impact of poverty on parents participation in early childhood programmes in Sololo division in Moyale district It was a cross sectional survey which involved pre school teachers and pre school parents and guardians as respondents. The findings revealed that parents' poverty will adversely affect their participation to early childhood programmes in sololo Division. There is need for parents to actively support the ECD programme for survival and continuity. The...
ABSTRACTThis study examined the role of culture beliefs and practices towardsthe education of mentally retarded children in Nyeri District, Kenya.0The objectives of the study were identify and analyze the attitudes ofthe community to the mentally retarded people in Aguthi Zone; and toanalyze the community Tolerance and acceptance of the mentallydisabled persons in Aguthi zone.Qualitative and quantitative designs were employed where convenientsampling was applied to select the five primary sch...
ABSTRACTThis was a research carried out to established effects if integrated and inclusivelearning in Bahati division. A case study of our lady of victory school.The researcher used case study approach in analyzing data. The researcherused questionnaires to collect data from respondents who included; headteachers, special unit teacher and the teachers.Major findingsLack of sensitization of teachers has affected integration and inclusion oflearners with special needs. Support given to these le...
ABSTRACTThis study was carried out in Rubaga division of Kampala city with an intentionto determine and identify the outstanding challenges of Universal PrimaryEducation in Uganda, while reflecting some selected government aided primaryschools in Rubaga division as an illustrative example. On this note, all otherauthors' works similar to this particular study were revisited and this formed thebasis of the researcher's review of related literature. A descriptive survey designwas employed since...
TABLE OF CONTENTSTABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................................... iiD ECLARA. TIO N ........................................................................................................ iiiDEDICATION ............................................................................................................ ivACKNOWLEDGEMENT .......................................................................................... VAPPROVAL ........
ABSTRACTThis study investigated the effects of early pregnancy on the performance of the girl child insecondary schools of Akalo Sub County Kole district. It was aimed at identifying the causes ofteenage pregnancies among students and how they affected their academic performance in thetwo selected secondary schools as well as putting across amicable solutions for this challenge inKole District. To achieve the objectives of the research, the researcher used a mixed methodapproach of qualitativ...