ABSTRACT This study is on the role of the School Head in effective implementation of the competency-based curriculum in rural primary schools in Hwange District. Study objectives were: to explore the roles and responsibilities of school heads as curriculum leaders; to determine how school heads manage curriculum change for effective curriculum implementation; to establish resources that must be available to ensure effective curriculum implementation in schools; and to proffer strategies that ...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to develop character among E.C.D ‘B’ learners at Gresham Primary School. This was achieved through an action research where folktale songs were taught as a way of developing the character of E.C.D ‘B’ learners at the school. The population comprised of all E.C.D teachers and learners at Gresham School whereas the sample consisted of four E.C.D teachers and thirty three E.C.D ‘B’ learners. Data was presented both in the qualitative and quantit...
Abstract The aim of this study was to assess the challenges faced by caregivers in implementing inclusive education at ECE level at Lotshe Primary School in B.A.T cluster, Reigate District. A qualitative approach and descriptive survey design were used in this study. The population consisted of ECE teachers and parents. The sample comprised ten teachers and five parents. Purposive sampling technique was used to select the participants. Questionnaires were used for teachers while interviews we...
Abstract The researcher presents an ethnographic study of the hogwana ceremony and tjigubhu dance and songs that are performed by the Bakalanga people of Sigangatsha village in Matabeleland South in Zimbabwe. There is limited literature based on the study hence the researcher developed the concept from a broader view by looking at African traditional ceremonies and music. She then narrowed down to the specific ceremony under discussion. Research questions were formulated in Chapter One and th...
ABSTRACT The study was designed to investigate condom uptake among prostitutes in Jacha. The study attempted to fulfil the following objectives: ascertain what condoms are, establish the benefits or importance of using condoms, identify strategies to promote condom accessibility and acceptability in Jacha as well as ascertain who initiated condom use between sex workers and their clients. The rationale of this study lay in the fact that condoms have been proven to significantly prevent unwant...
Abstract The purpose of this study was to collect Ndandanda dance songs for documentation for the benefit of future generations. In order to collect data on Ndandanda songs, an ethnographic research design in the qualitative form was employed. Participants were selected using the purposive and snowball sampling techniques. Data instruments such as participant observation and semi structured interviews were employed to collect the much needed data for this study. The songs that were collected ...
Abstract Residents of wards 12 and 13 in Mberengwa depend on subsistence agriculture for their livelihoods. These residents incorporate weather forecasts in agricultural decision- making especially in decisions that relate to crop production. The residents of the two wards, have since developed their own indigenous weather forecasting systems that they use in conjunction with meteorological weather forecasts for agricultural planning purposes. This study examines the perceptions of th...
ABSTRACT This study sought to investigate the micro financing by Agribank in wards 3, 4, 11 and 12 of Mbare in Harare. Mbare is one of the oldest townships in Harare and has the poorest people in the city (Moyo, 2008). Therefore, Agribank earmarked to bring development in the area thereby reducing poverty, creating employment and promote gender equality. The study is principally qualitative and quantitative in nature as it sought to provide an in-depth analysis of micro financing by Agribank....
ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to find out the factors causing low pass rate in Mathematics at Grade Seven level in Kwekwe Rural District. The study was of significance because of the noted trend of low pass rate in Mathematics from the year 2015 to 2017. The qualitative research design was used to generate data in detail. The interview and observation guides as well the document analysis were the data generating instruments used in the study. A sample of twenty students, four Grade Se...
ABSTRACT The poor performance of students in Social studies at the Junior Secondary School Certificate Examination level, which is associated with students poor mastery of the social studies concepts, was the motivation for this study. This study used on innovative strategy of enhanced concept mapping with the use of instructional materials as a frame of reference for effective teaching and learning of social studies. The study was carried out in two phases, the survey and experimental phases...
ABSTRACT The march towards progress and modern development is of first priority to most countries of the underdeveloped world. Consequently, it is imperative that inhabitants of these areas begin the search for solutions to this problems based on empirical findings regarding its approach and content. The purpose of this study is to verify the effects of a communication workshop (CW) on attitudes conducive to modern development. Modern development here is limited to individual psychological ...
ABSTRACT Nursing Education is a humanistic science which focuses on the intellectual development of the learner, compassionate concern for the sick, rehabilitation of the disabled and care for the dying. Hence the goal of nursing education reflects the needs, problems and aspirations of the society. Despite the series of reforms in nursing education, in response to societal needs and challenges, basic nursing education curriculum under investigation has not been evaluated since its introduct...
ABSTRACT This study examined the relative effectiveness of Family Counselling Therapy and the Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy in reduce burnout among married working nursing mothers. The moderating effects of participants‘ personality type, childrearing styles and spousal communication on burnout of married working nursing mothers were also investigated. The study also sought to determine if participants‘ family size, gender of children, age at and length of marriage, educational qual...
ABSTRACT This study examined the impact of school self-evaluation training on improvement of basic schools in Brong-Ahafo Region, Ghana. A total of 85 Junior High School (JHS) teachers and 129 JHS two students were sampled from three public basic schools in the Sunyani Municipal Education directorate. The participants from the three selected schools were assigned to one of the two training groups or the control group. The municipality, circuits, schools and a JHS two stream were selected usi...
Abstract This article focuses on the critical roles of information communication technologies (ICTs) couple with its potentials and emerging challenges in fundamental development of individuals, institutions and government in developing and developed countries. The paper examines various developmental projects that had been carried out in most essentials area that affect the life of people; from rural communities to urban cities, and across the border lines of most countries. Thus, it brought...